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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Challenge #50 Sue-Your-Self [Feb. 4th, 2008|09:13 pm]
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Title: Little Green Apples
Author: Brianswalk
Word Count: 300
Time Line: season 2ish
Condoms: 3 to Brian, please

Little Green ApplesRead more... )
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Challenge #47 Icons [Jan. 13th, 2008|12:35 pm]
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Icon: Partners In Crime
Title: I Owe You Big Time
Author: Brianswalk
Time Line: post S5

I Owe You Big Time

“Sunshine! Guess what I found at a yard sale?”

Glancing up, Justin came face to face with a forgotten nightmare.

“You seemed so upset that you’d left it behind!” Deb enthused.

There, clutched to Deb’s bosom, was the horrific white ceramic cat he’d happily abandoned at Ethan’s years ago.

Panicked eyes darting to Michael’s laughing ones, Justin began, “You shouldn’t have. Really.”

“Ma, Brian will never allow that in the house.” Michael interrupted.

“That asshole—”

“But JR would love it in her room!”

“You think? Do you mind, Sunshine?”

Sending Michael a relieved look, he replied, “Not at all, Deb.”
ETA: Condom goes to Brian
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Challenge #45 Blowjobs [Dec. 31st, 2007|11:06 pm]
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Title: Girl Talk
Author: Brianswalk
Timeline: about 4 or 5 years post 513
Condom: Brian

Girl Talk

“I asked Justin and he went on a tirade about my age. Brian was laughing so hard, I didn’t even bother getting his ideas.” Molly shook her head and sighed. “I know the basics, Daphne, but I’m actually thinking about putting it into practice. If you can’t ask your queer brother how to give an outstanding blowjob, what good is he?”

“He wouldn’t teach me either, Molly, but I know who to ask. You just have to make sure Justin never finds out.”

“Cross my heart, I won’t tell anyone.”

“Come on, then. Let’s go see if Emmett is busy.”

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Challenge #43 [Dec. 17th, 2007|08:35 pm]
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Title: Christmas Lights
Author: Brianswalk
Time Frame: Post S5
Condom: Brian

“The FAA called, Deb.  Your Christmas display is conflicting with runway patterns.”

“Well, the FAA can kiss my ass until January.  My grandbaby’s coming and everything has to be perfect.”

“She can probably see the lights from Toronto,” Brian mumbled.

Debbie turned to Brian, “Don’t you have a son to meet and a partner to visit in New York?”

“I was just dropping off gifts on my way to the airport.”

Sniffing, Deb crushed Brian to her bosom.  “Give my boys a big Christmas hug.  Tell the little fuckers I love ‘em.  You too, Asshole.”

“We love you too, Mom.”
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Challenge #41 Justin's Hoodie [Nov. 29th, 2007|10:21 pm]
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Title: Emotional Land Mines
Author: Brianswalk
Timeline: Anytime, I guess
Condom: Brian

Emotional Land Mines

“Ha!” Justin exclaimed as he plunked down a series of photos from Brian’s teen years.

“Want to give me more to go on than ‘ha’?”

“No more bitching about my hoodies. Photographic evidence that you had the same style inclinations at my age.”

Justin could sense the immediate shift in Brian’s mood. “It’s not a hoodie. It’s a sweatshirt,” Brian corrected.

“What’s the difference?”

“I wasn’t following someone’s fashion trend, Justin. Jack drank away the money that should have bought us winter coats. I was trying to stay warm.”

Justin remained on the couch, stunned, as Brian left the room.

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Challenge #38 Liberty Avenue [Nov. 14th, 2007|01:51 pm]
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Title: Liberty Avenue Farewell
Author: Brianswalk
Timeframe: Way, way post season 5 (I hope)
Warnings: DEATH!DRABBLE, but not the boys.

ETA Condom: Brian Liberty Avenue Farewell

Justin let out a quiet gasp as the limo turned onto Liberty Avenue, causing the others to gaze out their windows.

