Jul. 21st, 2008


Why hello. I suppose I was cursed and my creative mind made me come up with another character. And alittle bit of seeing Iron Man again. So here I bring you my new lovely boy, Tony Rico. He is the Hare, from the Hare and the Tortious. He is the heir of a HUGE company...and needless to say he is to rich for his own good. He neeeeeeeeeds tooooons of storylines, so please play with him.

Oh. And please feel free to hit my up on AIM.
aim=shirna power


Oh, i forgot.


Jun. 30th, 2008


Alright. I'm just going to throw my boy out there. Lol. He's a bit rough around the edges, but he needs play. He needs some more play I should say. Bad. Especially since I'm bored out of my skull right now. So. What do you say. Play with me?

Aim me.

Either way. I'm open to any plots right now. Just hit me up.


Jun. 23rd, 2008



So I'm new here. And I'm pretty sweet, I'm bring my lovely baby Named Andrew Rice. He is the incarnation David Rice, from the fiction Jumpers. I know it's a movie too. But of course it's a book as well. So, his PB is Jamie Bell.

I know, he's a gruff pretty boy.

So play with me!

AIM: shinrapower