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Opus Two RPG

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[Jan. 24th, 2011|08:26 pm]
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*while Vána is relatively subdued by Aulë and Telimektar, steps forwards from the shadows in Vána's workshop* I propose we re-locate. The Children are desperately noisy and this is no place for a judgment.

*projects a clear image of the Halls of Mandos - not the shadowy caverns where numberless ex-fëar mumble and stumble through to the hereafter, or the great tapestries of Vairë, or the Freezer of Ignominy but rather the Great Hall, with seats for each Vala (apart from the accused)*

*speeds his way there, expecting the others to do the same*
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[Jan. 19th, 2011|06:08 pm]

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*finds a high-powered flashlight, fills it with fresh batteries, and goes out into the streets of Menegroth as promised*

*thinks at first that the situation doesn't seem too bad—nothing has obviously exploded many people look a bit panicked in the glow of the emergency lights, their foot traffic somewhat chaotic; but some even look resigned, perhaps having lived through the Great Delving Blackouts of past years*

*wanders down in the direction of his mother's shop, thinking to check on her while he's out* *occasionally points passersby in the right direction or tries to reassure them although more than occasionally (and perhaps understandably), they look terrified to see him*

[Edit] *reappears inside Vána's workshop (now is not the time for social graces)*
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[Jul. 18th, 2010|11:45 pm]
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*for shits and giggles, decides to check in on one of his favouritest mortals (for entertainment's sake, only)*

*makes an appointment through the appropriate channels, for all that it would be easier to ooze out of the shadows and say boo! some night when his target is walking home after another late evening in the office*

*arrives at the reception desk* Yes. Yes, tell him that I'm here. Yes, Mister Tóth is here for his appointment. Yes, it is a first appointment. I have a case that I hope he'll take.
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[Jun. 21st, 2010|12:35 am]
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[Mood | chipper]

*given how wonderful the weather is, takes Arandur outside the city to play in the forest* *wonders if it would be a good idea to book a holiday somewhere by the sea and makes a mental note to broach the subject with Túrin when she gets home*

*takes her little boy's hand (how he's grown) as he stomps determinedly along the woodland path to a clearing*
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[Mar. 17th, 2010|07:11 pm]
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*has been keeping a close eye on her... experiment? project? Maia?... her charge, to ensure the little girl is fulfilling her new role in the world (Sanyë)(my law)*

*is pleased thus far; so long as she is kept busy and entertained, the creature may prove to be an effective resource* *to that end, has been nudging her this way and that, sending her to those corners of Órë where corruption breeds (and she may eventually allow Sanyë a freer run, but first she must prove herself)*

*finds herself in a much less dire mood one gloomy afternoon (at last, they are learning) and goes in search of her husband*
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[Dec. 3rd, 2009|08:42 pm]
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*does see a lot of unusual people in his line of work, of course, and has certainly landed himself in many a strange situation as a result (buying a blue pacifier for a serial rapist-murderer, and then watching him carve notches into it as part of the retelling, definitely ranks)*

*which may be why he isn't too terribly surprised to find himself relaxing in a deli down the street from the Hammer, his lunch long since finished, his attention now focused on the strange stranger who's somehow joined him for coffee*

*absently traces the rim of his mug* *curiously* You said you photograph people, most often? What sorts of people do you look for?
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[Nov. 28th, 2009|07:57 pm]
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*gets it into his head to stretch his legs, as it's coming into flu season (one of his busiest times of year!)*

*goes to Gondolin (it's been a while) and settles in a café, not really noticing that all of the other tables around him fill up, though the tables next to his are the last to fill up and the waitress really isn't being all that attentive to his continued caffeine needs*

*sits, stretching his legs out in front of him, and waits for someone of interest to pass by*
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[Jun. 2nd, 2009|12:35 am]

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*having gotten over the initial shock of Salgant's revelation (albeit with medication and a lot of reassurance that no one else will bother him), ventures out into the clinic garden where the sun is shining and he is learning to relax*

*still feels miserable and heartbroken and lonely but has managed to make it to page thirty-two of his book, with the minimum of repetition, even though he is still unsure as to how the main characters relate to each other*
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[Mar. 5th, 2009|12:34 am]
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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*Decides to give this affording guidance and wisdom to the kindreds thing a try so he heads into Menegroth and sets about people watching from a public bench.*

*Must confess, is far more used to overseeing from a distance in Ilmarin and sending agents to do the groundwork instead.*

*Were there as many happy couples wandering around back then?*

*Doesn't think so.*

*No. There's more.*

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[Oct. 21st, 2008|05:10 pm]
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*has had an interesting and eventful and really quite exciting few days, mooching around the outskirts of Gondolin (and inadvertently ensuring that the alfalfa crop whithers entirely)*

*gathers up all the non-corporeal scraps of Balrog he can find, scraping up shards and powder and fragments and pools of extinguished fiery Ainu*

