Nov. 17th, 2012


A Re-Intro... Or Five

Um, hi, remember me?

So, I do this thing where sometimes I'm too tired (or sick, or whatever) to check RPGs for a while, so I don't. But then I get embarrassed for not having checked the RPG, so I keep not checking, and then I get more embarrassed, etc, etc. That's sort of what happened here and I'm really sorry that I suck so much? But I'd like to come back now and play some more if that's all right with all of you.

It feels weird to just, like, drop my characters back in after a year, or six months, or however long it has been, so, I thought I'd do some re-introing to give an idea of what they've been up to? Don't feel like you have to reply to all five with each of your characters or anything, but if you want them for any plots, please let me know :D

charactery stuff )

So, that's that. Plot with me?