Hundreds of twinks, bears, leather daddies, and drag queens lined the street, decked out in their best and brightest. Some held hands, some wept openly as the cortège passed. Music roared out as the hearse passed the diner and the mourners turned into revelers.

“What are they doing?” Carl asked.

“Celebrating her life,” Brian replied.

“Look at all those guys,” Michael said. “A bit much, don’t you think, Brian?”

“This wasn’t my doing, Mikey. It’s Deb’s boys saying goodbye.”

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Challenge #35 Fall/Fall Decorations [Oct. 31st, 2007|10:09 pm]
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Title: Kinney Style
Author: Brianswalk
Timeline: Post season 5
Condom: Brian

Kinney Style

Justin stood, hands on hips, in Britin’s front yard. “You’re fucking insane, Brian.”

“What? You wanted us to blend in, so I decorated. Well, I had it decorated. You don’t like it?”

Amazed, Justin glared at the decorations Brian deemed worthy of Britin. The life-sized animated zombies, fog drifting over the tombstones, mechanical bats swooping around on invisible wires, and the eerily realistic thunder and lightening show.

“The neighbors complained their children are terrified.”

“Isn’t that what Halloween’s all about?”

“Sending kids into therapy? We’re not going to get a single trick-or-treater.”

“Then my work here is done,” Brian grinned.
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Challenge #35 Fall/Fall Decorations [Oct. 22nd, 2007|09:10 pm]
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Title: Autumn Gladiators
Author: Brianswalk
Condom: Brian

“Oh my God!” Lindsay snickered.  “What’s going on out here?”

Setting down the camera, Justin began, “Well, we were raking leaves when Gus stuffed a handful down Brian’s pants.  Brian, being the more mature of the two,” Justin and Lindsay looked at each other and grinned, “pulled off Gus’ sneaker and buried it in the pile.  Gus jumped in to get it, Brian pulled him out by his feet, and then all hell broke loose.  I decided it was safer on the porch.”

“It’s a shame,” Lindsay smirked, “Brian might actually stand a chance if he’d stop defending his Armani.”
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Challenge #33: Crossovers/Late Entry [Oct. 10th, 2007|08:43 pm]
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Title: Supernaturally Queer
Author: Brianswalk
Warnings: Brian/Other, Spoilers for Supernatural season 2 finale.
A/N: This is for </a></strong></a>[info]faile02, because she asked so nicely at the beginning of the challenge. I've never posted anything this long without a beta, so feel free to point out any glaring errors. This was supposed to be two drabbles, but I sorta slipped. Ooops.

Supernaturally Queer

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Challenge #33: Crossovers [Oct. 7th, 2007|11:01 pm]
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Title: Sunday Drive
Author: Brianswalk
Condoms: Four for Brian

Read more... )
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Challenge #33: Crossovers [Oct. 6th, 2007|11:21 pm]
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Title: Brian and Justin Make a Quantum Leap
Author: Brianswalk
A/N: I adored this show.
Timeline: Season 4 cancer arc
Condom: Brian

Brian and Justin Make a Quantum Leap

“Justin, I’m sorry, I acted like a complete and total ass. It’s just that I’m scared. I’ve never had to face something like this before and I’m… I don’t know how to handle this.

"I just want you to know I love you. Despite the way I acted, I’m glad you’re here to help me through this.”

“Oh, God! It’s terminal!” Justin cried out.

“No, no, Justin. I’m fine! I just wanted you to know that I don’t want to lose you. Ever.”

With that, unseen lights surged and crackled as Sam “leaped” into the body of super-agent Ari Gold.
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Challenge #33: Crossovers [Oct. 4th, 2007|10:37 pm]
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Title: The Very Truth and Nature of Love
Author: Brianswalk
Timeline: Pre-series. Waaay pre-series. During the final scenes of Shakespeare In Love
A/N: I gave myself such a headache with this one!
Condom: Brian

The Very Truth and Nature of Love

“If that woman is a man, by God, I’ll sup at whatever lays beneath those silks.”

