August 11th, 2008

[info]briseisoftroy in [info]onceuponanooc

I'm going to put up some wanted things for this, but.. I thought I'd ask here, too. Basically, I would love to see Maddie's mother played in-game. She raised Maddie by herself until she met this guy while Maddie was in high school and got serious with him and they got married just after Maddie graduated just a couple of years ago. The guy is open to have kids of his own or not and.. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a played character, either. Anyway, I was planning to have them have a baby together soon so that Maddie can be a jealous freak while pretending she doesn't care or feel threatened and I think it would be more fun if either or both were actual characters rather than NPCs.

Also? If anyone's histories would match up to be step-siblings with her in that situation, I wouldn't say no to that, either.

While I'm pimping her out? She grew up in NYC, so she could easily know any characters there since she also goes home pretty regularly. She's in Atlanta for school, so she'd know people THERE, too. AND she spent her junior year in England (that was.. four years ago) where she had a relationship with Sabrina's Landon/Fiyero, so she could have met some London characters during that year.

Maddie's become one of my favorite characters to play, so... I'd love some more plot with her. Please hit me up if you have anything you think could work! :D

[info]armoredlioness in [info]onceuponanooc

Hey y'all.

This is Allena. Allena is the reincarnation of Alanna of Trebond from Song of the Lioness by Tamora Pierce.

She's ... something else. The easiest way to describe her would be to say that she is a feminist. However, that is not exactly the case, either. She believes that SOME women deserve to be treated as mens equal... not all. She's blunt and brash. She says exactly what she's thinking and she doesn't sugar-coat anything.

Um... she's in London. Hermeh and I said that she could be friends with Emily.

She needs everything. I haven't written up her SLs, yet, but the normal rules apply. Friends... enemies... flings. Everything. She probably has more male friends than she does female friends. However, if the woman is strong and independent, she could be friends with them, too.

Hit me up! We can chat about HER or my other characters. You can read about my other characters HERE.

My kids are FINALLY back in school so that will give me a little more time to focus on RP.

AIM: hope31516

♥, Crystal

OH! I almost forgot. Allena goes to the University of Westminster! She wants to be an architect. :D

[info]cornishknight in [info]onceuponanooc

HEY PEOPLE! I have a question.

I am considering apping a guy. However, I want to see if anyone is interested in having some plot with him. He's seventeen years old and going to high school in Chicago. He's Lena's Charlie's younger brother. PBed by the awesome Corbin Bleu.

I've played the character before. He's a whole lot of fun. He'd an adrenaline addict and is always up for a little fun. However, he's also very dedicated and a very hard worker. He might blow off class one day but he'll work doubly hard for the rest of the week to make up for it. He's poorer... like Charlie. However, he fully intends to make something of himself! His determination will prevail.

Anyway. He needs friends and enemies and everything!! I would like his loveline to go to someone that I don't have an OTP with. NEW PEOPLE?? PLOT WITH ME!! :D

♥, Crystal

[info]onceuponamodly in [info]onceuponanooc


We would really like for all players to weigh in... especially the ones that currently play high school aged characters in Chicago.

We seem to be acquiring more and more 14-18 year old characters in Chicago. For the sake of plot, I have sort of been assuming that they all go to the same school. However, that poses a question.

Public or Private school?

We hear that a lot people enroll their children in private school because the school system sucks in Chicago. However, we have no actual statistics to prove or disprove this theory.

Now, Lena and I could make a great mod decision and just decide but we want to hear your opinion on the matter.

Do we want our high schoolers to go to a public or private school?

Keep in mind that no matter what is discussed here, you do not have to go with the crowd. If it makes more sense for your character to be in a public school... so be it. The same with a private school. We're just wanting to have a better idea of what kind of plot possibilities we're looking at.

The Crystal-shaped Mod

ETA: We've decided that, for plot purposes and scheduling, it would be simpler to have one school. It receives both private and public funding. You do not have to pay tuition. Though, wealthier families choose to help the school financially. The only catch? Your kids have to maintain a passing average.

Also, we'll be using the schedules linked here for our fictional high school's time table.

Now... help us choose a name OR suggest one of your own...

Chicago Hope Academy
Josephinum Academy
Cornerstone Academy
Hyde Park Academy
Phillips Academy
West Town Academy
Wheaton Academy