August 10th, 2008

[info]onceuponamodly in [info]onceuponanooc

Adds + Mod Stuff

Adds have been done! Be sure and run the friend adder! We have nine new characters this time around, so be sure and give those peeps some love when they get their intros posted up!

We've also make some minor revisions to the rules, so please check that out and familiarize yourself with those.

We're at over 90 characters now, which is nothing short of amazing. Y'all rock! As always, please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns!

♥ - Mod!Lena

[info]jenna_sul in [info]onceuponanooc

Hello lovelies!

Sabrina here with two new characters and one new-ish one. First I'll introduce Jordan "JJ" Grey. He goes by JJ, he's 24, born and raised in Chicago. His journal is [info]good_jj_hunting. Now living in New York, JJ is a chef and has a natural ability to combine ingredients one might not thing go together. However, when he makes a dish, it's always delicious. He's 100% in love with his girlfriend, Livvy Hunt [info]justlivvy, but needs other things. For one, he needs roommates. Perhaps Bri? Not sure he could actually live with his sister at this point in their lives and not want to completely strangle her, but perhaps? Let me know if you'd like plot with my boy.

So now on to number two. Her name is Bree Amelia Irvington, [info]fanny_price. Born and raised in London, at around the age of 18 she spent two years traveling the world. You name a country, she probably visited there. Once she was 20, Bree spent the next year traveling the states until finally settling down in Los Angeles. She's 23 now and an aspiring model. Shy and a bit of a loner at times, when she's around her brother Vincent [info]vincentclifford she's bubbly and fun. Thanks to her upper class status in England, which means filthy rich, Bree can be choosy with her modeling jobs. Aside from family, my girl needs everything. Plot with her!

Then I'll reintroduce my teen. This is her journal. She's 16, upper class, shy, and completely innocent. While I have some plot for her, I'd really love to branch out a bit more, if possible. Jenna Richards needs your help! ;) Check her out and let me know.

Much love to my peeps!
♥ Sabrina

[info]tuningtink in [info]onceuponanooc

Hallo thar OUAD!

Lena can't help herself and made three more characters. :D

This one is Jules. She's the reincarnation of Tinkerbell, so woo for more Peter Pan cast? Her ability is that she brings out your inner child when you're around her - even if you normally don't seem to have one. She's a waitress and aspiring musician living in Los Angeles and she needs... everything. BFF(s), exes, friends, love interest(s)! She's very childlike, friendly and fun. Seriously, how can you not love this girl? :D She has some storylines up in her journal already, so take a look and let me know if you are interested in anything there.

Next, I have [info]jinnee - Trick McMillan. He's The Genie from Aladdin. Well, the Djinni of the Lamp if you want to get technical. You know what I mean. He's Ed's little brother and he's 17 and about to be a senior at our unnamed high school in Chicago (we should make a name and schedule for that now that more people are apping kids there!). He's a flirt, he's a jock, he's a lot of fun, really! He has some lines and things up, too, I think - unless I failed and forgot to write those, in which case I'll get on it soon. His love interest is possibly/probably filled, I think? (Hermeh, catch me tonight and we'll talk details for him and Bells!), but he needs everything else - friends, other girls to flirt with, exes, etc. He's got a thing for blatantly hitting on older women because he considers them "safe." And he's probably visited Ed in Chicago a lot, so he could easily have plot with people there, too!

Lastly, I have [info]noillusion who a lot of you will recognize as basically my first RP character ever. *g* Bri Grey is JJ's little sister. She's the youngest of four kids and if you're interested in making either of the other two Grey siblings (boys or girls, it doesn't matter!), give me a shout. Bri is... a nerd. She's a bookworm. She's reads and studies like nobody's business, which is why she's only 21 but starting her first year of Med School at Columbia University in NYC.She grew up in Chicago, so she'll know people from there, too! Her reincarnation is Prince Beautiful from an obscure little fairy tale of the same name and her ability is that she can see beyond illusions and appearances to who a person is on the inside. Her info and stuff is in her journal and she needs everything! More family, friends, a love interest.

Hit me up on AIM at macgirl50 or comment here for plot!