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Sep. 25th, 2008


Hey, y'all.. I'm thinking of bringing in a character that some of y'all will remember from another game, but I'm undecided as to where I want to put her. I definitely want her to be from Chicago, but I'm not sure if I want to have her still at Wheaton or if I want to have her graduated and now living in another city, soooo.. I'd thought I'd see if anyone wanted her for anything. She's an only child, though her parents have both remarried since their divorce, so she could have some step-siblings in-game.

Anyway, the rest of her info is up here, so take a look and tell me if you want any particular plot for her!

<3! Lena

P.S. I know I'm slacking on several replies I owe people. I've been sick the past few days, but I promise to get on those soon.

Aug. 13th, 2008


Now Lena is introducing Savannah's husband. :P This is Bryant! He's a lovable asshole. Okay, so sometimes he's just an asshole, but sometimes he's lovable! [info]needs2bkissed is his wife (and what a rocky road that's been) and [info]wickedwickham is his best friend. He's the oldest of the Sawyer kids (Izzy, NPCs Sam and Kenny who someone should totally pick up to play), [info]fool4love's younger half-brother, [info]lustpersonified's step-son, [info]spunkymari's son.. you get the picture! Bryant's rich, spoiled and snobbish. He can be a real ass, but he can be a real sweetheart, too. He's very protective and loving to his siblings and the people he cares about. Aside from his BFF line and his OTP, he needs everything. Friends, enemies, etc. Bryant grew up in Chicago, but he moved to New York shortly after his 19th birthday. He's recently graduated college and he runs a publishing house that owns magazines and newspapers all over the country, which he inherited from his father when the man passed away. And he's only 21, married, and expecting his first child - a son. He's a very proud Daddy-to-be. Also? His assistants/secretaries tend to be a source of conflict for him and Vannah, especially when they're attractive, so I'd love to have that particular line filled.

Next up, I have [info]fixu's son, Travis. His info is at [info]raisingchaos. He's only 7, so I know he's not likely to get much plot, but there's always random journal interactions. Also, if someone were to app a girl to annoy him be his friend friend, especially in the shape of Morgan York.. and/or his best male friend, I would kind of love that a LOT. He lives in LA with his Mama. He has a knack for getting into trouble. 90% of his antics are actually based on things Crystal's real life seven year old has done, so as you laugh.. know that she's actually had to deal with the same things Abby deals with with Travis. ;)

Lastly, I have Brandon. He needs everything but a love interest! He lives in LA now, but he wasn't born there and I'm leaving where he came from open in case anyone wants to plot him as someone's sibling - either IG or someone being apped. He has a little sister and an older brother, so he's right in the middle of 3 kids. Brandon is an FBI Agent. He's the reincarnation of The Arkansas Traveler and his ability is that once he starts something, he has to see it through to the end. Which brings me to his oh so clever journal name -> [info]seeitthrough. He needs exes, friends, flings, co-workers.. everything!

Also, as a note, there's a brief change to [info]sirlancelot's history, because he is Travis' father. I don't think this affects my plot with any of you much, but it'd be common knowledge ICly that Abby's son is his. He didn't find out until shortly before the boy's 7th birthday, maybe about 6 months ago at the most and he was kind of o.O at first, but he's a good father and he really loves his little boy.



SO GUISE. Say Lena was insane and made another character?

She's 20 or so, youngest of four - the other 3 are all boys. PB is Eliza Dushku. Does anyone have anyone that could be one of the brothers? Or want anything else with her? I haven't settled on a specific city, yet, but her reincarnation is going to be Eowyn from Lord of the Rings and she's.. wild, violent, crazy, fun.

And the brothers can be any age from about 22/23 on up. She'll probably be 20 or 21. Plot preemptively with me?

Aug. 11th, 2008


I'm going to put up some wanted things for this, but.. I thought I'd ask here, too. Basically, I would love to see Maddie's mother played in-game. She raised Maddie by herself until she met this guy while Maddie was in high school and got serious with him and they got married just after Maddie graduated just a couple of years ago. The guy is open to have kids of his own or not and.. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a played character, either. Anyway, I was planning to have them have a baby together soon so that Maddie can be a jealous freak while pretending she doesn't care or feel threatened and I think it would be more fun if either or both were actual characters rather than NPCs.

Also? If anyone's histories would match up to be step-siblings with her in that situation, I wouldn't say no to that, either.

While I'm pimping her out? She grew up in NYC, so she could easily know any characters there since she also goes home pretty regularly. She's in Atlanta for school, so she'd know people THERE, too. AND she spent her junior year in England (that was.. four years ago) where she had a relationship with Sabrina's Landon/Fiyero, so she could have met some London characters during that year.

Maddie's become one of my favorite characters to play, so... I'd love some more plot with her. Please hit me up if you have anything you think could work! :D

Aug. 10th, 2008


Hallo thar OUAD!

