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Jan. 6th, 2012


Shot to death. Shot to death on my way to get a pint of milk. I believe that out strips 'twenty foot fall from a radio tower' as my most embarrassing death yet.

At least shot in gang fight crossfire as a bit of flare to it.


Well...that's a relief. I was really starting to think there was going to be no end to those Angels. I mean...they're much harder to deal with when you don't have a convenient crack in space and time that will absorb them and remove them from existence.

Is everyone all right? Anyone need help with anything?

Jan. 4th, 2012


What. The. Fuck?

Dec. 24th, 2011


Accidental Voice Post

[Taking a deep breath.] All right. I'm going to count to three, and when I get there, I want you to run. Get as far away from here as you can.


[There's the sound of a rifle being loaded.]


[Another deep breath.]


[All hell breaks loose. There's the sound of running, indistinct yelling, a door opening and closing, several shots from the rifle, and the sound of breaking stone.]

Come on, you stone sons of bitches! [There's the click of an empty clip, and Shepard curses under her breath.] Fuck. Fuck! Think, Shepard. Think.

[She takes a shuddering breath. There's an indistinct shuffle, then the click of something being loaded.]

Ash-- Kaidan-- I'll see you soon.

[There's a loud shot, an explosion, a dull thud, and then, nothing.]

(OoC: So. Shepard's become the first casualty of the Weeping Angels. In true soldier fashion, she's gone out saving a civilian or perhaps a group of them. Feel free to have you character be part of that group. Her death was caused by firing a grenade launcher at close range.)

Dec. 23rd, 2011


Right then. Since the three bloody Doctors we have here no one else appears to be doing this, I suppose it falls to me.

What we have on our hands right now are a group of ancient assassins known as Weeping Angels, amongst other things. Contrary to popular belief, they are not made of stone. They simply appear that way as a defense mechanism whenever any sentient being is looking at them. While this is all well and good, this also means that any stone statue in this city could, in fact, be one of them. So do keep that in mind if you're bloody foolish enough to wander about.

As everyone has likely figured out by this point, they are not invulnerable. However, they are quite fast and extremely deadly. Firearms will work if they are the right caliber but they rarely travel alone so make certain you've plenty of ammunition if you're reliant upon a weapon that needs it. No, they cannot be reasoned with. They also will not leave you be unless it places themselves in danger to follow you. More on that in a bit.

Now. If you want to survive this rather nasty invasion of Weeping Angels, here are some very basic rules to follow.

The Rules )

Now, there is quite a bit of lore surrounding these creatures but that is neither here nor there. For now, the safest course of action is to not travel alone, avoid going out after dark, and call for help if you need it.

If you've any questions, bother the bloody Doctors feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer. Otherwise, stay safe and, with any luck, we'll all make it through this in relatively one piece.

Filtered to the Doctor (all three of them) )

Dec. 22nd, 2011


So, I might lose my job for this but

Hey. So. I work at the shooting range, which is closed until further notice thanks to the stone angel things. But if anyone needs some weapons, we have plenty. Just let me know and I'll make sure to get you something with enough power behind it to at least put a dent in them and give you a fighting chance.

All I ask is that you know what you're doing if you take a firearm. Last thing we need are self-inflicted gunshot wounds from a bunch of novices. In fact, if you're a novice, you should probably just avoid going out at all.

Oh. And if anybody wants to give the rest of us a rundown on what it is we're dealing with, that would be awesome. Seriously.

Dec. 21st, 2011


Voice Post

[The message starts off with a rustling of fabric- Shepard's activating the device in her pocket. Even though it's muffled, her breathing sounds panicked, and her voice is strained, as if something is pressed against her throat.]

This is Jane Shepard, sending out an urgent distress call to anyone who's listening. I'm on the corner of the main street across from the city park. [Another rustle of fabric.]

There's these things here- I was out for a run and there were these statues.

I don't think they're statues. I closed my eyes, just for a second, and now- [There's the sound of uncomfortable shifting as she tries to ease some of the pressure on her neck.] I'm stuck. I can't move. One of these things has its hand around my neck and I'm not sure how long I can stay on tiptoe to keep it from killing me.

[She whimpers and for a second, Shepard doesn't sound like a battle-hardened soldier in a tough spot. She sounds like a woman who's scared out of her mind with the prospect of facing death.]

