April 12th, 2012

[info]i_am_cigam in [info]reality_crisis

I'm still miffed at you (John Constantine)

Zee hated it when she and John fought. Somehow she always ended feeling like she was the one at fault. It frustrated and upset her. Bruce had been a long time friend of hers and she was grateful for the opportunity to perhaps be friends with him again. It was a chance to eliminate the wrong she'd done to him not that long ago in her memory. John felt that Zee was just setting herself up again. It went downhill from there.

She wasn't avoiding John exactly, but she wasn't exactly inviting attention either. She spoke when spoken to, but limited any other conversation that didn't have anything to do with their argument. She wasn't going to budge this time.

[info]dl_greenarrow in [info]reality_crisis

What in the World...? (Chloe Sullivan and...OTA?)

One minute the two of them had been walking up the stairs on the way into Watchtower, and then he missed a step (which generally never happened to Oliver), and then he was falling, tumbling backwards, a startled shout escaping him. He hit the ground hard, wind knocked out of him. Groaning a little, he shut his eyes for a moment until he could breathe again, half-expecting to sit up and find Chloe staring down at him from her place on the stairs with an exasperated expression on her face.

Instead, he found himself staring up at trees. Huge, towering trees that he was certain had never been there before. Blinking, he pressed a hand to the ground to help him sit up. "What the hell..."

Watchtower was gone. How the hell did a building the size of Watchtower simply vanish? As his senses started to return to him, he asked himself a better question: when the hell had a forest sprung up in the middle of Metropolis, Kansas? He felt the hair stand up on the back of his neck the way it usually did right before a major lightening storm popped up while he was patrolling. He looked around slowly, both surprised and somewhat relieved to see that Chloe was there, too.

"I know this is cliche, but I've always wanted to say it anyway." He raised his eyebrows at her. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Dorothy."