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Jan. 17th, 2011


EVERYONE: Meet Aspen Martin! Don't make fun of her name by calling her Aston Martin, like the car. She's heard it and hates it. And will kick you in the shins. She currently attends Western University of Health Sciences for her Bachelor's in Veterinary Sciences with a focus on Large animals. She graduated from Pierce College with a degree in Veterinary Science and a minor in Equine Sciences. She works hard and loves it.

She teaches lessons at Pierce so she can keep her horse there, shows professionally on the A Circuit and working her way up to Grand Prix and FEI events. She's got high hopes for her show career and is willing to put in long hours to do so. ^.^ You can read more about her here but she's the Middle Child in the Martin clan - with Jon and Gracie as her siblings. She's the reincarnation of .. wait for it... WAIT FOR IT... EOWYN. yeah she's badass. Get it? Got it? Good!

Now.. 1 2 3 PLOT WITH HER!

<3 Trin
TrinityNikol as always

OH and because there was a mix up, Renata [info]renataruffiano is the Reincarnation of Tartarus (another primordial Greek God with ties to shadows, underworld etc) instead of Nyx. I didnt notice we had a Nyx. Oops? Sorry!

Oct. 6th, 2008


Hey everyone...

Okay so Layla has been in the game for a little while now but she's only had plots with Darren! So this is my post asking for plots!

Anyone from Wheaton in her year would be awesome (she's seventeen and a senior)! She's friends with a lot of people and gets along with most. People younger would work too. I just want to have her interact with some more people!

So yes, I am practically always around so let me know! I'd love to get her in some threads and storylines with people at her school and otherwise.


Sep. 25th, 2008


Hey, y'all.. I'm thinking of bringing in a character that some of y'all will remember from another game, but I'm undecided as to where I want to put her. I definitely want her to be from Chicago, but I'm not sure if I want to have her still at Wheaton or if I want to have her graduated and now living in another city, soooo.. I'd thought I'd see if anyone wanted her for anything. She's an only child, though her parents have both remarried since their divorce, so she could have some step-siblings in-game.

Anyway, the rest of her info is up here, so take a look and tell me if you want any particular plot for her!

<3! Lena

P.S. I know I'm slacking on several replies I owe people. I've been sick the past few days, but I promise to get on those soon.

Sep. 21st, 2008



» In case you couldn't tell by the mass of intros, adds have been done. There were a few errors in the friend all initially, so you may need to rerun it. We have two new characters added to the mix, so make sure you update your AIM lists, too!

» Crystal is without internet for a few days due to her move, so we most likely will not be doing adds again until she gets net hooked up at her new place.

♥ Lena

Aug. 15th, 2008


As promised, we've done our first round of inactivity cleanout. The following characters received warnings two weeks ago and have now been removed from the game for inactivity:

Anthony Ingram as Rhett Butler ([info]nogentleman, pb Gaspard Ulliel)
Clarabelle Fontaine as Eris ([info]cleris, pb Scarlett Johansson)
Dylan Murray as Crowley ([info]temptingserpent, pb James Marsden)
Isabella Masen as Lucy Harris ([info]isabellamasen, pb Anne Hathaway)
Mina Brandon as Elinor Dashwood ([info]missdashwood, pb Blake Lively)
Rhiannon Mondale as Ilse ([info]bluewind, pb Katie Cassidy)
Richard Thompson as Adam Young ([info]makeyourownside, pb Patrick Dempsey)
Zac Maxwell as Peter Pan ([info]eternallyaboy, pb Ben Barnes)

Their reincarnations and pb's are now up for grabs. Also, please to be remembering to keep your characters active! We don't want to lose any of you!

♥, Lena

Aug. 14th, 2008


Hey, y'all!

Wheaton Academy is the name Lena and I settled on for our Chicago based high school. Several people commented and almost everyone liked that name. (Though, when I was typing it, I'm sure I left the letter A out... we'll just overlook my ignorance.)

Lena and I have put quite a bit of work coming up with schedules and such. So I feel that I can safely say this is the only high school we'll put so much effort into. It would be great if we could put one in every city but... this isn't a high school game. It's a game with a high school in it. Needless to say, if you put your school age kid somewhere else, you'll be responsible for such information. No hard feelings, right?

I've been working diligently on an information page for Wheaton Academy. Lena has helped me find all of our Alumni.

I've set up an ical with school events on it. Classes will begin August 20th for those that are interested.

Now, though, we need your help.
We have a few things that need to be decided about Wheaton Academy.
What would you like the school colors to be?
What would you like the school mascot?
While you're at it, please suggest a name for the school newspaper?

Feel free to suggest clubs and sports and whatever else, while you're at it. This is your game, after all, and your input matters to us.

