Oct. 23rd, 2010


Some of you may remember Immortal Aussie who used to play Tonks a while ago. Well, she's back, going by the name of Alex, and now she'll be playing Barty Crouch Junior. Run the button!

Sep. 16th, 2010


Wendy picked up Ginny.

Sep. 15th, 2010


Friends button

You may have noticed that Louisa has her own journal now. Danielle wouldn't let me drop her, so I thought I'd let the kids have their own rooms and see if she develops a bit more. I have, however, dropped Avery, as he doesn't have much to do. Also, we lost Trixie due to inactivity, so we're down Ginny and Parvati. I've started trying to recruit for another Ginny (because we really need her!) but no takers as yet.

Aug. 28th, 2010


Important mod post

Hey guys. First up, we have lost Kylee, and hence Narcissa and Ted, and Spoon has dropped Cho. Wendy has volunteered to pick up Narcissa, but we're going to be recruiting for a new Ted and other characters we need.

We've also added two new rules to the rules post. Please comment here to let me know you've read them (I've copied and pasted the new ones below).

* When replying to a thread, please reply to the POST ITSELF and not to the comment immediately before. We know this is not how it is usually done, but it stops the thread collapsing, which makes it easier to read. The exception to this is sub-threads e.g. if there is a thread with several conversations going on at once (a party etc.). For an example, see this thread. To make sure you still get tags, you can click a little button to get notifications of replies to that entry - the rectangle with the square buttons inside it at the top of the thread? With the little pencil for edit entry etc.? Well there's a little thumb tack/push pin for 'receive notifications.' So go with that.

* On icons: 100x100, black and white or colour are fine. Please try and remember to change your icons to reflect the emotions, facial expression or body language of your character at that time. We know sometimes you forget, and that you can't from iPhones, but generally speaking, there should be a different icons for each post of comment, and it should be relevant e.g. if your character is arguing, the icon should not be of them dancing (and yes, this is something we have suffered through).

Aug. 20th, 2010


I'm making a thing that should make it easier for new people to find out and keep track of who is who. It lives here. The pictures I'm using are black and white and size 50x50 (or 40x50 for characters alive in both times). I've used b&w versions of the default icons for my characters, and will do the same for yours unless you tell me otherwise and link me to pictures to use. Then you can comment to that post with a short blurb about each of your characters and I'll put it up. Then when a new person comes along, we can point them there and the responses to their ooc intro can be more like "Katharina will know him because..." rather than providing a full character description. Then it's there as a quick reference for anyone :-) If you don't want to write blurbs, just say so - I can look up what you wrote to the last new person and use that!

Incidentally, we've lost Joy (Kat and Rita) and I'm going to be dropping Aziza and Elette and because neither of them really get much interaction and I have quite enough characters as it is.

Aug. 11th, 2010


Friends button

Apr. 20th, 2010


Plot and housekeeping

Shortest plot post ever this week:
Term starts on Monday (both years).

I thought we should probably catch up on last week's plot first. Short version - 1979 Voldemort tries to recruit Slughorn, 2000 Irish meeting on the Monday and Benjamin's birthday party on the Saturday.

Btw, we lost Ginny and Bellatrix because the players disappeared, and we very briefly had a Rabastan as well who did not even introduce themselves. I don't know what is with the random joining-abandoning game cycles that last about two days, but there you go.

Apr. 14th, 2010


Plot and friends button

We got a Bellatrix! Courtesy of a new player called Mickey, so say hi :-)

And then plot...

1979 )
2000 )

Mar. 28th, 2010


Friends update!

Told you there were more coming. You are adding Ginny Weasley (who we all know and love), Cassandra Prewett (cousin to Gideon, Fabian and Molly), Elette Pucey/Mulciber (who most of you will remember) and Aziza Nadif Ghedi (Blaise Zabini's mom). Ginny is being brought to us by Britt, so say hi to her :-) Cassie's mun is Nick, so say hi to her too when her computer is fixed, and Aziza is mine because clearly I don't have enough characters already. Oh and Elette is returning in hopes of getting plot with Cassie, who is also a lesbian.
Mrs and Mrs Mod. Officially.

Mar. 2nd, 2010


Anna has picked up Ron :-)

Jan. 22nd, 2010


Lizzy is back with Armand and Regulus :-D and Krissy dropped Ron :-(
Also, here is an experiment - the inputless friends button. You just click, no need to add your name. Let's try it.

Edited to add: it works!

Dec. 12th, 2009


Friends button and pimpage

Right. So we've had a little purge of players who never play. We have lost Mariah (Tonks), Steph (Yaxley) and Lizzy (Armand and Regulus). So run the button:

I'm going to do some pimping and plan to advertise particularly for the characters on the most wanted list (check here). Anyone else you can think of that we need to see?

Aug. 31st, 2009


I'm sorry to say we've lost Mark. He isn't feeling the muses here anymore, so wave bye-bye to Mopsa and Gideon. But! Wave hello to our new Severus, played by Danielle!