*finally, satisfied that he's got every last morsel, makes his way back to the Halls* *goes into the kitchenette and puts on the kettle* *sits on the counter and scratches out the word 'Cookie' on the jar and writes 'Balrog' instead*
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[Sep. 28th, 2008|04:50 pm]
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*really knows he should have talked to Thuringwethil as soon as she arrived in Mandos but wanted to give her some time to think about what she did* *also, was waiting on the delivery of a new chair for his office; a swivel-chair, black leather, all very atmospheric*

*sits in his new chair and steeples his fingers together and, by force of thought alone, summons the Maia in question, and if he radiates malevolence, it is only because he is still angry about the treatment of his own Maia*
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[Aug. 16th, 2008|05:55 pm]
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*spends a great deal of time scouting the perimeter of Ossiriand, trying to track down the Ossiriand Ripper (is in no doubt that the Ainu he scared off is the perpetrator)* *stays most nights in Ingil's hospital room, partially corporeal, while the rest of him shines overhead*

*one morning, before the 6am drug round, leaves the room and travels, at speed, to Ilmarin*

*waits outside Varda's office, faintly perturbed that there's no sign of any staff until he remembers that it's 6am*
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[Jun. 18th, 2008|11:19 pm]
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*floats back to the Halls, rather disconsolate and very, very tired*

*immediately goes to find her Dad Patron Vala*

*finds him in the corner of one of the holding bay with a clipboard*

*lingers near the (hermetically sealed) doorway in an attempt to get his attention inobtrusively*
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[May. 22nd, 2008|06:57 pm]
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*is in Mandos, in her part of the Halls*

*goes through recent paperwork, only to find it is incomplete*

*bites down on a fist to stifle her angered scream but...*


*crosses out all of the digital files in her tablet*

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[May. 19th, 2008|09:09 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*spends some time fashioning a door [not a real door; a figurative door; looks like a real door; iron & oak]*

*clears his throat* Eöl?

*looks around* Eöl? Where are you? *peers into the darkened corners of the Halls* *checks every nook and cranny* *checks the soles of his shoes*

*sighs* Anyway. Whatever. You're free to go. Go on. Shoo. *opens the 'door' to reveal a dense forest* Next stop Nan Elmoth. Scat. Get lost.
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[Apr. 13th, 2008|09:52 pm]
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[Mood | hyper]

*lands up near the Health Centre when he hears the ructions caused by Beleg's baby's birth*

*shudders* *eugh, new life*

*paces around outside, waiting for his brother to emerge to give him the update*

*"accidentally", bumps into a man who promptly clutches his chest and drops to the ground* *to no one in particular* Sorry, sorry, totally didn't mean it this time* *watches perplexed as paramedics try to resuscitate the man* There's really very little -- *shrugs* *mutters* Might as well be talking to myself.

*continues pacing*
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[Mar. 25th, 2008|07:21 pm]
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[Mood | accomplished]

*much as she’s appreciated regaining her strength and catching up on recent history, has also re-discovered her distaste for endless bright light and joie de vivre* *is developing a persistent headache, in fact*

*finds herself missing the quiet, dreary shadows of the northern Halls* *discorporates on a whim and heads there with all due speed*

*sighs with relief as she re-forms in the midst of a dimly lit chamber* *feels at home for the first time since waking up*

*wanders over to a convenient chair and sinks down into it*


*reaches beneath her and pulls out a handful of dark, inert slime* Hel-lo. You don’t quite remember what you are just yet, do you? Well, you don’t belong on the furniture until you do. *considers, listening to the nasty buzzing you’re giving off* And perhaps not even then.

*holds out her hand and lets the murk slip through her fingers to the floor*

*sits back and waits for her husband to get in*
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[Mar. 24th, 2008|03:55 pm]
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[Mood | hyper]

*knows that time's a-wasting in his Halls but figures that the newly-arrived dead can wait a while longer*

*goes out into Delving to indulge in a little people-watching (it's such fun!)*

*sits on a bench in a quiet park, not far from the hospital, with a large ice-cream in his hand*

*chuckles to himself as everyone who passes takes a wide berth around him (oh, these children are so clever!)*

*leans forward, his right leg hopping up and down, as a familiar figure walks towards him*
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[Mar. 16th, 2008|09:47 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*actually rather enjoyed the baby shower, that brief encounter with Morwen aside*

*on her first day of maternity leave, drops a few last reports into the office before going to the hospital for her fortnightly check-up*

*afterwards, having put a photo of the scan into her bag, gets on a bus to a particular neighbourhood and walks down a particular street until she gets to a particular establishment*

*rings the bell and takes a step back in surprise as Why Do Birds? begins to play*
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[Mar. 4th, 2008|03:57 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*gets up late in the afternoon after keeping a few days of his usually amorphous schedule*

*wanders about Delving for a bit, picking up what he can, enjoying being in the middle of things*

*stops in a pub to settle into the middle period of nightlife, before everyone hits the dream-filled hay*
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