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May. 25th, 2008


LMOM: An Intimate Alliance of Contradictions, part 23/29 (Remus/Peter, Remus/Severus)

Title: An Intimate Alliance of Contradictions, part 23/29 (I hope)
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing (this part): Unrequited Remus/Dwayne, Remus/Frank, brief mention of Remus/Daisy (Spaced fandom)
Fandoms: Harry Potter/Little Miss Sunshine
Characters/Pairing (overall fic): Remus/Peter, Remus/Severus
Summary: "It would take too long to explain the intimate alliance of contradictions in human nature which makes love itself wear at times the desperate shape of betrayal. And perhaps there is no possible explanation." ~ Joseph Conrad
Kinks/Warnings: mentioned: bukkake, orgies, double penetration, paddling/whips, D/s, collaring, cross-dressing, trannies, golden showers, object insertion
Overall warnings: Angst
Challenge: LMOM '08, day twenty-five
Word Count: 2800-ish
Notes: I realise the timeline in LMS canon is very jumbled up here, with Dwayne in school but not talking after enough time has passed for Frank's wounds to have healed. Just let me fudge it, I was writing fast. :P This part is set sometime in the mid-late 80's. Going to be taking some major leaps in time here in the next few chapters. Stick with me! :D Thanks so so much to [info]innerslytherin for the beta-reading!

Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7 l Part 8 l Part 9 l Part 10 l Part 11 l Part 12 l Part 13 l Part 14 l Part 15 l Part 16 l Part 17 l Part 18 l Part 19 l Part 20 l Part 21 l Part 22 l Part 23

The night Remus spent with Spencer left him feeling better than he had the entire year since leaving England. Still, he resisted going back to the club at first. )

May. 23rd, 2008


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 23 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 23/31
Rating (this chapter): NC-17
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Additional pairings, this chapter: none
Kink(s): D/s, toys, fisting, arse-play.
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 2,250
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different wizards as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 23 )

May. 20th, 2008


LMoM: Scentillation (Revisited) #20 [Remus/Sirius, NC-17]

Title: Scentillation (Revisited) #20: Lear
Author: [info]pre_raphaelite1
Pairing: Remus/Sirius + Bill
Rating: NC-17
Kink(s): threesomes, oral, object insertion
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word Count: 685
Notes: All subtitles and summaries are names and descriptions of perfume oils from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and therefore belong to the BPAL powers that be. I'm merely fangirling them with Remus/Sirius pron. And HP belongs to JKR, of course. Click on the [info]pervy_werewolf tag of my username for previous entries.
Today's Scent Description/Summary: A regal, commanding scent, but poignant. White cedarwood, blue sage and bay leaf.

Scentillation (Revisited) #20: Lear )

First person to leave feedback gets to choose the BPAL scent as the prompt/inspiration for the next day’s ficlet! Should this not work out, I'll pick a reviewer at my discretion. Thanks to [info]secretsolitaire for this one.

May. 18th, 2008


LMoM: Final Offer

Title: Final Offer
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash
Summary: A series of 31 interrelated drabbles, chronicling the courtship of Severus Snape.
Word Count: 3100
Written for the LMoM.
Kinks/Warnings: Mild bondage, spanking, object insertion, fisting, cross-dressing, bestiality, and anything else I could think of.
Disclaimer: I do not own them. All are owned by JKR.
Note: This is my all in one-shot offering for the [info]pervy_werewolf’s LMoM Challenge.

Final Offer )

May. 16th, 2008


lmom weekend in wiltshire (part 16)

Title: Weekend in Wiltshire (Part 16)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/himself mentions of Severus
Kink(s): wanking, object insertion
Word count: 1,101
Challenge: LMoM 08
Warnings: wash your hands after cutting hot peppers
A/N: As ever, many thanks to [info]blpaintchartfor the beta and brit pick!!! The rest of the errors are mine!!

May. 13th, 2008


LMoM 2008 Day 13: How to Survive as a Young Werewolf (Remus alone, R)

Title: How to Survive as a Young Werewolf
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus alone
Kink: Object insertion(?)
Challenge: LMoM 2008

Read more... )

May. 12th, 2008


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 12 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 12/31
Rating (this chapter): NC-17
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Additional pairings, this chapter: none
Kink(s): D/s, face shot, arse play, object insertion, face slapping, masturbation, slight humiliation, portrait voyeurism, exhibitionism (sort of), alpha!Remus, spanking
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 6,000
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different wizards as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 12 )

May. 8th, 2008


LMOM #8: The Art of Going Skyclad [Remus/Luna, NC-17]

Title: The Art of Going Skyclad
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2706
Pairing: Remus/Luna
Kink(s): public sex, wall!sex, licking, rimming, food smut, object insertion, sex magic
Challenge: LMOM #8
Notes: OMG... day 8... and my smut is getting increasingly weirder. What the hell is it going to be like on day 31?

I've come to paint you )


Survivor's Guilt Part 7

Title: Survivor's Guilt Part 7
Rating: R
Wordcount: 697
Kink(s): role play, anal play, sex toys
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Notes: post-DH (sans epilogue) Remus gives a lecture.

