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Feb. 5th, 2021


Edwin: 9:08am

We're in the money, we're in the moneeeeey

Hey everybody! So, I won one of the paintball prizes (Thank GOD) and I want to put it towards D&D stuff, since a lot of what I got for Christmas had to be left back at the mansion. I'm in the process of setting up a campaign with Chase's help (Thank CHASE) so I wanted to ask once again: Who wants to play? Or just, who has a passing interest?

The plan is to do a sort of one-shot, just to see how people are feeling about playing and the rules and stuff, and then if people find they like it and they like their characters, the campaign can continue, but anyone who wasn't feeling it, or anyone who's making things miserable for other players, can have an out before continuing. A loose idea of the world that's being set up for this game is that our set of characters live in an underground society which owes itself to a specific deity (though I won't require anyone who wants to play any sort of cleric or anything to pray to them, it's just something important to their home) and they're coming up on the city's annual celebration honoring the deity, so characters will be taking part in [...] festivities and other occurrences. And this is all vague on purpose. And also that's just the plan for the one-shot.

So! Knowing that, I want to know who's interested in taking part! You don't need to jump in here with a plan or a full character, I'm happy to help anyone who needs help setting up a character, and I need to know about your characters before we start anyway. This is just a message to see who might want to play, and to alert people that I'm actually planning on getting this started soon. Finally.

My hope is that I can redeem my voucher to get everyone their own set of dice and mini, and maybe some paints so we have a bonus activity to do. And then other stuff that I'll be putting towards the game will be included in my purchase.

Does this sound fun to anyone? Who wants to play? Who has questions? Does anyone already have their heart set on playing specific races or classes? What are you thinking?

Feb. 4th, 2021


PMs - 9:03am

[Filtered to Lennon and Tobias]

is there any art stuff you guys really want? movies you want to see?

[PM to Kiley]

thinking about getting a cheap tv and a really old console for the room, if that's okay. it's one that plays dvds too so if there are any movies you want.

kind of want to get something for the house too, but I don't know what.

definitely getting something for the cats.

[PM to Pam]

hi. is there any good stuff to get for the cats that they don't already have? gonna get some toys and treats, but I only ever had Minion. don't know if there are things that are better for multiple cats.



Day 62.

Jan. 25th, 2021


PM to Chase and Lennon

hey. where r you guys? got cuffed to a tree and can't reach the key. [...] scotty is parayluzed near me but thinking he'll be ok soon and I really need that key.

Jan. 17th, 2021


PM to Marco - 8:02am

are you teamed up with anyone?

Jan. 9th, 2021


Oliver - 7:31am

For anybody who's worried about losing and not being able to sleep indoors tomorrow, don't worry. I'm not shooting anybody today, so that's got to be an auto-loss. Whoever the two are that end up with me, we've got plenty of gear that will keep us cozy, and we can do a nice little campout in the yard. Maybe we can even get some of the cool kids to come hang out.

Just have fun out there, okay?

Jan. 8th, 2021


Kiley - 7:16am

No apologies, no regrets.

Jan. 7th, 2021


Lucy<3: 7:23 am

I am really, really sorry for anyone I shoot. I'm sorry.

Maybe I wont shoot anyone. I don't want to shoot anyone.


PM to TPTB - 7:14am

If I swear not to shoot Scotty or Tobias at all this game, no matter what juicy opportunity comes up, I don't suppose you'd give me a vague idea of where they are in relation to each other? No map indicators, just maybe a direction? Distance? Pretty please?


i<3Fletcher: 7:06am

Should we sound off? Is everybody safe? No one's stuck in any of the weird places they were last time, right? I'm like, pretty far from the house, but I'm not in danger or anything. You guys too?


PM to Lila - 7:11am

I swear to fucking god if Scotty doesn't find him first I've going to be VERY disappointed.


Can you tell where our poor little Andy Dufresne is at all? I'm gonna warm up Zippy, I think. You know, to help.


Edwin: 7:09am [Private to Oliver]

So I know we weren't together yet the last time we played paintball, but it was the first time you held me, so, I'm counting it as an anniversary.

Where are you, let me shoot you.


Jack - 7:06am [Private]

Shit who won last ti

Oliver, Pamalot, Chase.
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Day 61.

Jan. 4th, 2021


PM to Kiley - 1:13pm

hi, love you. doing nerd stuff with Tobias and Lennon is helping. you should see what Lennon is doing to his windows, it's awesome. doing anything fun?

I know we haven't talked about it in a while, but were you thinking at all about what to do with the free store thing?

Jan. 1st, 2021


Tobias - 10:01am [Private]

answers )


Kiley - 11:30am [Private]

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Ivy - 9:04am [Private]

Answers )
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Lila - 11:18am [Private]

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Dec. 29th, 2020


Jack - 9:15am [Private]

Answers )
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