June 11th, 2012

[info]in_crisis in [info]reality_crisis

Welcome to My World (Peter)

There were more new people. Belia could swear that they were coming in faster than ever. While there was the chance that the addition of more chosen ones could tip the scales in their favor, Belia was still too pessimistic to believe that all would be a force for good, but that didn't stop her from trying to keep all of them under her thumb.

She had chosen to meet with Peter separately. He was a bit of an unknown quantity to her. So much power, yet she couldn't quite peg what he might do in this situation. He had too much power to be handled carelessly. They all had too much power really, but some were more likely to play well with others.

She waited patiently in the room that had been used so frequently for visits with newcomers now. Waited for this particular chosen one to respond to the summons.

[info]girlinacave in [info]reality_crisis

The story to tell...(Fred/Sam log complete)

Fred paced in her apartment, glad that she could leave it now without getting bitten or thudded by something; only she was staying just where she was, waiting and pacing.

Nothing, in all this time. She had found nothing in all the books Sam had finagled out of Belia. She was sure it had to be somewhere. She’d been avoiding the others who had been part of the deal; they didn’t seem so willing to free themselves, and they probably knew better than she did. She just couldn’t go willingly into all of this, not this easily.

She knew that Sam would show up soon; they’d gotten into something of a small routine. It was time for him to show up. He didn’t always sleep over, but she did see him almost daily, which made her happy. They weren’t connected at the hip, which also made her happy. He was there for her, and she was there for him. Only, keeping this bit about the demon a secret seemed...not at all there for him.

So, she paced. She’d found someone who was willing to share some fruit they’d managed to find, or more she was able to barter for some fruit. It seemed like a way to soften the blow? She wondered if it would be a blow at all. She hated keeping secrets, and this was one that was starting to weigh on her.

“Now if he’d just come home...”

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