Sep. 24th, 2007


FIC: Games People Play (in the middle of the night) [Remus/Sirius - NC-17] Part 2

Title: Games People Play (in the middle of the night)
Author: [info]midnitemarauder
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Kinks: Rimming, Mild D/s, Dirty Talk, Spanking, 'Injudicious' fingering (i.e. interrupted/attempted fisting)
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling and Scholastic/Bloomsbury.
Word Count: ~11,000
Summary: In July, 1980, the Wizarding world is awash in turmoil, and trust is a fleeting commodity. Finding himself caught up in events he can't control, Sirius discovers that all is not fair in love and war.
Author's Notes: Written for the 2006 Reversathon at Livejournal, for [info]red_squared who requested: Sirius/Remus, with established, mild D/s relationship, (top!Remus). "Remus wants to try a new kink/toy. Sirius freaks out". Many thanks to my betas [info]inksheddings, [info]mentha, [info]xingou, and [info]ladyblack888 for their input and invaluable assistance. ♥ ♥ Titled borrowed from the Alan Parsons Project.

Part One

The flat was dark when he Apparated home. )


FIC: Games People Play (in the middle of the night) [Remus/Sirius - NC-17] Part 1

Title: Games People Play (in the middle of the night)
Author: [info]midnitemarauder
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Kinks: Rimming, Mild D/s, Dirty Talk, Spanking, 'Injudicious' fingering (i.e. interrupted/attempted fisting)
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling and Scholastic/Bloomsbury.
Word Count: ~11,000
Summary: In July, 1980, the Wizarding world is awash in turmoil, and trust is a fleeting commodity. Finding himself caught up in events he can't control, Sirius discovers that all is not fair in love and war.
Author's Notes: Written for the 2006 Reversathon at Livejournal, for [info]red_squared who requested: Sirius/Remus, with established, mild D/s relationship, (top!Remus). "Remus wants to try a new kink/toy. Sirius freaks out". Many thanks to my betas [info]inksheddings, [info]mentha, [info]xingou, and [info]ladyblack888 for their input and invaluable assistance. ♥ ♥ Titled borrowed from the Alan Parsons Project.

What a shite way to spend a Friday night. )

Continue to Part Two Here

Sep. 4th, 2007


FIC: Lip Service [Remus/Sirius/James - NC-17]

Title: Lip Service
Author: [info]midnitemarauder
Pairing: Remus/Sirius/James
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,700
Summary: It was definitely the tequila that made him do it
Disclaimer: Characters belong to JKR, I merely pervert them.
Warnings/Kinks: Rimming, a little bit of dirty talk, a hint of felching and a straight boy having gay sex.
Author's Notes: Written for [info]florida_minxie's Bring Back the Porn challenge on InsaneJournal. Don't click looking for plot, because there isn't any. :-P Link takes you to my InsaneJournal.

Lip Service


June 2012




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