Aug. 14th, 2008



I'm heading out of town in a few hours to visit friends, and I'll be gone until Sunday evening!

If anyone has a thread they want, either let me know or go ahead and post it up, and I'll see it/get to it! I should still have internet access, so I'll be able to hop on occasionally; I'll generally be pretty scarce, though.

I'm pretty sure that I'm all caught up with threads, and all that's left is some backstory/plotting that I'll be replying to in the next day or so!

Everyone have a great weekend!! ♥

Aug. 12th, 2008


New characters! :)

I think this is the first time that I've had THREE characters added at once. IDK. Anyway, here they are! I'm really excited about all of them, so take a look and let me know what you might want to plot! :)

[info]relativesanity / The Mad Hatter: Louis Montgomery; 25, born and raised in LA. He'll be traveling all around soon, settling in Chicago for a while, and he's definitely something else. He's kind of a social dork, especially when it comes to the fairer sex. He tries to be cool and usually fails, and when he stops trying? He miraculously winds up looking awesome. He's a writer of dramatic fiction, and has been published a couple of times. FULL BIO HERE!

[info]halfagony / Frederick Wentworth: Filipe Santiago; 35, born in Spain and sent off to Chicago when he was still very young to live with his father (oh, those PITTS!!). He hated it there, eventually adapted, and then went screaming back to Spain after his big brother, Richard, macked on his girl. Joined the navy, had a bitter engagement, and finally moved to LA to paint. FULL BIO HERE!

[info]wickedwickham / George Wickham: Chance Winston; 22, stock broker in New York. He's a bit of a playboy, but he's genuinely open and relatively friendly about the whole thing. He's not really into misleading girls or being a jerk, and he's likely to get a little miffed if someone thinks badly of him. FULL BIO HERE!

And, as a reminder (since I didn't get a whole lot of response the first time), I've got [info]almostfalling! Her bio is HERE!

Aug. 3rd, 2008


New character! :D

HEY ALL! I've got a new character joining the game, and I'm SUPER excited about her. Unlike all of my other characters, I've played this girl before in a different game, so I've got a solid feel for her and all her layers.

Anyway, she's Jessica/[info]almostfalling, and is a 22-year-old exotic dancer/aspiring model living in LA! She's the reincarnation of Griet/Girl With a Pearl Earring. She's had a LOT of issues going on with her in the past, and it's definitely shaped her into the slightly screwed up girl she is today. However, she genuinely is a nice person, if a bit on the forward end of the spectrum.

I really want some awesome SLs for her, especially the love interest (which I'll be putting up in the wanted lines post!) so make sure you check out her bio/SLs and let me know what you could see working out! ♥

Full bio/SLs located here!

Jul. 29th, 2008


A little OOCness!

SOOOO, anyone who has ever actually caught me on a messenger knows what a bitch it can be to get me on there? :D Anyway, since I am starting a new job in a bit and will have way less hours (WOO!), I decided I would make the effort to actually be available. Online. Via MESSENGERS. *headwall*

So consider this my open invitation for any and all chatting! And also my lazy request for your screennames. XD I had actually intended to look in character journals or CDJs to find this junk but figured this would be easier. And then I wouldn't end up randomly IM'ing someone all unwelcome-like. ^_^

AIM: unw0undfantasy
MSN: unwoundfantasy AT gmail DOT com

WOO! Also, I just submitted an app for a 22-year-old LA gal, if anyone wants to get a jump on discussing some possible SLs! :)


Jul. 21st, 2008


Following a bit of a theme here, I thought I'd post a few of my 'Most Wanted' SLs and see where that goes. XD I'm willing to do trade-offs, too -- if you see something that tickles your fancy, let me know and give me a list of your most wanted SLs! I'll pick something up for you, too!

------- Most Wanted -------

Oh, Love Interests! They are addictive and somehow make playing that much more fun. I'm especially keen to get some of these, as all of my guys have planned/potential OTPs, but my girls are all lonely! :D

JAY still is and always will be a bit of a bitch, but she could use someone to soften her up a bit. At least when it comes to him; I doubt it'll soften her for most other folks. Location: NYC, PB: No Preference, Age: Preferably someone a little older to balance out her incredible immaturity, Reincarnation: No Preference.

KITTY is also loveless and would adore having someone that could swoop in and steal her heart (and deal with her slightly protective big brother)! Location: Atlanta or a kid from Blackshear, PB: No Preference, Age: No Preference, Reincarnation: No Preference!

IRIS is in dire need of someone to take her by the hand, tell her to calm down, and balance her out. Preferably someone whom she can balance out, too, in her crazy ways. Location: NYC, PB: Not incredibly picky, but someone like Dermot Mulroney or Viggo Mortensen fit the image in my mind, Age: Early to late 30's, Reincarnation: No Preference.


