11 March 2010 @ 10:42 am
A Drabble is a Story with a Beginning, Middle and End and is Exactly 100 Words in Length  
One of the most popular asylums in the QAF Fandom here on Insanejournal is [info]qaf_drabbles. It does go through dry spells, but for the most part, it's pretty hopping. We hope you'll go there and join. And remember to leave the drabblers lots of love, because really, it's all about the love.

If you would like to try your hand at drabbling this week (or any week or, even better, every week), then we are here to assist and encourage you.

Getting Started: This week at [info]qaf_drabbles, it's Author's Choice: you may write about anything you like. For more specific direction: Go HERE to get your five words prompt from [info]happier_bunny. Go HERE if you want to read some tips on writing this type of fiction. You may also practice with the help of myself or others, in the comments section of that post.

Posting Drabbles: And if you're ready to post a drabble to [info]qaf_drabbles, remember to enlist a beta reader to help catch errors. All new drabblers should always use a beta.

Beta Reader (First Reader): To find a beta you can request a beta by posting in your journal, asking for one. Someone will answer. They always do. Even the most excperienced drabble writers use betas. There are times when one might be in a rush and need to pop the drabble up there without a beta (like this week, I wanted to hurry up and post something so others would follow suit), but for the most part, all drabblers use betas. :)

Important Etiquette: make sure you read the rules and guidelines on the asylum profile page before you post. They have a fun game of awarding condoms for each drabble, which is explained and they do have a few rules.