BTW. I did adds. *cough* In case you didn't notice. *didn't forget to update about that at ALLL*

♥, Crystal



I'm heading out of town in a few hours to visit friends, and I'll be gone until Sunday evening!

If anyone has a thread they want, either let me know or go ahead and post it up, and I'll see it/get to it! I should still have internet access, so I'll be able to hop on occasionally; I'll generally be pretty scarce, though.

I'm pretty sure that I'm all caught up with threads, and all that's left is some backstory/plotting that I'll be replying to in the next day or so!

Everyone have a great weekend!! ♥

Aug. 13th, 2008


Okay, so I'm working on another character, but for the darnedest reason, I can't think of a Reincarnation on my own. I'm looking for a character that was extremely organized and/or paid close attention to detail. If anyone knows of any books and/or characters, please let me know. You can suggest it here or IM me on AncamnaSulAimend.

Thanks so much! ♥ Sabrina


Hey guys, so I'm going to attempt to pick up Tweedledum and put her in Atlanta as a college student. So.. does everyone that's a student over there go to roughly the same school or is there a majority one? I'd like for her to go where everyone else is but it's a lot of stuff to look through to figure out who goes where.

Suggestions are very welcome :)


Now Lena is introducing Savannah's husband. :P This is Bryant! He's a lovable asshole. Okay, so sometimes he's just an asshole, but sometimes he's lovable! [info]needs2bkissed is his wife (and what a rocky road that's been) and [info]wickedwickham is his best friend. He's the oldest of the Sawyer kids (Izzy, NPCs Sam and Kenny who someone should totally pick up to play), [info]fool4love's younger half-brother, [info]lustpersonified's step-son, [info]spunkymari's son.. you get the picture! Bryant's rich, spoiled and snobbish. He can be a real ass, but he can be a real sweetheart, too. He's very protective and loving to his siblings and the people he cares about. Aside from his BFF line and his OTP, he needs everything. Friends, enemies, etc. Bryant grew up in Chicago, but he moved to New York shortly after his 19th birthday. He's recently graduated college and he runs a publishing house that owns magazines and newspapers all over the country, which he inherited from his father when the man passed away. And he's only 21, married, and expecting his first child - a son. He's a very proud Daddy-to-be. Also? His assistants/secretaries tend to be a source of conflict for him and Vannah, especially when they're attractive, so I'd love to have that particular line filled.

Next up, I have [info]fixu's son, Travis. His info is at [info]raisingchaos. He's only 7, so I know he's not likely to get much plot, but there's always random journal interactions. Also, if someone were to app a girl to annoy him be his friend friend, especially in the shape of Morgan York.. and/or his best male friend, I would kind of love that a LOT. He lives in LA with his Mama. He has a knack for getting into trouble. 90% of his antics are actually based on things Crystal's real life seven year old has done, so as you laugh.. know that she's actually had to deal with the same things Abby deals with with Travis. ;)

Lastly, I have Brandon. He needs everything but a love interest! He lives in LA now, but he wasn't born there and I'm leaving where he came from open in case anyone wants to plot him as someone's sibling - either IG or someone being apped. He has a little sister and an older brother, so he's right in the middle of 3 kids. Brandon is an FBI Agent. He's the reincarnation of The Arkansas Traveler and his ability is that once he starts something, he has to see it through to the end. Which brings me to his oh so clever journal name -> [info]seeitthrough. He needs exes, friends, flings, co-workers.. everything!

Also, as a note, there's a brief change to [info]sirlancelot's history, because he is Travis' father. I don't think this affects my plot with any of you much, but it'd be common knowledge ICly that Abby's son is his. He didn't find out until shortly before the boy's 7th birthday, maybe about 6 months ago at the most and he was kind of o.O at first, but he's a good father and he really loves his little boy.



Like the other two crazies, I have three new kids this week. I'll probably have two more next week but, for now, I'll stick with introducing these guys.

This girl is Savannah Sawyer. Lena just introduced her husband. She's going to need friends. She's going to need enemies. (Trust me, she'll have a lot of those.) There's even a line for the dorm mate she had during her first year of college. There was some sort of mix up in the housing department and poor Savannah got thrown in with some attractive guy. She was raised in Chicago but currently resides in New York.

As for her personality. She's stuck-up, bitchy, and spoiled. Deep down, she has a heart of gold but, other than her two best friends, her husband, and her cousin, very few people get to see that side of her. She's really a lot of fun. She's mildly insane when it comes to her husband but that's because she's got abandonment type issues. I'm sure you guys will be privy to one of their nothing fights soon enough.

Then, I have Ethan Douglass. He'd the Corbin Bleu character I posted about. You can find him and his information at [info]intentionseer. He's focused and driven. He knows that he wants to make something of himself and he intends to do that academically or through sports... it doesn't really matter, either way. He's a lot more fun than he sounds on paper. He's also addicted to adrenaline and finds himself getting into trouble a lot. I'm going to look back and see what was said but... he needs everything. He's in Chicago.

