17 July 2009 @ 07:47 pm
Icon Question!  
I've been around 6 months so I probably don't get to clain newby status, so I'll just have to claim ignorant status.

I know that some of you have 5000 available userpics. I have even seen an icon about it(digging the irony of an icon about having icons :D). But, how does one get 5000 userpics?

I am starting to freak out a little, cause I have almost filled my 500 userpics available and I haven't even started to upload the Clusterf*ck goodies!!! I really don't want to have to delete any of my wonderful, tiny bits o'love!

So, if you have them and/or know how I can get them, please let me know! Thanks as always for any help!
Mood: distressed