Feb. 8th, 2012


So apparently if someone won't shut up in the library, you're not allowed to wrap duct tape around their mouth and tie them to a chair in order to go over the institution's code of conduct. It's "against policy" for some reason.

Bloody well effective, though.

Jan. 27th, 2012


I'll be in the TARDIS if anyone needs me. In fact, I'm not planning to leave it. That's right. I'm staying inside. I'm not even going to go to work. They can fire me if they like, though really, I don't see any reason the students can't teach themselves until I e-mail them the final.

Jan. 18th, 2012


So guys. I know this communal arrangement has started to wear on everyone's nerves, but I think we should take advantage of the opportunities that it offers. So, I say we should take this Friday to indulge and get to know each other. Indoor grilling and camp fire stories after the curfew kicks in? Who's with me?


Okay. I give up, give in, whatever.

This map is crap. And even though I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming, I'm going to ask for a little help.


Jan. 15th, 2012


Really, I don't need this much sleep.

Jan. 8th, 2012



We have to stay in all night?

As in all night?

But I I can't I really can't do that. I mean, it would really be a bad idea for me to stay in tomorrow night. Even with the potion

Jan. 4th, 2012


( Inadvertant Voice Post )

( There are sounds of chaos as locals of Papillon do their best to flee the Lonely Assassins. Then, suddenly, everything comes to a standstill and it's strangely quiet. When Michael speaks, he sounds very different that people who have met him would be used to. There is an almost tangible power in his words, and something far from human. He is calm, but there is a certain edge of righteous fury to his voice. The first word is a ringing shout. )


( There is a pause before he continues, the same unearthly edge to his voice. )

You creatures will trouble these people no longer. They are under My protection and I will not allow them to come to any further harm. I have waited for those who rule this Creation to do away with you, but now I see that they will not. So it falls to me. I am Michael Demiurgos. I am the God of Creation. And I Will it so. Begone from this place and never again return.

( There is a long pause as the angels vanish and then Michael seems to realise his PDA is on. When he speaks now, his voice is completely normal and quiet, as if speaking to himself. )

Oh bugger me...

( OOC: The Weeping Angels are gone now. Michael exerted his Will and made them GTFO. Also anyone killed during the plot is back. And the powers of Papillon got back at him by making his PDA glitch and outing him as God. Funtimes. )

Jan. 2nd, 2012


Right then. The Lonely Assassins have even begun to get on my nerves, so I do believe it's time to come up with a plan. I've located my TARDIS and I'm attempting to develop a weapon that will force the angels back into their quantum-locked state, but they are clever little buggers. A fascinating race, really. It's a shame these seem to be bastardized. Their methods are far less elegant than the ones I've encountered before.

Filtered to Melody Pond )

Dec. 23rd, 2011


[Voice post]

Well. This is certainly an unexpected annoyance. Kidnapped and dumped into a city of Weeping Angels, of all things, bloody ridiculous- and with only this primitive piece of- [The Rani mutters a few select Gallifreyan curse words under her breath.]


Right then. Since the three bloody Doctors we have here no one else appears to be doing this, I suppose it falls to me.

What we have on our hands right now are a group of ancient assassins known as Weeping Angels, amongst other things. Contrary to popular belief, they are not made of stone. They simply appear that way as a defense mechanism whenever any sentient being is looking at them. While this is all well and good, this also means that any stone statue in this city could, in fact, be one of them. So do keep that in mind if you're bloody foolish enough to wander about.

As everyone has likely figured out by this point, they are not invulnerable. However, they are quite fast and extremely deadly. Firearms will work if they are the right caliber but they rarely travel alone so make certain you've plenty of ammunition if you're reliant upon a weapon that needs it. No, they cannot be reasoned with. They also will not leave you be unless it places themselves in danger to follow you. More on that in a bit.

Now. If you want to survive this rather nasty invasion of Weeping Angels, here are some very basic rules to follow.

The Rules )

Now, there is quite a bit of lore surrounding these creatures but that is neither here nor there. For now, the safest course of action is to not travel alone, avoid going out after dark, and call for help if you need it.

If you've any questions, bother the bloody Doctors feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer. Otherwise, stay safe and, with any luck, we'll all make it through this in relatively one piece.

Filtered to the Doctor (all three of them) )

Dec. 22nd, 2011


Voice Post.

[ the sound of a laser beam followed by stone shattering rattles through several times as the sound of someone staggering around and tripping over things in the process accompanies it. ] What in the hell?! What kind of twisted individual floods a place full of people with those things? [ another spark of a laser before there's a violent sputtering ] No, no, no, no, no, don't quit on me now.

Oh. No. [ whispers to himself ] Five down, two left. Don't move. Don't breath. Don't blink.

Dec. 6th, 2011


Question. Will there be Christmas? If so, I propose, Doctors, that we start preparing now for the disaster followed by running.

Dec. 4th, 2011


What an utter load of rubbish.

Nov. 29th, 2011


Oh, wow. Look at this! A fully self-contained city. I can't imagine how much energy it would take to power this place, but I wouldn't mind if someone wanted to volunteer the information. Please and thank you?