03 March 2009 @ 05:16 pm
QAF Fandom InsaneJournal News -- 3/03/09  
Hi, everyone!

Trying to recap the crazy week we've had in the InsaneJournal QAF fandom would take more time than any one person realistically has, especially since I'm still working on my "Small Things Made Large" challenge fic!

We've had a friending party, marathon, trivia contest, drabblemania, and more... under the cut!

The biggest news this week is the Second Annual Friending Party! All fans, old and new, lurkers and the ones who never shut up like me are invited to comment on the post if they're interested in new QAF friends on IJ! We're at over 1400 comments as of this afternoon, and if you thought the fandom was dying... well, all I can say is, yowza, that's a lotta newbies!

Then there's the ongoing Asylum Insanity Trivia Contest Round One, Round Two, and Round Three! Come join [info]qaf_comingout to meet the newbies and see future rounds!

[info]qafmaniac made both these lovely banners and also an incredible collection of "Class of..." QAF icons like the one I used on this post, to indicate the year you first came to fandom, or delurked, whichever feels "right" to you! Although I first watched the show in December of 2005, I chose 2006 because that's when I first found fandom and also when I finally delurked, to ask [info]teary_eyed2 a question (amusingly, it was about something mean someone had said about Justin; some things never change). We have every single year from 2000 to 2009, so fly your fangirl flag proudly!

icon by nerilka24In other fandom news: [info]fun_demented hosted a special marathon of Episode 101 last weekend... come read and comment here! 308 comments so far, plus [info]nerilka24 made gorgeous 101 icons, and there's a follow-up conversation in about Brian's motivations and behavior in that episode [info]qaf_coffeeclub... check it out! And [info]philflam is posting her QAF philflamericks on IJ for the edification of anyone who never saw them, newbies, and those who just for whatever reason lived under a rock until now. Hysterical!

icon by pfodgeThe second phase fics for the Small Things Made Large challenge at [info]qaf_challenges are due Friday evening -- it's not too late! Info here! I already have 10 fics... who knew there were so many early birds in this fandom?

Got meta? We do! Thoughts on "Is that your idea of true love, Sunshine?" scene in episode 305 from [info]fun_demented; my reflections on forgiving Brian; the cars of QAF fanfic; weird thoughts on canon ER and QAF fanfic/;[info]happier_bunny has stuff to say about policing the Internet, and asks, "where are Brian and Justin having sex right now?".

Plus: Reflections on episode 204 by [info]circadia; let's talk about music and favorite musical moments at [info]qaf_music; then at [info]making_qaf, [info]flamencanyc wants to hear what you think about the making of Jack's funeral scene, and has a few things she'd like to ask about continuity, too.

Fic recs: [info]qaf_retread's got 'em! First, "Principles" and "Blameless" by the goddess who is LJ's ragingpixie; "Perfect" and "Say My Name" by LJ's bigboobedcanuck; and Pulse Point by, ummm... me. Plus: serial!killer!mermaid!Brian in [info]qaf_crackfic.

In other fic news, there's a posting frenzy going on at [info]_love_qaf_fic; some beta appreciation from [info]notreallyme10, and the new prompt at [info]qaf_drabbles is kind of hard to explain but very, very interesting, so click already!

New Icons and Graphics! [info]pfodge is continuing her icon-making frenzy with 50 new Brian/Justin icons and some Teddy ones, plus some increcible banners; the current icon theme at [info]qaf_icons is "Pretty Hair" -- so new there's no tag yet! And you can vote here on last week's icons with the theme of "The Loft"; we can never have enough rimming icons.

Icons in this issue: "101 is love" by [info]nerilka24; Pulse Point and pride kiss icons by [info]zaipixie; misty Cha Cha and Ted icons by [info]pfodge; Corvette by [info]paddies.
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xie_xie_xie[info]xie_xie_xie on March 4th, 2009 09:28 pm (UTC)
Thank YOU for writing them, and sharing them with us here!
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