Nov. 3rd, 2019


Okay, so we've done the key plot things that needed to get done, but we've taken longer than we really meant to, and now we've missed Halloween. Catching up is looking ever more difficult so... we're going to fast forward. This post is to cover what has happened between 1st September and now. Go ahead and start posting Halloween stuff in character, anything earlier comment on here out of character to catch everyone up. If there's a thread you need to do set in that time, go ahead and post it and backdate, but we're going to try and skip over journals. Thanks for sticking with us and we're sorry things have been crazy over the last few months.

(Oh, by the way, we found somewhere to live!)

Birthdays missed you may want to cover:
Toulouse 3rd September (8 in the 80s, 29 in the 00s)
Hermione 19th September (9 in the 80s, 30 in the 00s)
Viktor 20th September (12 in the 80s, 33 in the 00s)
Anteros 25th September (51 in the 80s, 72 in the 00s)
Aziza 20th October (37 in the 80s, 58 in the 00s)
Eris 22nd October (26 in the 80s, 47 in the 00s)
Ursula 26th October (10 in the 00s)
Rhys 29th October (6 in the 00s)
Ax 31st October (7 in the 80s, 28 in the 00s)
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Dec. 27th, 2015


Hey guys.

Just to let you know, we have a Fred! You don't need to run the friends button because we already have Fred journals ready that match George's, and you've already run them. So. There we are.

Also, you may have noticed Becca and Max haven't been around - unfortunately they've had to quit. Becca has been struggling with her muses and Max with her free time. Feel free to keep referencing their characters if you want. George is still going to be married to Verity because I've never played him with anyone else and can't really imagine it!

Sep. 12th, 2015


Sorry I missed the plot post this week. Instead, have a friends button. DCJ is going to NPC Theo's dad for a bit.

Aug. 13th, 2012


Finally! A Girl! Ginevra Molly Weasley, the seventh child of Molly and Arthur, joined the family at seven in the evening, on Saturday the 11th, weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. The first Weasley Girl in several generations. Ron, so far, is particularly fond of the new addition.


Jun. 24th, 2012


We have decided, without consulting anybody because that's how we roll, that everyone involved in Saturday's fight was injured and are all currently in St. Mungo's. In the same room (except Bellatrix). With their wands taken off of them to prevent them from killing each other. Also, for the safety of everybody, let's say that at the moment everyone is either bed bound or literally bound to the bed.

Have fun Lucius, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Fabian, Gideon, James and Sirius!

Apr. 2nd, 2012


Backdated to 1st April... hey, I was doing an essay, alright?

Anybody who goes into Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade this morning... or indeed, anywhere else, as they will relocate every time someone makes a move to grab them... will find Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange giving speeches about how wonderful muggle culture is, how they love muggle-borns and they think we should all learn to get along. They will also be handing out copies of their family trees with squibs and muggle-borns clearly marked in neon letters. If you're lucky, you'll catch them giving a lecture on genetics and why muggle-borns, or anyone else, can't steal magic. If you're extra lucky, you'll catch them doing the can-can. Towards the end, when it looks like they're about to be apprehended, Bellatrix might flash her boobs and Rodolphus may moon the crowd.

I probably don't need to tell you that Fred and George have discovered the wonders of polyjuice. Thanks to Andromeda for help with the family trees, thanks to Hermione for help with the polyjuice, thanks to Katie Bell's little brother Alex for procuring Bellatrix's hair and thanks to [volunteer? Issy maybe?] for getting Rodolphus'.

Mar. 23rd, 2012


I don't know if any of you have seen this which I've been working on. Basically it's a summary of all the characters in play to make it easy for new people to get started and remember who everyone is. Also, it's a pretty table. All that's missing now is the blurbs. If you would like to provide a blurb for any of your characters, let me know, although I reserve the right to edit them for length etc.

I've made a start on a few of them, so if you want an example, look at James':
James Potter is a new father, besotted with his wife and baby. His best friend is Sirius. He recently found out his friend Harry was actually his son from the future, and that he's going to die. He's handling it surprisingly well.