August 12th, 2008

[info]almostfalling in [info]onceuponanooc

New characters! :)

I think this is the first time that I've had THREE characters added at once. IDK. Anyway, here they are! I'm really excited about all of them, so take a look and let me know what you might want to plot! :)

[info]relativesanity / The Mad Hatter: Louis Montgomery; 25, born and raised in LA. He'll be traveling all around soon, settling in Chicago for a while, and he's definitely something else. He's kind of a social dork, especially when it comes to the fairer sex. He tries to be cool and usually fails, and when he stops trying? He miraculously winds up looking awesome. He's a writer of dramatic fiction, and has been published a couple of times. FULL BIO HERE!

[info]halfagony / Frederick Wentworth: Filipe Santiago; 35, born in Spain and sent off to Chicago when he was still very young to live with his father (oh, those PITTS!!). He hated it there, eventually adapted, and then went screaming back to Spain after his big brother, Richard, macked on his girl. Joined the navy, had a bitter engagement, and finally moved to LA to paint. FULL BIO HERE!

[info]wickedwickham / George Wickham: Chance Winston; 22, stock broker in New York. He's a bit of a playboy, but he's genuinely open and relatively friendly about the whole thing. He's not really into misleading girls or being a jerk, and he's likely to get a little miffed if someone thinks badly of him. FULL BIO HERE!

And, as a reminder (since I didn't get a whole lot of response the first time), I've got [info]almostfalling! Her bio is HERE!