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Queer as Folk Prompts

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Don't Be A Drag, Just Be A Queen [Oct. 30th, 2012|12:07 pm]

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Hi Everyone!
A while back, I had this idea (because it's QEII's Diamond Jubilee) to compile some prompts related to all the ways 'royalty' comes to mind in QaF world. And since tomorrow is Halloween, I thought I'd share them with you all to inspire some costume themed (or whatever) fics and graphics. There's no deadline or anything (however something quick, short, and soon would be awesome), but use the 'queer jubilee' tag if you post something here.

Go forth and be merry! :D

Prompt Table )
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The Brian Kinney Cliff [Oct. 4th, 2011|03:33 pm]
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[Current Mood |aggravated]

Title: The Brian Kinney Cliff
Rating: T
Length: 1,900ish
Series: Queer as Folk
Summary: Brian Kinney keeps pushing people off of his cliff. Justin keeps coming back up it. Post 513 Written for the Moment of Truth Prompt by _alicesprings (self-edited I am looking for a beta)

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HELP QUEENSLAND [Jan. 16th, 2011|11:13 pm]
So I'm sure most of you are up to speed on this, but for those who aren't...

There's a fic auction being held HERE to raise funds for Queensland, Australia.

There are hundreds of writers offering fic and art in a variety of fandoms with all proceeds, of course, going directly towards the flood appeal. The idea is, you leave a comment on your chosen authors thread with a bid (ie. $5) and that author will write you a fic.

Information on making donations can be found here

If you are unable to make a donation, please consider offering art or fic as an alternative - it would help out a lot.

You can find my entry here.
I'm offering fics and drabbles with any prompt or pairing. Or alternatively, any timestamps to any of my existing qaf fics.
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LOGAN EDWARD TAYLOR [Nov. 8th, 2010|12:21 am]
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Author: [info]cherry_kiss_8
Pairing: canon
A/N: Written for the 'FATHER AND SON' prompt way back in January. Thanks to [info]_alicesprings for the prompt, and huge love to [info]adoringaudience for the extensive beta'ing.

Summary: His name is Logan Edward Taylor. He was born at 3.30pm, on Wednesday, 14th May and weighed 7 pounds and 4 ounces.

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Headstrong [Aug. 11th, 2010|01:18 pm]
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Title: Headstrong
Author: [info]qafkinnetic
Rating: PG
Summary: Inspired by the "Kinnetic gossip" prompt. A stranger observes the communication and subsequent reunion of Brian and Justin in 3.08.


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Prompt [May. 16th, 2010|04:21 pm]

I thought of this prompt while watching season 2.

Prompt: The black duffel bag, or Justin's black duffel bag.
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Fic/Drabble Prompt [Apr. 14th, 2010|09:46 am]

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As Fire, so aptly put it: The Rest of 308
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New Prompt! [Apr. 14th, 2010|09:55 am]


In bed!

Ahh, so many visions...
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New Prompt! [Apr. 12th, 2010|09:04 am]



Have fun!
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A Good Idea [Mar. 22nd, 2010|02:52 am]
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Title: A Good Idea




Prompt: It seemed like a good idea at the time.

A/N: Set sometime in Season one or two. Brian comes home to a mess.


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Fathers and Sons Mini Challenge! [Mar. 17th, 2010|03:39 pm]

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Thanks to our participants in the Fathers and Sons mini challenge!

If you signed up but didn't finish in time, it's not too late! Please post your fics here whenever they're finished. And don't forget you can leave prompts or fic here any time!

Here are the two stories which were posted.

Fathers and Sons by [info]qafkinnetic

Family Ties by [info]frantic_quest

Be sure to leave a comment for our writers to let them know their efforts are appreciated!
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Family Ties [Mar. 15th, 2010|12:55 am]

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Title: Family Ties
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Prompt: Fathers and Sons
Summary: Sooner or later, all kids ask questions about where they come from,even Brian Kinney's son. But will Brian decide to answer?
Author's Note: Thank you to [info]sunshinyday5762 for her beta skills. This is a little late for the East Coast weekend, but it's still Sunday somewhere. This reads as a stand alone but I may come back to this at some point because Brian as a dad is not somewhere I normally visit in my fics.

”Family )
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[Mar. 14th, 2010|12:26 am]
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Title: Fathers And Sons
Author: [info]qafkinnetic
Prompt: Fathers And Sons
Summary: Three short bits about a father and his son.

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Reminder Post! [Mar. 11th, 2010|09:50 pm]

Mini Challenge fics for the Fathers and Sons prompt are due to be posted this weekend!

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Everything's Great [Mar. 8th, 2010|09:34 pm]

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[Current Mood |busy]

Title:Everything’s Great

Rating: PG for references to violence…if you squint and tilt juuuust right

Author’s Notes: For the prompt “Fathers and Sons”. I really loved writing it. Although I wrote it waaaaay in advance and then got scared of posting it early....then missed the original deadline...I'm posting it now! yea! I'm so on top of things! >.>

here )
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Mini Challenge Extension! [Mar. 8th, 2010|09:42 pm]

The new deadline for posting your fic in the Fathers and Sons mini challenge is next weekend - March 13/14.

Good luck, writers!
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Mini Challenge! [Feb. 25th, 2010|08:38 am]

Don't forget there's a mini challenge for the theme Fathers and Sons going on at [info]qaf_prompts. You post your own fics on the weekend of March 6/7.

Go HERE to sign up!
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Mini Challenge! [Feb. 21st, 2010|01:23 pm]

The poll got some mixed results, so I basically picked at random! The theme will be Fathers and Sons!

Fics are to be posted here in the asylum at any time during the weekend of March 6/7.

If you'd like to sign up, please leave a comment!


And a reminder that you may write for any of the prompts here at any time!
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Mini Challenge Time! [Feb. 20th, 2010|10:53 am]

I think it's time for another mini challenge! What do you think?

Poll #4918
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Writers, are you ready for a mini challenge?

View Answers

4 (66.7%)

1 (16.7%)

Ticky Ticky!
2 (33.3%)

Which prompt should we use?

View Answers

"Brian, I have some bad news."
4 (66.7%)

Fathers and Sons
2 (33.3%)

B/J under the stars of Pittsburgh
1 (16.7%)

It seemed like a good idea at the time
0 (0.0%)

The moment of truth
2 (33.3%)

Some other new prompt which I will mention in the comments
1 (16.7%)

Writers will have about two weeks until fics are to be posted.
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Opening Line Prompt (another one!) [Jan. 25th, 2010|08:31 pm]


"Brian, I have some bad news."
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