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Sep. 14th, 2012


Who: Hana and Shizuru
What: Sightseeing and possible conversation?
Where: Tatsumi Port Island, starting at Paulownia Mall.
When: The day before they head back to Kamizaka.

Her sketches weren't meant for anyone's eyes but hers )
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Sep. 13th, 2012


Who: Tenshiro and Ayako
What: Meeting for the first time
Where: Roof Top lunch time
When: May 15, Mid afternoon

Feeding the birds... )


Who: Takuro and Ayako
What: Checking out the bookstore
Where: Tatsumi Port Island
When: Day 5, I think?

Take a look it's in a book, a reading Rainbow...Butterfly in the sky... )

Sep. 12th, 2012


Who: Niko+Tenshiro
What: Roomies~ and possibly bitching times
Where: Their room
When: May 14, pre-recon mission

Even when he took the 'buts' out of it, it sucked. )
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Who: Ami and Ayako
What: Sweet Shop getting souvenirs before they leave
Where: Well the sweet shop
When: Day before they leave the Island

Nom nom nom nom....mmmm Chocolate...and sweets! )


Regionals?! Glee-club's first meeting!

Who: All of Glee, and...
When: In-game May 14
When: Club hours/afternoon
What: Glee club meeting.

They come in to the sound of a piano... )

Sep. 9th, 2012


Who: Niko+Kaito
What: Music Room run in
Where: Music Room, Oozora
When: Post-trip, late afternoon/evening

If listened for carefully enough, a lone guitar's sound could be heard drifting out from the music room. )
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Sep. 3rd, 2012


Post-Rikka thread. Two days after.

Who: Open
Where: Different parts of Tatsumi Island (Hotel Lobby, out in town, etc.)
What: A variety of discussions.
When: One or two days post. At different times of each day.

(Since there's different setting, each one starts with a comment.)

Sep. 2nd, 2012


Who: Shizuru, ???
What: An unexpected visit.
Where: Shizuru's hotel room.
When: May 6th, mid-afternoon.

Alone time? )


Stimulating?! Takeo and Kaito's 'Cup a Feel'

Who: Kaito, Takeo.
Where: Takeo's favorite coffeeshop, "Cuppafeel"
What: Kaito and Takeo have a scheduled talk.
When: Afternoon of the first-available class day, after Golden Week.

The smell of java and tyranny... )
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The day after the Rikka

Who: Itsuki, Niko
What: An early start...
Where: Hotel Room
When: Relatively early in the morning.

At least, early for boys who had gone through a lot last night... )
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Sep. 1st, 2012


Who: Open Group of people who want to go have fun.
What: Going to Club Escapade and/or the Karaoke joint
When: Post dungeon, evening
Where: Starting outside in the Mall Fountain area

Seeking out an escape after all that happened the day before. )

Aug. 31st, 2012



Who: Kiriko & the Team
What: Business
Where: Kirijo Takeharu Memorial Hospital, Tatsumi Port Island
When: May 5th (3rd day)

they've had combat training every day until now okay just go with it )

Aug. 25th, 2012


Who: Niko and Ayako
What: A Date? for lunch
Where: Hakagure at roughly 4 pm.
When: Second or third day

Ramen Ramen and more Ramen. At least it's not Boss's dad's sushi place. )


Who: Takeo and Tsuchi.
What: Hanging out.
Where: Dorm room. Other locations?
When: Saturday evening.

Midnight Wars and stuff. )
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Aug. 22nd, 2012


It's Dangerous to Go Alone, Take This...

Who: Persona users, plus Tom and SPECIAL GUESTS
What: The receiving of weapons, and the training in their use.
Where: A building on the island
When: Saturday May 3rd, In the evening.

With a few exceptions, At some point during the day, each Persona user will return to their room, and inside they'll find an envelope hidden somewhere. The envelope isn't out in the open, but it's hidden some place the P-user would be sure to look. Inside the envelope is a card, written on the card is the following;

9 PM, 3 shops west of the train station. )
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Aug. 21st, 2012


Who: Renju, Daichi
What: Counseling session #2.
Where: Renju's office
When: A few days after the Tatsumi Port Island trip.

The past few weeks had been exceptionally busy... )
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Aug. 20th, 2012


May I speak with you?

What: Counseling with Renju
When: Two days post nest, before the trip.
Who: Renju, Itsuki
Where: Renju's office

Behold the fascinating door. )
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Tatsumi Port Island Trip, Day 1 (Train Ride, ~Free Time~ at Paulownia/Iwatodai, Hotel Rooms)

Who: Persona users
What: Train Ride, Checking In/Night 1 at hotel, ~free time~ at Paulownia/Iwatodai (on Kiriko's dollar)
When: Saturday May 3rd
(hearkening back to this thread~)

Let's hope nobody's face gets tree'd )
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Aug. 19th, 2012


Who: Reina, Akane
What: Library Committee
Where: The Library
When: After school!

Reina wants to be a hipster and like real books, but they're kind of inconvenient. )
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