Below is information about the "Retreading the Best of Brian and Justin Fanfic" asylum on InsaneJournal. To join this asylum, click here. You may leave the asylum at any time.
The aim of this community is to focus on Queer as Folk fanfic, specifically the Brian/Justin pairing! We're here to re-read and rehash the old and the new. We hope to find new and undiscovered fanfic too. We encourage readers to give feedback to the authors we rec.
Rules. We don't have many rules, but we will enforce the following: NO Brian/Michael, NO badfic, NO flaming and NO putting recs in your comments or we'll have to delete them.
In addition, this is strictly rec community and not a forum for critiquing fanfic. If you feel the need to do that, please contact the author. If you're unhappy with the way that we're running this community, we will harbor no hard feelings if you choose not to join us.
This community features material of an adult nature from the Showtime cable show Queer as Folk, NO ONE UNDER 18 is permitted. If you're under 18, please go away because if I find you here, I will ban you. If you're a parent wondering why your under 18 child has been here, it's because you're not actively parenting.
Here's some party favors made especially for qaf_retread by the incredibly talented silent_seas. Screencap credit goes to: ibedesign, kwaf, and ENJOY!