August 21st, 2012

[info]hellcatabby in [info]reality_crisis

One day looks an awful lot like the next (open)

So what do you do when you end up in an apocalyptic alternate world that looks at you like you're some sort of foreseen savior? Well you sure as hell don't go to Disneyland.

Since ending up here she and King were put in an arena with control collars on to play gladiator, met Batman and Superman, were cursed by a fairy, and had to deal with a rain of frogs, snakes and spiders as big as a hubcap.

There were a few good people around here and a few that she really didn't like. Other than that it seemed like a kind of pointless wandering around for the next weird thing to hit so they could deal with it and distract themselves. Abby was starting to think that they needed to find something to do like their old hunting group just so they had a reason to get up and get moving in the mornings. So far she hadn't really mentioned it to King. Abby hated to put that unhappy look on his face and she wasn't sure if he was feeling that same itch to jump into something like more hunting just to keep busy. Yes, he had to be kept busy because he was the poster child for ADHD compulsive behavior but that didn't mean he'd want to hunt.

There was an open space near the wall of the city where she'd set up a target range for her bow so she could keep in practice. When she really needed to move around Abby would take her things out there and shoot for a while. It was a very zen turn off your mind sort of thing to shoot a bow. Each draw of the arrow, slow breath of air out of your lungs then release cleared the mind. The solid smack of the arrow into the bullseye each time didn't hurt either.

Once her quiver was empty she walked over to start pulling the arrows out of the target so she could start again.

[info]goofymagicnerd in [info]reality_crisis

Well, Hello There! (Lara Raith, closed, complete)

Molly. Everything that started to turn Molly into what she was today started with him, her teacher. That wasn’t sitting well with Harry. He’d apparently dragged them all to Chichén-Itzá to retrieve his uh…his..daughter the thought of that he would deal with later…from the Red Court vampires all of whom he apparently killed in the process. Those deaths had affected his apprentice. Molly was highly sensitive to magic and emotions. Being at ground zero for genocide broke her. It was all his fault. As usual.

Harry was going to have to square with that, and with Molly. Soon. He knew that. He just wasn’t sure how he was going to do that. Show him a seventy foot oogey boogey from the under belly of hell spitting luke warm acid phlegm and Harry would have a plan in under three seconds that would send the beasty back to hell with as minimal property damage as possible. Ask him to deal with the touchy feely emotional interpersonal crap and he was floundering. He also knew he had a tendency to avoid dealing with it. He knew that too. This was why he took long walks.
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[info]wayward_soldier in [info]reality_crisis

Brotherly Love (Dean)

Sam had managed to get a little bit of sleep the previous night. He was still unnerved at both the nightmares and the fact that John was guest starring in them. There was a lot to hash out and he was only now prioritizing. The demon before anything else. He needed to make sure Fred was okay and then he could go about trying to sort out what the hell was going on with his own brain.

Sam let himself into the apartment that he didn't spend all that much time in these days and looked for his brother. But first, he noticed that his bedroom door was open.

At first, he might have thought that Dean was snooping around or something, but then he spotted the boxes. Sam was hesitant at first because he didn't tend to trust things that appeared out of nowhere, but eventually his curiosity got the best of him and he opened the first one.

By the time he got to the fourth-and last-box, Sam was a bit taken aback. He would have to ask Dean about it when he got back because there were... books. Lots and lots of books. Some of them were books that he thought only Bobby owned. Some were books that had belonged to his grandfather. Others were unfamiliar but could come in very handy all the same.

Sam's first instinct was that somehow Dean had broken into Belia's library and gotten ahold of these, but he really hoped that his older brother would have taken him along for something like that.

[info]hasaplan in [info]reality_crisis

Iron; Revised (Open)

Tony wasn't sure if he was happy or upset with being thrown back into the dead world. The City had been modern. Current. Extremely comfortable, especially after being trapped here for a while.

But he did NOT like being around another version of himself, and after being bailed out of jail had avoided him like the plague, instead living it up in the nightlife of the other world.

Now that he was back here he was disappointed and aggravated, but relieved to be back with his suit, and now he'd found himself with some supplies from the City that were very welcome. Good alcohol, some of the better and more finessed tools from his laboratory, and a supply of clothes from his own closet. They were all definitely making being here a lot better.

The only thing he really lamented loosing out of everything was Annie. She hadn't returned with him, and he could only assume that the City he'd been taken to was the one she'd mentioned being from. And maybe it had kept her there. Well, the company would be missed, but Tony wasn't one to dwell. Besides, she was a little gearhead. It was better that she be in a world that could nuture her potential. And his other self would undoubtedly find and employ her. Or she would find him and then he would employ her.

After a few days of intense work; and one of the bottles of good bourbon he'd otherwise decided to savor, Tony had finished the upgrades and finishing touches to the Iron Man suit. He'd focused on the mechanisms to get himself in and out of the suit with much more ease, since he no longer had assembly line machines built to take it off him. He'd also added in an additional scanner set and replenished the rocket supply. He also worked on m

Then it was ready for a confirmation run. Tony loaded himself into his suit, pleased when it adapted to his body the way it was supposed to. He left the apartment building out of the roof access, looking at the world through the eyes of his greatest creation.

He took off to run a pass over the woods, absently muttering notes about the suits performance to himself. Jarvis wasn't there to hear him, but it helped him to remember nonetheless. After making an initial pass the inventor noted a group of large rodent creatures mulling out a bit close to one of the gates.

"Great. We've been reduced to Loiter patrol," he rolled his eyes. The suit would probably be agreeing with him. He wondered what it would addspecifically, since it always seemed to have an opinion or two to share with Annie back when she could speak for it. "Well, let's go in."

He swooped in, using the propoltion technology to blast apart a rock near the creatures, sending them scurrying. One turned like it was ready to fight, but Iron Man slammed into the ground, throwing all of his weight into a punch that killed the thing outright, then landing on one knee. The rest of the small pack seemed to take a cue from the sight and disappeared, and Tony stood, looking down at the thing.

"So. Dinner, or roadkill?" he wondered, analyzing the body with his scanners and then sliding back the faceplate of his helmet as he knelt by the creature, giving its still body a contemplative poke with one finger. "They really need to make a survival manual for this place."