Nov. 22nd, 2020



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Well... we lost almost a month. Sorry about that. We have a plan for how to catch up. Basically, next weekend (28th-29th) will cover James is back/Walden’s in trouble/Halloween funtimes (i.e. the end of October). The weekend after (5th-6th) will cover the whole of November, which is basically a bunch of birthdays (see below) including the birth day of the newest member of the CR family, Primrose Li! After that we will jump feetfirst into December and play back in real time. Is that cool?

1989 )

2010 )

Nov. 22nd, 2010


Plot post

1979 )

2000 )

Nov. 14th, 2010


Busy plot post this week

Busy plot post this week to make up for last week's lack of and to get everyone excited ready for the movie coming out on Friday :-)

1979 )

2000 )

Jul. 19th, 2010


Plot time

1979 )

2000 )