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Jan. 8th, 2012


Isn't earlier-than-0600hrs illegal unless you've stayed up to meet it? Bloody hell.

Also, a question. Would it be possible to rig up some sort of curtains-contraption around the beds/groups of beds? Like in hospital wards, right?

Jan. 7th, 2012


Sleeping! Can't say I do that particularly often. Especially only to wake in a room that's shifted into something else entirely.

Jan. 6th, 2012


I'm very glad those statue things are gone. They were a menace.

But I'm not at all glad that Lily and Harry are gone as well. Has that happened here before? People just up and vanishing? I know they weren't killed by the statues, but they're gone all the same and their flat is empty.

I can't deal with this right now. Not with the full moon in three days.


Shot to death. Shot to death on my way to get a pint of milk. I believe that out strips 'twenty foot fall from a radio tower' as my most embarrassing death yet.

At least shot in gang fight crossfire as a bit of flare to it.


Well...that's a relief. I was really starting to think there was going to be no end to those Angels. I mean...they're much harder to deal with when you don't have a convenient crack in space and time that will absorb them and remove them from existence.

Is everyone all right? Anyone need help with anything?

Dec. 23rd, 2011


[Voice post]

Well. This is certainly an unexpected annoyance. Kidnapped and dumped into a city of Weeping Angels, of all things, bloody ridiculous- and with only this primitive piece of- [The Rani mutters a few select Gallifreyan curse words under her breath.]

Dec. 21st, 2011


Voice Post

[For a moment, there is nothing but breathing that is a bit on the heavy side. Jenny finally speaks, her tone even but clearly alarmed.]

Dad? Dads? I really hope at least one of you are hearing this.

[a pause]

I could really use some help, if one of you can manage it. It's just that... well... [a sound of someone shuffling backward]

There's a Weeping Angel here. A few of them, actually. So I can't exactly blink. Or run. Or, well, do much of anything. So if you could - [she laughs a bit sharply] - well, I really don't know what, but much of anything would be appreciated.

[a little more shuffling is heard]

I'm a few blocks south of the flats. Please hurry.

Dec. 6th, 2011


Question. Will there be Christmas? If so, I propose, Doctors, that we start preparing now for the disaster followed by running.

Nov. 29th, 2011


Oh, wow. Look at this! A fully self-contained city. I can't imagine how much energy it would take to power this place, but I wouldn't mind if someone wanted to volunteer the information. Please and thank you?

Nov. 21st, 2011


Anomaly is it, then? That's certainly a different way of putting it. I'll give you that much.

Now. Who do I need to shoot in order to get off this bloody rock already? Places to be, you see. Really can't stay.

Nov. 14th, 2011


I'm trapped in a box!

Only it's not a box and it's much bigger on the inside than the outside and I don't know what it is but things aren't supposed to work like that.

I was outside and there was this thing! And it had tentacles on it's face! And I ran away and ran into a blue box that apparently wasn't a box. And now I'm stuck.

And I don't know who I am! I think aliens did something!


Nov. 13th, 2011


Things I have learned about my "partner:" 

He cringes at the terms boyfriend/girlfriend. He looks down my shirt every 2.5 minutes. He keeps his car stereo preset to "classic" rock--and apparently knows enough of the lyrics to unonsciously start singing along. I say "his" car because he was in the driver's seat when we woke up, and refuses to give it up.

Oh, and either we argue like an old married couple, or like brother and sister. I'm not sure which idea makes him cringe worse.


Judging by the evidence, I'm a man who likes his bananas. Also, his pockets. And putting up cabinets? I can't imagine another reason for having a sonic screwdriver, although it seems to have a few extra settings. Interesting, that.


Maybe this will help? I seem to be having some sort of weird blackout. I'm drunk, I think. I don't feel drunk, but I just woke up in a bar with a half-finished drink and... well. I can't seem to remember what my name is. Or what this place is.

We'll start simple. Does anyone know my name?

Nov. 6th, 2011


I really ain't cut out for this community service shit.

I need a new job.

Nov. 3rd, 2011


Right then.

No cause for alarm or anything but, well, I seem to have misplaced Frankenstein's monster. I don't suppose anybody has seen him about? Tall bloke, bit green, large screws sticking out of areas where they shouldn't? Quite a conversationalist if you take the time to listen to him.

I do hope he hasn't left the city yet...

Oct. 21st, 2011


Working in a shop? Really?

I mean, at least it's an art shop, but... Really?

Also! Does anyone want to swap the coffee that was in my flat for tea?


Well...this is a bit different. Any idea why my TARDIS won't leave?

Must say, I really do like this place. It has character. In more ways than one if I'm reading some things right. Not sure how I feel, being called an anomaly, but I've been called worse.

Is that an Ood? Oh, that's brilliant!

Oct. 20th, 2011


Roll call! I'm mostly worried about finding a Luke Smith, but I figured now would be a good a time as any to get to know my neighbors seeing as we're supposed to 'build a life' and all. Personally, I think 'form an escape plan' would be more exciting. But let's just start with hi, I'm Rose.

Oct. 18th, 2011


It's nice to see this, bit of inclusion all around, but it would be nice if someone had asked before kidnapping me this time. I'm getting right sick of just being snatched to places. Especially when I end up alone.

Anyone seen two guys and a gal anywhere together? One strapping military type, one dainty little nerd, and a sweet as you can be blond?

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