“Hush, Bryan, someone may overhear! The Queen herself has deemed Master Kent a man, thou dare not show dissent. I agree the illusion is remarkable…”

“Harken to me, Justus. Art thou harkening?”

“Aye, Bryan.”

“’Twas no illusion, Justus. Master Kent is a woman, I’d wager my manhood upon it. Master Shakespeare and Master Kent are engaging in nefarious activities. Methinks the Queen is turning a blind eye.”

“It matters not, Bryan. Man or woman, ’twas not dramatics we witnessed this day. ’Twas truly love.”
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Challenge #32 Eating Out [Oct. 3rd, 2007|01:59 pm]
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Title: Visiting Vic
Author: Brianswalk
A/N: I tried to come up with the most off beat place for someone to eat.
Condom: Brian

Visiting Vic

“Emmett, are you sure this isn’t illegal?” Justin asked as they crunched their way through the leaves blanketing the cemetery.

“Oh, heavens no! As long as we don’t litter, no one will bother us. We did this all the time back home.”

“When Deb invited us, I thought she’d gone nuts. She said it’s an old Italian custom.”

“Many cultures believe it’s a show of love and respect to have a picnic on their loved ones’ graves,” Emmett explained. “It lets them know they’re missed.”

“Well, it gives me the creeps. We’re gonna be out of here before dark, right?”
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Challenge #32 Eating Out [Sep. 30th, 2007|09:54 am]
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Title: Yo Quiero Taco Bell
Author: Brianswalk
A/N: I've never had to do research for a drabble before. Also, thank you to [info]wepox for his smart ass contribution.
Condom: Brian

Yo Quiero Taco Bell

“Even though your lunch consists of a bottle of water Brian, I can’t believe you’re sitting here willingly.”

“You said this is where you wanted to eat and you know I’d do anything for my luv muffin.”

“Please, Brian, stop before I hurl. Seriously though, you scare me when you’re so agreeable.”

“I have no objection to putting a few pesos into their coffers after all they’ve done for me.”

“What do you mean?” Justin asked.

“‘Think outside the bun.’ That was my campaign.”

“You mean…”

Grinning evilly, Brian responded, “Yes, I’m the one that killed that fucking annoying Chihuahua.”
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Challenge #32 Eating Out [Sep. 26th, 2007|08:45 pm]
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Title: Another Time
Author: Brianswalk
Condom: Brian

Another Time

He let the memories wash over him.

A boy of five or six years.
Loud bottle blonde waitress.
She pinched his cheeks and gave him extra vanilla ice cream on his apple pie.
Laughing with his Pops and Uncle Kevin over last night’s Pirates game.
Before everything went so very wrong.

“I said, I’m not eating here.”
Justin’s voice pulled him out of his reverie.
Brian stared wistfully through the windshield at the faded diner sign and worn out building. Dust from the parking lot settling on the `vette’s pristine surface.
“No,” Brian replied. “I thought this was another place.”
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Challenge #31: The Definition of Happy [Sep. 26th, 2007|02:13 pm]
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Title: Word of the Day
Author: Brianswalk
A/N: I thought I was finished yesterday, but Emmett started jumping up and down saying "Ooh, me, me! You forgot me!" So here's Emmett's take on the challenge.
Condom: Brian

Word of the Day

Brian, Justin and Ted slid into the booth where Emmett sat dejectedly filling out paperwork.

“What’s up, Em?” Justin asked.

“I’m filling out a matchmaker’s questionnaire. I can’t seem to describe myself.”

“Let’s see what you have,” Ted said pulling the application from Emmett’s hand. “Sunny, chirpy, glad, blissful, and gay.”

“The gayest of the gay,” Brian added wryly.

“This is boring, let’s give you a little zing,” Ted exclaimed. “How about: effervescent, scintillating, vivacious…”

“Effulgent?” Justin chimed in.

Ted and Emmett turned to Justin in astonishment.

“What? I got 1500 on my SATs!”

