Nov. 7th, 2008


Fic: A Monster Among Us (Remus/Sirius/Harry, NC-17)

Title: A Monster Among Us
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Pairing: Established Remus/Sirius, with added permutations of Remus/Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 23,600
Warnings: Underage. Bestiality. Some violence. Dark themes. Mind games. Moral ambiguity. OotP-compliant. Harry is 15.
Kinks: Underage, bestiality, threesome
Summary: Harry shook his head, his body language shifting as his confidence seemed to grow right before Remus's eyes. "It's the bite," he said quietly, raising his hand up and pushing it into the neck of his shirt, exposing a raw, jagged wound. "It's making me different." Remus stared at him. "You've never been bitten," he said, his eyes widening in shock. But Harry shook his head again and moved forward. "I'm a werewolf, Remus. Just like you."
Notes: Written for [info]flaeyr, who won my auction at [info]livelongnmarry in July. She wanted a Remus/Sirius/Harry werewolf story, plotty with detailed sex scenes, and featuring most of the other specific scenarios you'll see here. Huge thanks to [info]islandsmoke and [info]bewarethesmirk for final beta help.

A Monster Among Us - at my IJ

Sep. 30th, 2007


Fic: Upon Waking , Part 2

Title: Upon Waking
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Sirius/Harry; Remus/Sirius; implied Snape/Draco
Kink(s): Threesome; Rimming

Length: ~20,000 words
Summary: A story about the blurring of uncrossable lines, told between tea and rain and the still moments after full moons.

Notes: This is obviously AU; it takes place a few years after Voldemort's defeat. Many thanks to my wonderful betas Rurounihime and Lusiology.

Read Part 1 here.

Casting flying charms was a lost cause today, Harry quickly realised after he'd nearly rendered a broom unusable )

Feedback is welcome and appreciated!



Fic: Upon Waking , Part 1

Title: Upon Waking
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Sirius/Harry; Remus/Sirius; implied Snape/Draco
Kink(s): Threesome; Rimming

Length: ~20,000 words
Summary: A story about the blurring of uncrossable lines, told between tea and rain and the still moments after full moons.

Notes: This is obviously AU; it takes place a few years after Voldemort's defeat. Many thanks to my wonderful betas Rurounihime and Lusiology.


The paint chipped off easily from the old cup, gathering in small flakes on the wooden table and painting the top of Harry's thumbnail blue )

Continued in Part 2


June 2012




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