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Jun. 14th, 2011


Who: Glory and all the detectives working the Stone case, CC Lt. Dominic Wright
What: Mass departmental email
When: Sent at 11:46 PM, June 11th from Glory's cell phone
Rating: Low, but possible cursing in the responses?

1 unread message )

Jun. 13th, 2011


Who: Frank Ellis & John Martin
When: Monday June 13 - evening
What: Calm before the chaos

Rating: Medium/high(?) - language

And who can say when the day sleeps, if the night keeps all your heart? )


Who The Martins
What Email: Jack summons his children
When Monday, June 13
Rating Low

Inbox (1) )

Jun. 12th, 2011


Who: John and Dominic
What: Discussing Jasper's recent application and Sergeant Examination test score.
When: Sent Sunday, June 12; late evening
Rating: Low, except possibly language

Inbox (1) )

Jun. 5th, 2011


Who:  Frank Ellis & John Martin
When:  Sunday afternoon, July 5
What:  Confession of a crime against a quiet suburban life (after this exchange)
Where:  BPD Station, where else to find a workaholic cop?
Rating: Medium for language

It's the end of the world as we know it... )

May. 30th, 2011


Who: John and Rory
What: Voicemail
When: Monday, May 30

You have 1 new message. )

Who: John and Jasper
What: Email concerning Vic#3
When: Monday, May 30

Subject: Priority )

Who: John and Frank
What: Text
When: Monday, May 30

(1) Unread Message )

May. 29th, 2011


Who: Arthur and John
What: Voicemail message left for Det. John Martin
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: Low

May. 26th, 2011


Who: Amelia to Frank, and John
What: Present!
When: May 26, Thursday

What's that saying? Daughter like Father? )

May. 21st, 2011


Who: Frank Ellis, Amelia Reed, and John Martin
When: Saturday, May 21 around noon
What: Learning you are, young padawan... just maybe not what you expected.
Where: Frank’s brownstone
Rating: Medium/high - language
Status: In process

Domestic madness, Frank Ellis style. Now with penguins! )

May. 19th, 2011


Who: Frank and John
What: Proof of life of one squad car
When: Wed., May 18, afternoon
Where: BPD station/garage
Rating: Medium/Higher
Status: Complete

Come down to the station. Enter the main doors and go to the desk sergeant. Give him your name, he’ll give you a visitor’s pass, then call me. )

May. 18th, 2011


Who: John and Glory
What: An inquisitive email
When: Tuesday morning

Subject: Possible Lead? )


Who: John and Dylan
What: Drinks & convo
When: May 17, evening
Where: At the cop bar
Rating: Low/Medium
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

May. 14th, 2011


Who: John Martin and Dom Wright
What: Catching up to do.
Where: BPD firing range.
When: After hours, Friday, May 13
Rating: Medium (possible language)

Read more... )

May. 13th, 2011


Who: Rosa and Dominic
What: Email.
When: Friday, May 13; during workday
Rating: Low

(1) Marked Urgent )


Who: John and Dominic
What: Email.
When: Friday, May 13; during workday
Rating: Low

(1) Message )

May. 7th, 2011


Who: Frank and John
When: Sunday May 8
What: Conversation to soothe the soul, or ignite the rage
Where: Behind The Redwater, taking a break from flashbulbs
Rating: Over PG-13! The boys need their bad language!
Status: Complete

Tell it like it is. )


Who: John and Rory
What: Second contact; Email
When: Saturday, May 7

Subject: BPD Consulting Proposition )

May. 6th, 2011


Who: Anyone!
What: BPD Charity event
When: Sunday, May 8 (slightly frontdated)
Where: The Redwater Grille (Lou's steakhouse)
Rating: G-PG-13, if you go any higher please move it to a different thread!

Entertaining, functional, delicious. )


Who John Martin and Dylan Davenport
What Text messages
When Friday afternoon, May 06

Text message to John Martin )


Who: John Martin and Frank Ellis
What: Poking the bear; this is a raid.
When: Monday, May 2, evening.
Where: Frank’s brownstone.
Rating: Medium
Status: Complete

My guilty skin like gasoline is burning out a hole in me. )

May. 3rd, 2011


Who: John and Rory
What: First contact; Email
When: Tuesday, May 3

Subject: BPD Consulting Proposition )

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