February 3rd, 2009

[info]nightmare_man in [info]mundus_district

Who: Sylar and Jake
What: Showdown
Where: The Park
When:*backdated to oct.4th*
Rating: mm I'd say a hard R for violence/bloodshed/lanague/etc

Cause Its a bittersweet Symphony )

[info]mundus_mods in [info]mundus_district

October 5rd, 2008 :: Saturday

Weather: Cloudy, High 38, Low 20

[info]mr_schroeder in [info]mundus_district

Who: Lucy van Pelt soon to be Schroeder and Schroeder.
What: A proper proposal and dream wedding!
When: Saturday October 5th, all day long
Where: Lucy's apartment and then around town
Rating: PG
Open: Yes, later to the wedding guests, probably just Violet and Linus though.

Not just Lucy's dream... )

[info]sebsmusic in [info]mundus_district

Who: Sebastian Hastings and Leah Clearwater
What: Seb's visiting her
Where: Alice's office at Cullinary
When: Saturday October 5th, early morning
Rating: PG (what? She's still recovering, otherwise he'd be tapping that)

There's never enough time, never enough time. We don't have all the hands we need - not enough you's or me's to be all the places that we want to. )

[info]imusthavewon in [info]mundus_district

Who: Su Li and Michael Guerin
What: Waking up confused, finding out who they really are (nightmare thread)
When: Saturday October 5th, Early Morning
Where: Su and Michael's apartment
Rating: PG-13

I wanna sleep through the weekend, I wanna try )

[info]lycanhater in [info]mundus_district

Who: Selene and Michael Corvin
What: Realizing they are just humans for the day, getting to know each other (dream thread)
When: Saturday October 5th, Lunch time
Where: Michael's apartment
Rating: PG-13?

Pull out all the stops we are coming home tonight. A pair of old boxing gloves in a new fight. )

April 2010



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