20 April 2009 @ 11:35 am
QAF Fandom InsaneJournal News -- 04/20/09  
Hi, everyone!

Yes, yes, you've heard all my excuses... work, writing, family, blah blah blah. I won't bore you with that, but I will mention fandom's been anything BUT boring lately!

Since the last issue, there have been "Small Things Made Large" challenge fics... a new challenge announced... a fast and dirty porn challenge... marathons, meta, picspams, drabbles, icons... even a new community and a wedding!

We've just wrapped up episode 313 -- lovely banner by [info]maybe742 -- and are about to watch 314 over at [info]qaf_marathons. If you love that episode (and who doesn't?), you won't want to miss it!

I've been doing some fandom tweeting on Twitter -- you can follow me here! As long as I can tell you're from fandom, I promise to follow back! And if you're into hashtags, I've been using #qaf, #ij, and #fandom.

There's also a new QAF asylum in town! It's called [info]qaf_prompts and it's a do-it-yourself challenge community; come give fic writers something to inspire us! And remember: if you're new to QAF, new to fandom, or new to IJ: [info]qaf_comingout!

New Icons and Graphics! [info]kari77 gave a good home to a bunny suggested by [info]happier_bunny at [info]qaf_bunnies... and now we have animated "All QAF, all the time" icons -- one for each season! [info]kari77 also created some amazing "ice cream kisses" icons and a colorbar; Brian icons from episode 303 by [info]qafmaniac; black Jeep icons by [info]michira_70; some great Rage icons by [info]not_yet_defined; and FIFTY OMG so pretty Pretty Hair icons by [info]brianslave68!

icon by jameserinIn other fandom news: [info]qafmaniac and [info]blond_boy got, ummm.. married. Sort of. Come celebrate here -- and hey, it was okay with his boyfriend, so why should we mind? And be sure to bookmark the IJ of [info]philflam, who continues to post her QAF philflamericks, quizzes, and other fun stuff for the IJ fandom. [info]plasticine_star brought us four weeks of Sunday Brian Sunday. And the beautiful "gaze of love" series continues at [info]teh_daily_love!

The second phase fics for the Small Things Made Large challenge at [info]qaf_challenges were posted... master list here. And there's a new challenge in town, and it's a clusterfuck! No really... it is! But if you write fic or meta, or create any kind of graphics or icons, or make vids, there's something there for you. Sign-ups end on Wednesday, so hurry! (Note: this challenge is being held on both InsaneJournal and LiveJournal.)

icon by pfodgeGot meta? We do! I hosted a spur-of-the-moment mini-marathon of episode 122; [info]jule1122 reconsiders the "Pink Posse arc, [info]circadia poses an unanswerable and yet fascinating question about 513, and bunny and I post a picspam/meta about "Crying Justin", all at [info]qaf_coffeeclub; my reflections on the different branches of fandom and protecting your fannish privacy in the age of social media and also, QAF and race.

Fic recs: [info]qaf_retread's got 'em! First, "Raw" and "A Necessary Fluid" by LJ's burnitbackwards; "Get Enough" by Ethan; and "Cherry White" by LJ's reinabelle; "Inferno" by LJ's jane2005; triciaqaf's Holding On; I sneak in to rec "Inside Spaces," some classic toppy!Justin from reinabelle; two schmooptastic fics by [info]suzvoy; and OMG one more by reinabelle: "The Sunshine Seeks my Little Room." Wow, that's a lot of classic fic! Don't say you have nothing to read, yo!

Plus: Master list of fics for the latest [info]bj_action erotica challenge, "Brian asks Justin to fuck him -- without words"; the posting frenzy continues at [info]_love_qaf_fic -- be sure to post new fic there! There've also been many great prompts and a couple of condom wars at [info]qaf_drabbles. The current prompt is Vacations, but don't miss Tease, cock, Hurt/Comfort, and more!

Icons in this issue: On the post: Justin on IJ by [info]nerilka24; foreshadowing icon by [info]jameserin; animated "All QAF, all the time" icon by by [info]kari77; prom icon by [info]pfodge; Brian and Justin by [info]brianslave68; Justin reading by [info]nanoa.
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xie_xie_xie[info]xie_xie_xie on April 21st, 2009 11:11 am (UTC)
We actually talked about this back when the asylum was started, and I think it might even be in a comment on the newsletter, LOL.

I agree that the decision to lock an asylum or comm is up to the maintainer, and that their reasons for doing that, like yours, can be good. My policy of not linking to locked posts isn't that I judge the people who locked them; I don't. But this newsletter is meant to be a way to draw people into our fandom there by showing them what's going on -- including letting them know about comms they might want to join -- but I feel that linking to locked posts just makes people feel left out. I know it's a huge irritant to me when I follow links from recs and newsletters and they're locked.

Again, just to be clear, that doesn't mean I don't think people should lock posts, or that I don't know there are very good reasons for locking things down.
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