Then, I have Abby. You can find her at [info]fixu. Abby is a single mother. Her little boy, Travis, is quite a handful. She's outspoken to the point of being labeled "rude". She's very proud and doesn't readily accept help from others. Especially her rich relatives that think it's acceptable to offer her money. She got pregnant right after high school and, until recently, has raised her son all by herself. Not too terribly long ago, they ran into Travis' father and he has managed to become a very important part of her life. While she's not set to end up with this guy, they are currently trying to have another child. Something they actually succeeded last week but they wont find out for another three. She needs friends and enemies and co-workers and EVERYTHING. She's in Los Angeles but has family in Chicago.


SO GUISE. Say Lena was insane and made another character?

She's 20 or so, youngest of four - the other 3 are all boys. PB is Eliza Dushku. Does anyone have anyone that could be one of the brothers? Or want anything else with her? I haven't settled on a specific city, yet, but her reincarnation is going to be Eowyn from Lord of the Rings and she's.. wild, violent, crazy, fun.

And the brothers can be any age from about 22/23 on up. She'll probably be 20 or 21. Plot preemptively with me?

Aug. 12th, 2008


New characters! :)

I think this is the first time that I've had THREE characters added at once. IDK. Anyway, here they are! I'm really excited about all of them, so take a look and let me know what you might want to plot! :)

[info]relativesanity / The Mad Hatter: Louis Montgomery; 25, born and raised in LA. He'll be traveling all around soon, settling in Chicago for a while, and he's definitely something else. He's kind of a social dork, especially when it comes to the fairer sex. He tries to be cool and usually fails, and when he stops trying? He miraculously winds up looking awesome. He's a writer of dramatic fiction, and has been published a couple of times. FULL BIO HERE!

[info]halfagony / Frederick Wentworth: Filipe Santiago; 35, born in Spain and sent off to Chicago when he was still very young to live with his father (oh, those PITTS!!). He hated it there, eventually adapted, and then went screaming back to Spain after his big brother, Richard, macked on his girl. Joined the navy, had a bitter engagement, and finally moved to LA to paint. FULL BIO HERE!

[info]wickedwickham / George Wickham: Chance Winston; 22, stock broker in New York. He's a bit of a playboy, but he's genuinely open and relatively friendly about the whole thing. He's not really into misleading girls or being a jerk, and he's likely to get a little miffed if someone thinks badly of him. FULL BIO HERE!

And, as a reminder (since I didn't get a whole lot of response the first time), I've got [info]almostfalling! Her bio is HERE!

Aug. 11th, 2008



We would really like for all players to weigh in... especially the ones that currently play high school aged characters in Chicago.

We seem to be acquiring more and more 14-18 year old characters in Chicago. For the sake of plot, I have sort of been assuming that they all go to the same school. However, that poses a question.

Public or Private school?

We hear that a lot people enroll their children in private school because the school system sucks in Chicago. However, we have no actual statistics to prove or disprove this theory.

Now, Lena and I could make a great mod decision and just decide but we want to hear your opinion on the matter.

Do we want our high schoolers to go to a public or private school?

Keep in mind that no matter what is discussed here, you do not have to go with the crowd. If it makes more sense for your character to be in a public school... so be it. The same with a private school. We're just wanting to have a better idea of what kind of plot possibilities we're looking at.

The Crystal-shaped Mod

ETA: We've decided that, for plot purposes and scheduling, it would be simpler to have one school. It receives both private and public funding. You do not have to pay tuition. Though, wealthier families choose to help the school financially. The only catch? Your kids have to maintain a passing average.

Also, we'll be using the schedules linked here for our fictional high school's time table.

Now... help us choose a name OR suggest one of your own...

Chicago Hope Academy
Josephinum Academy
Cornerstone Academy
Hyde Park Academy
Phillips Academy
West Town Academy
Wheaton Academy


HEY PEOPLE! I have a question.

I am considering apping a guy. However, I want to see if anyone is interested in having some plot with him. He's seventeen years old and going to high school in Chicago. He's Lena's Charlie's younger brother. PBed by the awesome Corbin Bleu.

I've played the character before. He's a whole lot of fun. He'd an adrenaline addict and is always up for a little fun. However, he's also very dedicated and a very hard worker. He might blow off class one day but he'll work doubly hard for the rest of the week to make up for it. He's poorer... like Charlie. However, he fully intends to make something of himself! His determination will prevail.

Anyway. He needs friends and enemies and everything!! I would like his loveline to go to someone that I don't have an OTP with. NEW PEOPLE?? PLOT WITH ME!! :D

♥, Crystal

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