August 11th, 2009

[info]miss_mechanic in [info]mundus_district

Who: Kaylee
Where: Infra
When: Morning
Why: She's more than a little confused
open: Defiantly

Wonderland )

[info]whoshallsaveus in [info]mundus_district

Who: Peter and Claire
What: Moving in to their new house
When: Morning
Where: their new house

Peter woke up very excited. It wasn't like he had even unpacked back at their apartment. It wasn't even like he realized that he had woken up in the wrong place. His mind was focused on one thing, moving into a house with Claire and forgetting about Elle. It was selfish of him, jumping around like this, and he wanted wholeheartedly to put himself into their relationship. Which was why he was up early, finishing up the last of the packing and making a quick breakfast for Claire.

The goal was to be all moved in by the end of the day, a seemingly impossible task, but not for a man who could teleport at the blink of an eye. He'd definitely be using his powers a lot that day. When Claire finally woke up he made his way over to the bed and handed her a plate and a cup of coffee. "Good morning beautiful." He told her and kissed her on the forehead.

[info]cupid_of_crime in [info]mundus_district

Who: Harley, Joker, and little Noah
Where: Gray’s house and then Jokers house
When: Mid-morning
Why: Harley and Joker are kidnapping Noah
Open: NO!
Rating: TBA

Along came a baby boy with long eyelashes )

April 2010



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