22 January 2009 @ 10:05 am
The purpose of this asylum is to welcome new and delurking members of our fandom. We'd love you to help us. Your support as a member of fandom that's been here a while is vital. We hope you'll all join and participate in all of the exciting events we have planned!

We're still working on making the asylum pretty. Look for changes to come soon!

We have a number of things in mind for the coming weeks and months, but we also want your suggestions of how to make this community a success. So feel free to comment here or email us anytime with ideas or input.

One of the things we know we want to do is provide a list of links that might be useful to new members and we're hoping you'll help us compile that list.

We also need your help promoting this community, the more people we reach the more successful we will be. So please, post about us in your journal or asylum and encourage your FL to join us. We'd appreciate it!

[info]notreallyme10, [info]outlander and [info]tweedygal