25 February 2011 @ 01:37 pm
QAF Thoughts  

I've actually been considering writing Recaps/reviews of The Queer As Folk episodes to get my thoughts out there, but I don't know if I'm the kind of person to write and get pictures/screencaps and stuff because I'd probably forget all the stuff I'd ever watch to say so I'm thinking I might just do a Fan-commentary. Watch the episode while recording audio of myself talking about it, that way I couldn't forget anything. Then Again would anyone actually listen to it?

Location: Kinnetic
Mood: creative
25 February 2011 @ 06:42 pm
QAF 30 Day Meme Day 2 - Your favorite QaF season  

Day 2 - Your favorite QaF season

This one Is actually really easy to Answer, It has to be Season Three, yes we did have Brian and Justin Separated for eight very long episodes and every time they were on screen together I had to force myself not to scream at the TV for them to just kiss each other already! But there are so many great moments in this season. We have Brian punching Micheal for saying what he did. Now I know most people may have issuea with this but I loved it because it shows that Brain still cares He doesn't even think he just reacts to someone saying that about Justin and it's a horrible thing for someone to say. We have Brian and the Hustler It's so painful to watch but for him to miss Justin that much it just...it kind of makes you feel like you've had your breath stolen from you for a moment. We had Ted's drug addiction and I will forever love the last scene we had with Ted. "My Name's Ted Schmidt and I think I could use some help" It just makes you worry and yet you're so relieved that he's finally realising that he needs help enough to go and get it. We have that great scene between Ben and Michael when Micheal acts like he's going to inject himself and get HIV and for a second you really think he'll do it, we meet Hunter for the first time and boy do I love that kid. And well I think this season is when we really saw Brian and Justin as Equals, as Partners and How I love their reunion all of the scenes in episode eight are just wonderful and they say so much. But that's left to be typed for another time. :)

Location: The Loft
Mood: cheerful
25 February 2011 @ 06:45 pm
QAF 30 Day Meme, Day 29  
Day 29 - Your favorite QaF fanart (icon, wallpaper etc)

My fav icon is the one I'm using ...it's by [info]ohfreckle

And i've just discover [info]andybj 's amazingly hilarious comics!

[info]url_girl 's doodle comics are awesomeness as well! :o