Oct. 27th, 2013


Alright- here's your new whore. His name is Toulouse.

I should put all this crap behind a cut. )

Oct. 18th, 2013


Hey everybody! I just wanted to say that we are sorry our posting and replying has been spotty and weird. Wendy of Ginny, Oliver, Narcissa, Bellatrix et al is in the UK visiting and we've been sorta busy. BUT! We have set Sunday aside to do nothing (and we are all excited about that and I'm sure that some of that nothing will include RP. So, if anyone is around on Sunday, Wendy, Alison and I will be here playing and stuffs. And maybe I'll bring out the new whore.

Aug. 14th, 2013


I should have done this before everyone ran the friends button, but... I didn't and now you all have to run it again. Sorry.

Alright, I'm finally bringing Anaxagoras Tonks to the 00s. He is a sweet, mild-mannered, gay, Hufflepuff. He cares about what's happening to British wizarding society, in a very uninvolved way. Obviously he is in hiding with his family, and is probably included in the Order just so he can see what is behind the hexes when they talk to each other. Mostly he cares about theatre. And acting. And art. And expression. And being true to yourself. And beauty. And love. Poor fucker.

Right now he is trying to figure out a way to go to WADA (Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts) while in hiding... he's currently considering trying to obtain a new foreign identity. But it would have to be from a country which has an accent he's capable of do. If he could pull that off for three years, it would be his greatest acting triumph, and probably as good as the education he will also receive. It's very exciting. However, his mother thinks it is unnecessarily dangerous right now.

(*Violent Shutter* I can't believe I'm picking up another good guy, and even more so, I can't believe I am picking up a Hufflepuff. It is making every Slytherin bone in my body, which is all of them, heave in protest. I thought maybe making him an actor would help... but not so much.)

Ummm... Let's talk relationships, and more of him will be revealed!

Jun. 20th, 2013


Lucius Christmas icon because I forgot to use it at Christmas this year.

Hey guys and gals!

I wanted to drop something to let you know that we have not abandoned you. We're having a very busy week. I'm in a play that is opening a week from today, and Alison has an RP friend (From another game, the slimy bitch.) coming today to stay with us for a week. So! Eeeeeeek! There's no time! We aren't taking any time off, but our involvement will be slow, obviously. Aaaaaand that's it!

Hope everyone is well!

May. 27th, 2013


Gratuitous Post

I just think they are so fucking cute.

 photo SiriusandDorcas_zps53b833a8.jpg

May. 24th, 2013


Hey guys. I'm really sorry to do this right when two of you are just starting, but I am going to have to take off a bit of time. This rash on my face is really painful and distracting, and I am not able to give anything my full attention while it is still so bad. So this is hiatus until something gives. Alison will be around though.

Be back soon.

Feb. 6th, 2013


It's our bithday!

I knew making Sirius' birthday the same day as mine was a good idea. The Sirius birthday one-shots were written by Alison for me, for my birthday. Sex and Family, Sirius and I both like both of those things! Thank you, baby!!!

May. 21st, 2012


This is a notice to let everyone know that I'm going to be taking a hiatus for a month or so. Keep active, I'll be back eventually.
