December 9th, 2012

[info]pretty_canary in [info]reality_crisis

Not a Dream, but Not Reality (Bruce)

Since that first kiss, there had been a few more stolen kisses. In spite of all the confusion, that definitely made for a bright spot in her days. Dinah found that she looked forward to time spent with Bruce and kissing. Oh yes, she did like kissing him.

Currently, they had found a little more time for that particular activity. She was happily doing that when everything changed. In an instant, all of the vague memories flooded back almost painfully. She no longer had that lighthearted sensation of a 13 year old in the throes of her first major crush. Instead, there were years of memories-both painful and good, and a whole host of emotional baggage that might make it harder to just throw herself into something with reckless abandon.

All of that aside, she didn't stop mid-kiss. An attraction and feelings of a sort had been building between the man in question and herself for months really. And she wasn't going to complain about this moment in time-even if reality was threatening to creep in and she was sure that he'd push her away once the fog lifted.

For the moment, she simply kept her hands around his waist, where they'd been before things changed. She tried to ignore the creeping headache from the flood of memories that had suddenly returned.

[info]city_knight in [info]reality_crisis

Things you should know (Enigma)

He didn't know Effie in his world but apparently she knew him in hers. Only she knew he and Batman as two separate people. She was also someone who used to be considered a hero and now wasn't. Dinah had known her in her world and wanted to try to help her back onto a different path.

Bruce was of two minds over that. Sometimes you couldn't change people. Sometimes you just had to accept what was part of them and deal with it as best you could. But sometimes people didn't want to be who they had become and with a little help they could change.

His own discovery of how selfish he was through Rachel was a good example.

Apparently in her world she'd tried to kill him at least once. Bruce wouldn't let his guard down around her but as a gesture he was coming to her first to tell her who he was before she found out through someone else. It was a chance at trust hopefully. As much as he could offer anyway.

The city wasn't that big and Bruce didn't think she would hide from him so he went out to look for her.