Prideview Random

February 6th, 2008

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


February 6th, 2008

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Buffy Summers )

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If I have to hear that god damn "there is no spoon" crack one more time-

Heads'll fuckin' roll.

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The Beatles have officially taken over my head-space. Great.

And as for complete and total boredom; it's like a disease.

Pepper, dearest. How's about you and I do somethin' super-duper awesome?

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You know who I love?

Black People. They really have so much to offer. And are just full of history.

And this month.. is the perfect month to celebrate their greatness. February is actually more than just chocolate and romance.

Power to the PEOPLE. HOLLA! Peace.

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I've never seen a blizzard this bad.. Not even in Scranton.

It is times like these where I really appreciate the Subway.

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What- no 'Welcome Home' party?

I've gotta admit: now I'm a little depressed.

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The Gotham library was getting too small. I feel like I can really stretch my abilities here. And the public library here has so much to soak in. I'm ready to get started.

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There are very few things I don't like..

But one is being stood up.

Dan Rydell )

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I think it's time I go out and find some work to do.

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Private to The Doctor )

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Denny )
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