Lena can't help herself and made three more characters. :D

This one is Jules. She's the reincarnation of Tinkerbell, so woo for more Peter Pan cast? Her ability is that she brings out your inner child when you're around her - even if you normally don't seem to have one. She's a waitress and aspiring musician living in Los Angeles and she needs... everything. BFF(s), exes, friends, love interest(s)! She's very childlike, friendly and fun. Seriously, how can you not love this girl? :D She has some storylines up in her journal already, so take a look and let me know if you are interested in anything there.

Next, I have [info]jinnee - Trick McMillan. He's The Genie from Aladdin. Well, the Djinni of the Lamp if you want to get technical. You know what I mean. He's Ed's little brother and he's 17 and about to be a senior at our unnamed high school in Chicago (we should make a name and schedule for that now that more people are apping kids there!). He's a flirt, he's a jock, he's a lot of fun, really! He has some lines and things up, too, I think - unless I failed and forgot to write those, in which case I'll get on it soon. His love interest is possibly/probably filled, I think? (Hermeh, catch me tonight and we'll talk details for him and Bells!), but he needs everything else - friends, other girls to flirt with, exes, etc. He's got a thing for blatantly hitting on older women because he considers them "safe." And he's probably visited Ed in Chicago a lot, so he could easily have plot with people there, too!

Lastly, I have [info]noillusion who a lot of you will recognize as basically my first RP character ever. *g* Bri Grey is JJ's little sister. She's the youngest of four kids and if you're interested in making either of the other two Grey siblings (boys or girls, it doesn't matter!), give me a shout. Bri is... a nerd. She's a bookworm. She's reads and studies like nobody's business, which is why she's only 21 but starting her first year of Med School at Columbia University in NYC.She grew up in Chicago, so she'll know people from there, too! Her reincarnation is Prince Beautiful from an obscure little fairy tale of the same name and her ability is that she can see beyond illusions and appearances to who a person is on the inside. Her info and stuff is in her journal and she needs everything! More family, friends, a love interest.

Hit me up on AIM at macgirl50 or comment here for plot!

Aug. 7th, 2008


Yo! :D

This is Livvy! She's an Environmental Consultant, currently living in New York. She grew up in Los Angeles, though, and did her first two years of college there before transferring to NYU. She also has a birth mother in Chicago and she lived there when she was very young, but she doesn't remember her or it very much at all.

Her love interest is being apped and she has a few friends already, but she could totally use more friends and any other plot you can think of. She has an ex-bf line that I don't think will fit anyone currently in-game, because it's meant to be someone who turned out to be gay after they stopped dating. She also has a father, a step-mother and a set of step-siblings I'd love to see played as well as her birth mother and any possibly children she would have that I would love to see in game.

(Also, Hermeh, I am considering Jake an NPC for the moment but if you decided to app Jake, that would not be anything resembling a bad thing. :P)

All her info and lines are up in her journal, so take a look!

Aug. 3rd, 2008


HIIII, Lena is INSANE. She has 3 more characters to introduce and she really hopes you'll plot with them.

First up is this boy, Garrett Pitt. He's Richard's youngest real son, half-brother to Jeremy, step sibling to Izzy and he's pretty much an ass. He's a snob and he won't associate with anyone who doesn't have money. At 16, he's already developed a taste for corrupting the innocent girls. And, you know, dumping them once he has. He's ambitious and determined. He's manipulative. He's a high school student in Chicago and he needs everything! Crystal and I would LOVE to have a few of the family lines filled - specifically Garrett's mother and the two OPEN Sawyer boys, so chat us up if you're interested!

I also have [info]evilsykes aka Thomas Richards, who is Richard Pitt's BFF since childhood. He's just as snobbish, just as rich and powerful.. and he's a politician. Scary, right? He adores his family (a wife and 3 teenage-ish children who are open for play) and would do anything for them, though he does carry on his secret affairs. Did I mention that he's a bit of an ass? Also, he's Pierce Brosnan. Who wouldn't be willing to sleep with that? He travels all over for work, but his home is in Chicago. He needs friends, enemies, girls of all ages to fling with, exes - everything, basically!

Lastly, I have [info]corusrogue aka Chandler Fitzpatrick. He's a quiet, broody boy and he's a little bit screwed up because of his upbringing. He was raised in Boston and his oldest brother was a drug dealer/criminal who liked to force Chandler to help him out. His mother died when he was young and his father hasn't really been around - he basically ran away to London for college to get away from his life and he hasn't really looked back. He needs everything but an OTP, because she's being apped, I think.

They all have storylines and such in their journals, so check 'em out. I also have a list of all my characters and what's plotted/needed for them here, so feel free to check that out! I am ALWAYS up for more plot! You can IM me at macgirl50 on AIM, drop me a comment, or PM my personal IJ at [info]lena.


Jul. 30th, 2008


IF I were to go crazy and make another character, possibly in the shape of Kevin Zegers (late teens/early twenties) would anyone want him for anything? Specifically a sibling/BFF/etc line. And if there are any specific reincarnations someone wants to see in the game that might work for him, let me know that, too. :D

ETA: I think I'm going to put him in London, FYI.