Vince and Eric would love the third pieces in their love triangles. Location: NYC for both, PBs: No Preference (but then again, they're the RIVALS. RAWR!), Age: No Preference, Reincarnations: Raoul de Chagny from The Phantom of the Opera and Edgar Linton from Wuthering Heights. I know Hermeh posted a bit about these, as well. :D

As for everyone else, I could always use more friends for James, as well as past and future flings/dates/etc. Vince could always use various celebrities, millionaires, etc. in his line of work (security). Eric has openings for music students, as well!

And if anyone is looking for a NYC SL with a girl around 20/21, I may be considering bringing over an older character that has little plot in her current game. She'd be a little tarty thing, PB'ed Redhead!Lindsay Lohan.


Jul. 19th, 2008


Woo! New character! So hit me up with lots of plotting, srsly. :)

[info]thegloaming is James Sanford, reincarnation of Count Dracula! He's 39 and living in LA, doing the city of scandals a favor by offering his services in paralegal. ;D He's incredibly laid back and easy-going, yet selfish and confidently demanding of the things that he wants.

He was born in Washington, but moved to NYC when he was twenty-six. He stayed there until he was about thirty-five, before relocating to LA -- so he could potentially know a few people in both locations!

His full bio is HERE, so go wild!!

Jul. 2nd, 2008


Woo! Two new characters (that can have WAY MORE plot with all you crazy kids)!!

This gal here is Kitty Kane, reincarnation of Scout Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. She's the little sister of Matt and Ben Kane, and is a pure sweetheart. She's ball of love and loyalty to her family and friends, and is friendly and outgoing enough to always make new ones! :)

She's from the crazy-popular Blackshear, Georgia, but just recently moved up to Atlanta to get her some educatin'. XD Her BFF goes to school in Chicago, so she could know some folks up there from visits, as well as some LA folks through her brother.

Her bio/backstory/SL post is located HERE, so get on it! :D

I've also got Jay Davison ([info]hazylolita), reincarnated from Dolores Haze of Lolita. She's the lovable Dari's bratty, bitchy, manipulative sister, but she can be genuinely nice and can get along with someone if she doesn't feel like she either needs to impress them or wants something they have. She's from Chicago, but is moving to NYC in August to compete with Dari go to school. XD

Her post is HERE!

I'm disabling comments here because unfortunately I KNOOOOW I'm bad about remembering to reply to everything, so having backstory/SLs in the actual bio posts will help me. A LOT. :) :) But seriously, COMMENT!!!! I'm super excited about these kids and having characters in social circles/around the right age to interact with almost everybody!

Jun. 30th, 2008


Anyone Interested? :D

SO, I am loving this game, and I have the urge to make a few more characters. HOWEVER, I thought I'd offer this up for anyone who is missing a counterpart that they'd like played! :) Other halves of OTPs/flings, brothers/sisters/cousins, BFFs, WHATEVER you need!

I have a few characters, but it seems like most are a fair bit older than the rest of our characters and it makes interaction with everyone a little more difficult. I'd love to get to play with more folks!

So let me know who you need or just plain want, and if you have any special needs for them -- preferred ages/PBs/fictional characters.

In case you're itching to backstory with anyone already around, my present characters are [info]fantome (the Phantom of the Opera), [info]vincentclifford (Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights), and [info]irisisme (Egyptian Mythology's Isis)!

-- Bunny!

Jun. 9th, 2008


New Character!

HEY GUYS. This is the gal that was still pending when I made my first intro post. :) She's official now!

NYC - [info]irisisme is Iris, reincarnated from Egyptian Mythology's Goddess Isis. She's 24, super friendly, and is constantly on the move. She loves parties and gatherings, tends to get along with just about anyone and everyone, and is the only one of my kiddos to have a supernatural sort of ability; she has prophetic dreams! So if you want something to be seen by her for one of your characters, hit me up with the details! I figured that could make some interesting plotlines! FULL BIO HERE!

Jun. 7th, 2008



Hello!! Finally introducing my first two characters here! :D I thought about bringing in older characters that I've played before and adapting them to the game, but I decided on doing something new. So here we have two guys (I've got a girl pending, and a couple more girls running around in my head; we'll see!), both a little older than what seems to be the norm here. :-/ I don't know how much plot they could have with the current characters, but it's worth a shot!

NYC - [info]fantome is Eric, and he's reincarnated from Erik/the Phantom of the opera. He's 32, mostly keeps to himself, and gives music lessons during the day. There's definitely opportunity for meeting him, though, as he works on the weekend evenings as a pianist in a martini bar. Even when interacting with others, he might come off as slightly socially awkward. He hasn't yet discovered his past life, but I'm sure he'll be even more confused when that happens. FULL BIO HERE!

NYC - [info]vincentclifford is Vince, reincarnated from Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights. At 29, he is a fair bit more open with his feelings and thoughts than Eric. He's passionate in everything he does, whether that means shouting with joy when he's happy or freely pouting when things aren't going his way. And, perhaps most prominent, he has a raging temper. He does know about his former self, and he's used it moreso to justify his current actions and the way he behaves. FULL BIO HERE!

Hit me up for some plotting/storylines! :D