23 April 2009 @ 07:08 pm
I am a Nosy Little Fucker, aren't I?  
Well, I am that nosy, but we do have a plan.
A fun, super secret plan. You know you want in. Please want in?
*cue Mission Impossible theme song*

What is the date of your Queer as Folk Fandom Coming Out Anniversary?

The date you couldn't contain the love anymore and had to open a journal.
Or first date you talked about QaF in your journal.
To sob.
To read porn.
To cry happy tears.
To rail over the break up.
To discuss the next episode.
To squee over the Season 3 haircuts.
To find YOUR PEOPLE. You know, the ones who understood the love.

When I check my user info page and click on (more details...) at the bottom of the page, it tells me that I created my journal on 3-18-08.
Hard to believe I have only been harassing you kind folks for just over a year, huh?

If you migrated from LJ or a message board, you are a role model. Check it out, what was the date you started?

So tell us, what is your QaF born on date?