“The lad’s a genius,” Brian crowed.
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Challenge #31: The Definition of Happy [Sep. 25th, 2007|05:26 pm]
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Title: Lioness
Author: Brianswalk
Timeline: Future
A/N: Happy words do not always mean a happy mood. I give you a little drama.
Condom: Believe it or not, Jennifer


“You can keep your shiny new life, with your prepubescent wife’s sunny smile and chirpy attitude.

“You can go on ignoring the fact that we have a gay son, keep living in blissful ignorance by pretending Justin didn’t almost die twice because of who he is.

“But your only daughter is getting married, you son of a bitch, and she wants you to walk her down the aisle. You will be there, Craig, and you will be glad for her. You will be civil to Justin and his partner. Then you can go back to being the prick you’ve become.”
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Challenge #31: The Definition of Happy [Sep. 24th, 2007|08:05 am]
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Title: Lighten Up, Brian
Author: Brianswalk
Condom: Brian

Lighten Up, Brian

“Come on, Brian,” Justin pleaded. "Stop feeding into the stereotypical gay man thing. It’s a beautiful, sunny day. The birds are all chirpy…”


“Smell that fresh air! Be glad you’re alive!”

“Is chirpy even a word?” Brian interrupted.

“Brian, please. Don’t spoil this for Gus,” Justin said in exasperation. “Camping with you was the only thing he wanted for his birthday. Can’t you at least pretend you’re thrilled, for his sake?”

“You’re blissful enough for both of us, Sunshine.” Brian shook his head and mumbled, “I’ve got to stop agreeing to things when my dick is in your ass.”
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Challenge #31: The Definition of Happy [Sep. 23rd, 2007|08:30 am]
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Title: Over the River and Through the Woods...
Author: Brianswalk
Warnings: Complete suckage
Condom: Brian

Over the River and Through the Woods...

Constance held Justin at arms length and declared, “Sweetie, show me that sunny smile of yours, always so blissful and chirpy!” Turning to Brian she continued, “And who is this handsome devil?”

“Grandmother, I’d like you to meet Brian, my boyfriend.”

“I’m pleased to meet you ma’am,” Brian said, extending his hand.

“Jennifer was right, you are a looker! Justin, you’ve got good taste. Brian, honey, I’m glad to finally meet you. Welcome to the family!” Constance laughed at the surprised look on her grandson’s face. “Oh, don’t look so shocked, Justin. I knew you were gay before you did!”
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Drabble challenge #31 [Sep. 20th, 2007|10:17 pm]
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The Definition of Happy
Title: The Anniversary Party
Author: Brianswalk
A/N: This challenge is definitely a challenge. I vow to do better than this.
A/N 2: Anyone out there actually use the word "chirpy"?
Timeline: Future
Condom: Brian

The Anniversary Party

“What’s the matter, Brian? A little hung-over?”

“Be glad you left when you did,” Brian groaned. “Drinking myself into oblivion was the only way to tolerate them. Even your blissful, chirpy disposition couldn’t hold a candle to that bunch, Emmett.”

“Well, Deb and Carl had a gay old time, and that’s what counts. It was their day after all.”

“I don’t know how Carl has put up with her sunny disposition for ten years.”

“Why not? Justin’s put up with yours for even longer, Brian. Where is Justin, anyway? ”

“Hugging the porcelain throne. He had a wonderful time, too.”
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challenge #29: Blackout [Sep. 11th, 2007|08:21 pm]
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Title: Affirmation
Author: Brianswalk
A/N: I decided to spare you all the death!drabble I wrote. Instead, I give you fluff.
Condom: Brian


Approximately 37.2 seconds after the blackout hit Babylon, the deafening silence was broken by 206 queers shifting into positions more suited to the backroom than the dance floor.

Seven minutes later when the lights flickered on, Brian was still on his knees, Justin’s fingers threaded through his hair.

Justin felt Brian hesitate slightly before he continued on.

“Brian, it’s OK to stop.”

Brian drew Justin’s cock deeper into his throat, swallowed, and pulled back smirking, as Justin struggled to remain upright.