I’m really sorry - this took far longer than I had antipated and we never got to the cardigan love. Tomorrow, I promise!

you come on )

May. 5th, 2008


LMoM 5: Patrol

Title: Patrol
Author: [info]thescarletwoman
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Lily
Kink(s): object insertion
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word Count: ~2000
Summary: Remus hatches a plan when James is sick. Lily, however, has other ideas.
Notes: Continuing in the same arc. Due to a meeting with a rather unusual woman, Remus finds that it's sex before the full moon that helps to ease his transformations. To Rose for the uber-speedy beta. :*

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

His intentions may have been good, but they are far from pure. )

May. 4th, 2008


LMOM#4: The Proposition

Title: The Proposition
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Bill
Kink(s): Penetration toys, sensual massage, object insertion, oral sex
Challenge: Lusty Month of May
Word Count: 1661
Notes: Continuation of The Nature Of The Pack Series, beginning here. I also want to thank the mods over at [info]daily_deviant as I am using their list of prompts to kink up Remus and Bill's life.

The Proposition )


LMoM 2008 Day 4: Greyinlocks (Remus alone, R)

Title: Greyinlocks
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus alone.
Kink: Wanking, object insertion.
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Summary: Once upon a time, Greyinlocks found himself feeling horny...
Notes: I know, I know... what the hell...

Read more... )


LMoM: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 4 (SS/RL)

Title: The Diary of a Death Eater Whore 4/31
Rating (this chapter): NC-17
Pairing, all-over: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Pairings, this chapter: Remus/Severus
Kink(s): alpha!Remus, bdsm, wandplay
Challenge: LMoM 2008
Word count: 5,000
Link to all chapters: here.
Notes: Beta by the lovely [info]envinyatar15 and wonderful [info]red_day_dawning.
Summary: Severus Snape returns to a post-war wizarding world without the Dark Lord. No matter the Dark Lord died, his followers still won the battle and the power to rule. In this new world, former Order members are forced to get by as best they can - those who haven't escaped - even if the occupation is not to their liking. Some have even become quite successful and sought after - like the infamous Remus Lupin. The question is: will this new world order make it impossible for love to develop and grow between two such different people as a Death Eater spy and a paid man, a werewolf whore?

The Diary of a Death Eater Whore, Part 4 )

May. 3rd, 2008


LMoM#3: Lily's Pet (Lily/Remus, R)

Title: Lily's Pet
Rating: R (I'm not sure if this is R or NC17)
Pairing: Lily/Remus
Kink(s): slavery, dubious consent, fetish, object insertion, spanking
Challenge: LMoM08
Media: Pencil
Notes: Day3! Oh my! I'm such a hurry! Anyways, today we have Lily and Remus having some fun.

Lily is a sweet and romantic girl. )

Sep. 23rd, 2007


REPOST: The Strokes of Midnight Universe [RL/DM, NC17]

I thought it better to post the links to these in one go as they happen in the same universe.

Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus/Draco
Notes: The fic that sets up the ones below is The Strokes of Midnight.

Title: Another Naughty New Year
Kink(s): tinsel torture, light whipping, mentions of rimming, costume-play

Title: Straighten Your Tie!
Kink(s): role-playing teacher/student, spanking, breath-play, cardigan abuse

Title: How do you eat yours?
Kink(s): costume-play, foreign object insertion, food-smut, felching

Sep. 18th, 2007


REPOST: two ficlets for busaikko

The request for both of these was "Remus/unexpected baddie. Dark noncon." Each under 400 words.

Title: Out-of-Body Interrogation
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus/unexpected baddie. Past RL/NT, implied RL/SS.
Kink(s): noncon; torture; bondage; object insertion
Challenge: Christmas Kink 2006.
Notes: character death

To get through the rest of his days, Remus knew he was going to have to think of this as just another ill-conceived, throwaway scene in the outrageous farce known as his life. )

Title: Back to School
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Remus/unexpected baddie.
Kink(s): noncon; bondage; object insertion
Challenge: Christmas Kink 2006

The first thing Remus Lupin realised upon regaining consciousness... )


REPOST FIC: The Collar (RL/SS)

Title: The Collar
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Kink(s): girlbits!Snape and clothing relevant to same, orally and digitally adept!Lupin, misuse of Broadway musicals, wandplay
Words: 7,000-ish
Challenge: Repost. Originally posted April 2006 for LJ:Lupin_Snape's Fantasy Fest.
Summary: When Remus Lupin stops in on Severus Snape, more than the past needs to be addressed.
Notes: [info]rexluscus had begged for a story in which "a spell or potion gives Snape girl bits. Details up to you. Pages and pages of explicit Lupin/girlbits!Snape sex. Again, details up to you. No MPREG, please." Beta'd by the goddess of gingerSnapes and eradication of unnecessary spaces, [info]aunty_marion. The vision of Pilate in a lavender bustier is not original to me, alas -- I saw a production in Ann Arbor years ago featuring a female Pilate, and OMG was she hot. Ahem.
Summary: When Remus Lupin stops in on Severus Snape, more than the past needs to be addressed.
Disclaimer: No malice intended, no profit expected.

That was the hottest Pontius Pilate I've seen in years, )

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