Dean- Sam- fuck, whoever's listening, go to apartment 108A. Break down the fucking door if you have to. In the corner of the bedroom, you'll find something that looks like a tube with a keypad. The emergency override code is Alpha seven Delta two nine-

[She shifts again, the noise of fabric accidentally blocking out the rest of the code.] - there's a couple of pistols, my anti-tank rifle, and a grenade launcher.

When you get here, don't take your eyes off of them. I don't know how the hell it works but they don't move when you're watching them. There's three, maybe four of them here.

Please, whoever you are, if you're listening: Hurry. I really don't want to die a death by goddamn statue, least of all in this place.

Dec. 18th, 2011


They cannot be serious if they honestly think I could simply figure this contraption out of my own. How am I even supposed to

Is this somebody's idea of a joke? And how arrogant of my abductors to leave me a note with instructions on what I can and cannot do. That part about "certain demise" was particularly charming. Really now. Whoever instigated this might as well reveal themselves now and be done with it.

Dec. 17th, 2011


I wonder if "it's freezing outside and I want to stay in bed" is a decent work excuse. Fighting crime is not high on my list of priorities today.

Dec. 13th, 2011


Bobby says that it's only right that I I just wanted to say thank you to those of you who helped me and my son a while back. I guess I must've slipped on the ice and hit my head; they said it gave me a pretty wicked concussion but that I should be fine soon enough.

So thanks. I definitely appreciate the help and I know my son's real grateful, too.

Dec. 12th, 2011


I don't know why or how, but there's a tree in my apartment, and it's decorated with little model spaceships like I collected back on Omega. I can't decide whether I should just be happy for it or be upset that someone was in my house without my permission.

Dec. 10th, 2011


Filtered to Dean (2)

So I know I drank a shit-ton last night and I don't really remember anything and I probably threw up at some point, but is there a reason why I woke up in different pants?

Dec. 7th, 2011


You know, I was annoyed about the snow, since Baby has to stay in a garage and I can't take her out, but sometimes, it's actually kind of funny.

Was chasing down a suspect today, and the poor fucker straight up slipped on some ice and fell on his ass. I was almost laughing too hard to cuff him. I wish I'd thought to film it. I wouldn't mind rewatching that.

( Sam and Adam )
Speaking of winter shenanigans, you guys up for a snowball fight? Never know when a well-aimed snowball could save the day with a demon. Okay, I'm just bullshitting that one.

( Adam )
So I watched my video. Apparently when Sammy came back from Hell in that, he didn't have a soul.

Do you think that could be why our Sam is being such a colossal dick?



Why is there an army of snowdaleks outside?

And don't say it wasn't you, because it was you. You and your bloke. I know you. And...well...I don't really know him all that well, but he hangs around you, so he's likely a bit mental.

Now, don't get me wrong. Snowmen are fine. I like snowmen. Very fun. But snowdaleks? Really? And where did you even find that many plungers? Not to mention all the whisks! Did you rob a kitchen supply shop? A bathroom supply shop? A kitchen and bathroom supply shop? That would be an oddly specific shop...

Dec. 6th, 2011


Question. Will there be Christmas? If so, I propose, Doctors, that we start preparing now for the disaster followed by running.

Dec. 5th, 2011


Voice Post

[Bobby's voice is clearly young-sounding yet the words are clearly spoken. There is an urgency in his tone but, overall, he sounds surprisingly calm given the situation.]

I need help! My momma slipped on the sidewalk 'cause of the ice and she hit her head and now I can't get her to wake up. There's lots of snow and I don't want to leave her but I don't see nobody out.

[A pause.]

Can anybody hear me? Hello? Help us, please!

Dec. 3rd, 2011


The fuck sick kind of joke is that?

I find out who is responsible, I will rip you the fuck a part. Fair fucking warning.

Nov. 30th, 2011


According to that video, I'm not supposed to be alive.

How the hell am I supposed to handle that?


Uh. Anybody else get some creepy new video showing up on this thing? And if so, anybody worked up the nerve to look at it, yet?

Nov. 23rd, 2011


Bearing in mind that this is my first retail job, ever, and that I'm also English and therefore haven't ever really been involved in Thanksgiving things or been shopping on the next day, are the horror stories my boss is telling me actually true? I can't see an art shop being inundated with people desperate to get their hands on new charcoal or a fistfight over a book on the life and times of one Gustav Klimt, but he swears there was someone threatened with a palette knife last year because they took the last tube of alizarin crimson acrylic.

That's bollocks, right?

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