May 7th, 2012

[info]girlinacave in [info]reality_crisis

Time for a little girl talk? (Cordelia with a Sammy cameo!)

Fred giggled as she kissed Sam. She knew he'd have to leave eventually, but she wasn't being very helpful. They were at least dressed after breaking in the new-to-Fred(-and-Sam) bed. Actually they probably made very good use of the new place, but not so loudly that people might complain. Hopefully, anyway.

They'd had breakfast, and Fred knew she'd have to look at some of the cooling systems. She'd get to them. She had given her word about it. Sam was trying to be helpful. He'd been returning the kisses that she'd been giving, and possibly throwing a few of his own. They'd made it to the door, and he was actually standing outside the apartment, somewhat.

"We could wait just a little longer." She had managed to get dressed herself. She smiled up at him, her fingers playing with the bottom of his shirt. She hadn't been so very open with Charles, possibly. People didn't seem willing to see Fred in this way perhaps. She had been somewhat reserved with him, only somewhat.

"Oh! Don't forget! I want you to meet Cordy! I don't know when would be a good time, but you have to meet her. She lives right there." The brainy Texan motioned to her friend's door. "I'd go knock on her door, but I don't want to wake her."