Sep. 11th, 2022



Well, the friends button no longer works properly. So copy the three lines below and then click on the button, and paste them in there and click execute. *sighhhhh* Or you can just add them manually I guess.

friend add nottheonlyharry
friend add lonelygranger
friend add inthecastle
friend add rogerstandingby

And for these four journals who need to add everyone else, the full list to copy is behind the cut: here )

May. 3rd, 2020


Friends button! Millicent joins the 80s kids, and there are a bunch of characters who aren't quite ready yet but have journals made.

Now we're at 2010, I have also made a new community for threads etc. - [info]cr_tens. You should all have invites for it if you look.

There's also a new NPC account, [info]cr_10s_npc. You can find the password here. PLEASE NOTE: the passwords for the other NPC accounts have also changed to match. (IJ changed its rules on passwords since I made those other ones, so I couldn't use the one I was already using and figured it would be easiest if they were consistent?)

Nov. 18th, 2018


Friends button! We've got... ickle Ax, Ben and Luna; a couple of prostitutes and a therapist - because we really need one! I think the ickles are ready to go and the others will introduce themselves later.

Mar. 31st, 2017


Max is bringing in everyone's favourite weirdo, Luna Lovegood!

Dec. 27th, 2015


Hey guys.

Just to let you know, we have a Fred! You don't need to run the friends button because we already have Fred journals ready that match George's, and you've already run them. So. There we are.

Also, you may have noticed Becca and Max haven't been around - unfortunately they've had to quit. Becca has been struggling with her muses and Max with her free time. Feel free to keep referencing their characters if you want. George is still going to be married to Verity because I've never played him with anyone else and can't really imagine it!