This community aims to keep the Queer as Folk love alive. We will be posting suggested episode/s for viewing with a relevant topic for discussion. Most of our topics will have a Brian/Justin slant. In addition we encourage all members to host their own marathons and discussions.
Rules. We're really laid back so there won't be many rules. We will enforce no Brian/Michael, though. Just be sure to keep things on topic. This community is for marathon discussions only, and please, no flaming.
IMPORTANT RULE: All graphics or discussions containing adult content MUST be behind a cut. Failure to do so will result in your post being deleted. Thank you for cooperation.
This community features material of an adult nature from the Showtime cable show Queer as Folk, NO ONE UNDER 18 is permitted. If you're under 18, please go away because if I find you here, I will ban you. If you're a parent wondering why your under 18 child has been here, it's because you're not actively parenting.
THANK YOU so much to the incredibly talented silent_seas for the lovely color bars marking our First Anniversary. Please feel free to snag one for your own profile page!