August 31st, 2012

[info]fangsinpink in [info]reality_crisis

Play that funky music, white boy (Pastor John)

Pam gave the woman one more nuzzle, healing the two small wounds on the donor's neck. It was possibly somewhat affectionate, but it seemed to help the donors. It made them believe they were cherished. Then again, it was a little like petting a cow after milking it. Or petting it as it feeds, fattening up before the slaughter? Pam wasn't sure; she'd never had to bother with the cows after all.

"Remember to have an extra portion for dinner and to rest. You've the day off tomorrow." She didn't need to glamour the woman; she didn't glamour the volunteers unless she needed to, say like when the pastor had been turned. The donor left, and Pam sat for a moment, relaxing in her seemingly all too prim and stiff way. As she "relaxed," she heard something. It was a sound she'd not heard in the building before, and one she hadn't heard in any building for some time.

She rose, brushing out her skirt, and headed out of the sitting room to find why such a noise existed. Who would bother with it here? She sped through the house, peeking into different rooms, and came to a full stop when she found who would do..that.

"How very human of you." She took up a lean in the doorway. She looked more like a school girl than a vampire edging ever faster to multiple centuries old.