Jul. 22nd, 2008


I... need to stop having ideas. But I'm debating apping a guy in his mind-twenties. Typical All-American boy, jock when he was in high school.. ummm.. does anyone need someone like that for anything? I'm still debating and I don't know if I'll actually app him, but.. I'm thinking about it.

PS.. Since everyone else is doing it.. I have people who, sadly, do not have love interests in game, but it'd be awesome if anyone wanted to app one/some :D

[info]sweetalexa - Lexi McMillan, 18, born and raised in Blackshear, GA, heading to Atlanta for college in the fall.
[info]talks2animals - Gracie Martin, 19, born and raised in Blackshear, GA, just finished her first year at UCLA.
[info]tinyblondone - Cynthia Walker, 22, born and raised in LA and she's ging to grad school there for criminal psychology.
[info]bellewatling - Rissa Hamilton, 18, just finished her first year at Northwestern, lived in Blackshear until she was 16 and has been in Chicago ever since.
[info]alwayslate - Ryan Williams, 23, medical resident, in Atlanta, where he's lived since he was 15. It was Blackshear before that and he did a year of college in LA.
[info]ubernerd - Andy Clark, 36, lawyer in LA, originally from Scotland.

I'm not necessarily looking for something set in stone, but some potential with the plan to see how things play out, because, of course, it's difficult to see how characters will mesh until they're really played together.

as a note, I don't intend for [info]stupidbirds (Ollie, 21, from LA/college in NYC) to have a serious or long-term love interest, because I think he'll probably pine for Ash forever, but I'd love to have some casual flings for him.

And some past flings for both him and Ed ([info]likeatree, 22, went to high school in Chicago, college in NYC, lived in Blackshear til he was 15) would not go amiss, either. :D

Also? Someone should totes pick up Chloe's brother/Maddie's ex-boyfriend. :D

Jul. 20th, 2008


It's Lena with another new one. I swear, I need a twelve-step program or something.

Anyway, this is Ryan Williams and he is Laura's big brother by four years. He's 23, a medical resident, and he lives in ATLANTA. He and his sister lived south about 5 hours in Blackshear until he was around 13 or 14 and then the family moved to Atlanta and he's been pretty much taking care of his sister since the end of his first year of college, because their parents win.

Anyway, his app is in his journal and you can comment or catch me on AIM for plot. -> macgirl50


Hey, y'all.. just a heads up that I am back from my real vacation, BUT, I am leaving Tuesday to pick up Crystal and then she'll be staying with me for a week, so, while I'll probably be able to squeeze in a reply or update here or there, I really won't be back for about another week or so. I would say call me officially back on August 1st.

Feel free to attack me on AIM if you see me on, though. Also, allow me to shamelessly pimp my CDJ: [info]dejavroom. If you have one, you should totally friend me. :D

In the meantime.. I have a list of who I play along with what plot they have/have open. If I'm missing anything or if you have any new plot to offer any of my characters? Please to be letting me know.

♥ Lena

Jul. 19th, 2008


Hi-hi! Some of you will recognize this girl already, but...

Meet Izzy Sawyer. She's Mari's daughter, Jeremy's half sister and she's a great big bundle of energy. She just turned 17 in February, so she'll be a senior in high school for this coming school year and she lives in Chicago with her mom and Jeremy's dad and their 125752467517635 siblings.

Okay, technically, the older ones have all left home, so it's just her, her younger brother and their baby sister who will be a year old at the end of this month. Exciting times, yo. :P

Anyway... she's a little bit spoiled, very energetic and curious and lots of fun. She's not snobbish in the least. Hit me up for some plot, because I love playing this girl. Her app is up in her journal and she could use both friends and people who aren't so fond of her. Drop me a comment or IM me on AIM at macgirl50. :D


PS I have a boy in the works, probably PBed by Jesse Spencer, so let me know if anyone needs a sibling, love interest, etc that he might fill. :D

Jul. 13th, 2008


good impressions meme!

This'll be a bit of repetition for some of you guys, but I figured we could all use a little ego stroking. :D

Players, leave a comment with your name somewhere in this post. Then everyone should comment with their three favorite characters for each player and why they have left such a good impression on you.

For simplicity's sake, try to stick to characters in this game. Characters are linked and listed in the player directory, for those of use who have trouble keeping track of who plays who.

Jul. 7th, 2008


Hey, y'all.. I'm going to be leaving on vacation tomorrow night, so I'm going to be scarce for the next week or so. Be good for Crystal, kay? :DDD

And PLAY! We likes an active community! ;)

Jul. 4th, 2008


Hey, y'all... I decided to get all organizey with my plot, and I've compiled it into one list, but I know I'm forgetting a ton of stuff and I also have a lot of holes where people need things filled.. so take a look and drop me a comment. If I've forgotten plot we've already talked about or you want to add something new, just let me know!

list is here!

♥ Lena

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