Below is information about the "Queer As Folk Coffee Club" asylum on InsaneJournal. To join this asylum, click here. You may leave the asylum at any time.
Welcome to the qaf coffee club. As the name suggests this is an informal place to have a chat about Queer as Folk fanfic. While I'd like to limit discussions to only Brian/Justin fanfic, I won't. However, NO Brian/Michael...EVER.
IMPORTANT RULE: All graphics or discussions containing adult content MUST be behind a cut. Failure to do so will result in your post being deleted. Thank you for cooperation.
This is the place for writers to come and ask for advice from other writers, and readers. Feel free and safe to discuss any plot points you want, including characterizations, angst, process questions, or any issue you'd like.
Readers are also encouraged to start general discussions about topics, but please no flaming. Topics must relate to the show only. Plot points, characterization etc, this means no posts about the actors please.
Off-topic posts WILL be deleted.
This community features material of an adult nature from the Showtime cable show Queer as Folk, NO ONE UNDER 18 is permitted. If you're under 18, please go away because if I find you here, I will ban you. If you're a parent wondering why your under 18 child has been here, it's because you're not actively parenting.