Aug. 13th, 2008


Hey guys, so I'm going to attempt to pick up Tweedledum and put her in Atlanta as a college student. So.. does everyone that's a student over there go to roughly the same school or is there a majority one? I'd like for her to go where everyone else is but it's a lot of stuff to look through to figure out who goes where.

Suggestions are very welcome :)

Jul. 20th, 2008


Hi guys, it's Jewels again.

This is Rowan Lockhart, the current incarnation of Hades. She lives in London and she is both a prostitute and a drug dealer. Fun times. All of her info is here and if you've had a pup who likes either drugs and/or hookers, she's definitely the gal to call. Oh also, because of her Hades thing, she can go invisible, like she's got a helm of darkness. And she's up for just about anything at all.

Jul. 9th, 2008


All back from vacation woo!

And really, Isabella needs a Dracula. Y'know you want to.

Jul. 1st, 2008


Hey kiddies,

Most of you already know but tomorrow I'm leaving to go to Disneyworld until Monday. I'm bringing my computer so it's possible I'll be able to tag at night if the net connection works or whatever but I won't be around most of the time. So I guess this is a hiatus thing. Whee.

- Satan
x-posted liek woah.

Jun. 16th, 2008


Hi guys, I'm Jewels.

This is Isabella Leone, and she's Mina Harker from Dracula. She resides in LA, and is a film producer. She works for Troublemaker Studios, which is Robert Rodriguez's production company. She's pretty well off, and while some producers aren't very popular, it's always possible that if your character likes movies, they'd know who she was. She just dumped her boyfriend and moved into a bigger house with her two dogs.

She's up for all kinds of plottage.