“My reputation was fucked the minute I laid eyes on you, Justin. I was just the last to know.”
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challenge #29: Blackout [Sep. 9th, 2007|06:23 pm]
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Title: Riding Out the Storm
Author: Brianswalk
Timeline: Early season 2
A/N: I had to work at this one. Angst doesn't come easily to my muse, apparently.
Condom: Brian

Riding Out the Storm

“It’s OK, Sunshine. You’re safe, I’ve got you,” Brian murmured as he embraced Justin’s trembling body. His stomach twisted to think of this beautiful strong boy brought to his knees by a summer storm.

He had been barely restraining himself, Brian could tell. When the blackout plunged the already dark loft into pitch-blackness, Justin had launched himself into Brian’s arms.

Jennifer once asked if he knew how it felt to be helpless. He knew all too well; he’s felt it everyday since that day. And there isn’t a damn thing he can do but hold Justin just a bit tighter.
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challenge #29: Blackout [Sep. 7th, 2007|09:02 pm]
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Title: Say "Cheese"
Author: Brianswalk
Warnings: Extreme sappiness
Timeline: Mid season 3
Condom: Brian

Say "Cheese"

Gus shrieked and burrowed further into Brian’s arms.

“Relax, Gus,” he replied. “The storm just caused a blackout.”

“I want the storm to go away, please.”

Justin sat beside the cuddling pair. “My grandma used to tell me that lightning is the angels taking my picture.”

“Really?” Gus looked hopefully at Justin as Brian rolled his eyes. “What about the bangs?”

“That was to get my attention before the flash went off. Next time it thunders, look up and smile at the angels.”



“Cool!” Gus shouted. “But Daddy didn’t smile, Justin.”

“He will next time, won’t you, Brian.”
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challenge #29: Blackout [Sep. 6th, 2007|07:00 pm]
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Title: The Queen of Soul
Author brianswalk
A/N I hope you young ones *get* this...
Condom Brian

The Queen of Soul

“My mother was right, God is punishing me.”

“I’m sorry, Brian. I’m trying to keep calm during the blackout.”

“I can handle your singing, Theodore, but not two hours of arias. Don’t you know anything from this century?”

“I was in a college production of Fiddler On…”

“No show tunes!”

“How about The Beatles?”

“That would remind me that I could be home fucking Justin instead of being stuck in an elevator with you.”

“Um, I tell you this knowing there is immense potential for mocking and contempt.”


“I do a great Aretha.”

“Why, Theodore… Show me some Respect.”
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Challenge #28 NC-17 [Sep. 2nd, 2007|02:52 pm]
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Title: Determination
Author: Brianswalk
A/N: My muse vanished without a trace and came back as a crack whore. I'm not sure if this fits the challenge, if not don't award the condom, I guess.
Condom: Brian


“Justin, what the fuck is that?”

“You said if I could figure out a way to fuck you against the beams you’d let me. Well, I found these online engineering geeks, explained the problem…”

“Excuse me?”

“Relax, Brian, they don’t know you. Anyway, they came up with this non-skid ramp specifically engineered to our height differences. I know I nearly maimed us both when we tried it on the stairs, and you laughed until you hyperventilated when I fell off the stool, but look how sturdy this is!”


“It will be. Now, strip so we can test it out.”
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Challenge #27: Moving Day [Aug. 22nd, 2007|07:41 pm]
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Title: Welcome To Pittsburgh
Author: Brianswalk
Timeline Post season 5
Warnings A bit of angst?
Condom Brian

Welcome To Pittsburgh

Silence continued to reign as the U-Haul passed the “Welcome to Pittsburgh” sign.

“You could have let me drive.”

“If I let you drive, Justin, we’d be in Connecticut by now.”

“So I’m a shitty navigator. But you wouldn’t have gotten the speeding ticket.”

“I was trying to escape your run-on mouth,” Brian replied through clenched teeth.



“Brian, after four years apart, are we really going to start this way?”

After a moment of silence Brian responded, “I feel married already.”

“You don’t want me to come back?”

“That’s the one thing I know I want, Justin.”
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