March 13th, 2012

[info]bravelilsoldier in [info]reality_crisis

It's time to play the stubborn game! (Dinah, Castiel, Zatanna, John, Sam?)

The damn ROUSes were either smarter than they looked, or they were being directed. Eventually the trio were standing outside the forest. He was actually considering going back in, but thought better of it at the moment when he saw the snouts peeking from the edge of the forest, as if to remind them that the woods were not so sweet and innocently empty. Eventually the trio had to give up on the forest, and Dean could finally go see his brother. Maybe beat some sense into him before he did something stupid.

"We'll come back. We won't just leave him in there." Dean had told Dinah, promising that they'd return for the Superkid. He didn't want her to stay behind, or try to go into the forest alone. She might have had her curse lifted, but who knew what the fairy would do to Dinah on another trip. He didn't like the idea that she could be surrounded by those overgrown rats either.

Taking the lead, Dean got them back to Jackson's camp. He had been this way before with Sam walking Fred back. He honestly didn't think he'd be coming back to get his brother this way. Maybe coming back for the blowout the Fred chick had invited Sam to, if it could really be considered a blowout, but not to keep his brother from committing one extremely stupid acct, no matter how much the Sasquatch thought it was for the good of everyone involved. Dean honestly wondered if Sam could handle what was on the other side of the wall. Dean had a hard enough time with his own hellacious experience, and he'd been dealing with demons only, not two archangels, even though one was fallen.

"Okay, Cas. Where is he?" He looked to the angel to take them where they needed to go.