May 7th, 2009

[info]geekbrothersam in [info]mundus_district

After the 'splosion

Who: Sam Winchester and Barbara Gordon
What: Sam needs to do research
When: Monday, October 21st - Afternoon
Where: The Library
Why: Sam is not very patient these days
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG-13 for swearing
Open/Closed: Open

San and Dean had discussed research and since that had always been Sam's forte, he's volunteered, as he did 99% of the time to start researching. There was no more than ever going on and he was the type to want to get to the bottom of things. To puzzle them out and find their answer. That had been one of the things he's loved about college. Stanford had been a way for him to really dig into research and figuring out problems, hell they encouraged it.

After Dean had died, he's sort of taken a different approach to things. A more "Dean-like" way of doing things. Shoot first ask questions later type of attitude. He felt like he'd had to adopt that way of life because if he let his head get in the way and mess with him, he was so totally fucked.

But here, away from Lilith and Ruby, Sam felt just a little bit like his old self again and he was actually looking forward to going to the library and seeing what he could find. His lap top, secure in his brown leather satchel, he walked up the front steps and into the building, inhaling deeply. There was just something about the smell of books that Sam loved. It was comforting.

[info]bebop_ed in [info]mundus_district

Who: Ed, cameo by Ein
What: Safer Quarters
Where: Heading for Wayne Manor
When: Late evening; 11PM.
Open: Yes, anyone friendly

We're getting out of here boy )
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[info]_hrg in [info]mundus_district

Who: Noah Bennet
What: Checking out the blast site and writing his findings to Arthur Petrelli.
Where: Site of the Explosion.
When: Late evening; 11PM.
Open: No.

He hated the way it came to him; the fear curling up his spine and into his brain as the realization hit him. )

April 2010



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