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Jul. 29th, 2019


Nessie - 6:33 pm

Hello, my name is Vanessa, you probably know me already.
I'm super sorry for my previous behavior! I realized I was super mean and bitchy, and I'm so ashamed and sorry for that! I recently went through trauma (don't ask for the details, please!!) and I was really scared when I woke up here, and I totally started provoking people to feel better. This was wrong!! I'm really super sorry!!
I have to say sorry especially to Marco, Oliver, Edwin, and Jerome!! I'm not homophobic, I swear! I just wanted to provoke, and this was super mean of me! And I'm so sorry for calling Marco names and biting Jerome.

Could you please give me a second chance?
My English is not very good, but these are really my words, Lucy just helps me to express myself without grammar mistakes.
Love, Nessie <3

Jul. 26th, 2019


PM to Lucy - 2:03 pm

OH MY GOD today was so scary!! They undressed me us again and I think I made the test very bad! They punish me im so scared, what will they make with me?? It was so unfair the test was in englisch for me!
And there was so many people in the store and I didnt aplogise over the network before!! I think they still hate me all. I hided in the room where people try clothes on because I didnt want them see me in underwear! I was so scared and I thinked they maybe will attack me but I was not mean and didnt say bad things, but i think i need your help i panicked and it was so hard stay calm!! I dont want always think and feel people attack me :( i want have friends

Jul. 23rd, 2019


MarcoV: 1:08pm

So what was the point of being in our underwear?

Jul. 19th, 2019



Quiz )

Jul. 8th, 2019


Lucy<3: 7:16 am

Hope everyone is feeling okay and not sore this morning!

[Private to Edwin and Oliver -- 7:17 am]

Hey. I just wanted to say that I love you both, and you two are the best.

You didn't look okay yesterday and with-- with everything I just wanted to check on you because you both check on everyone.

love, love, love,

[Private to Jerome -- 7:19 am]


Are you okay? Hows your uh.. bite?


[Private to Marco -- 7:20 am]

You alright? Need anything?

Love you,

[Private to Vanessa -- 7:23 am]

I hope you're doing okay this morning!

I was wondering if we could meet for lunch? Anything you enjoy?


[Private to Scotty -- 7:25 am]

I get the feeling I'm going to need something to get my feels out after lunch.

How would you feel about those mattress races? If you aren't feeling too sore from yesterday.


Jun. 7th, 2019


Nessie - 9:40 am

1. What did you think of this vacation? - IT WAS SUPER STUPID!!!

2. Do you believe you experienced any abnormalities due to the voodoo? - I dont understand this question LOL. Ask me your fucking questions in GERMAN!

3. What kind of vacation would you like to go on next? - NOT WHERE ITS COLD!!

Jun. 6th, 2019


MarcoV: 8:26am

1. What did you think of this vacation?
I mean, you've done worse...

2. Do you believe you experienced any abnormalities due to the voodoo?

3. What kind of vacation would you like to go on next?
Six Flags

Jun. 5th, 2019


PM to Scotty - 11:57 pm

OMG you are probly the HOTTEST guy in this WHOLE HOUSE!!! That was FUN LOL. I cant think at anything then your hot body this evening. Im so horny today lol. Wanna fuck again in the future?? Im still talking casual lol just for a little fun.

May. 29th, 2019


PM to Scotty - 12:13 pm

Hi so i'm like super BUSY now but you want to meet later and fuck?? Like you smash this cameras is HOT and super manly and omg I want you

May. 24th, 2019


Lucy<3: 11:46 am


I know that being here is really stressful. I get it!

But also, did you know that showing some compassion and being really just kind to your fellow captive could honestly just go a long way?

So maybe be a little nicer! It really couldn't kill you!

If anyone needs any help today, let me know, alright? I would love to help out the best I can, because really if we help each other through all of this? What can They really do?


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 9:31am

YOOOO I wanna smash some cameras today so if you find a camera that I haven't smashed yet let me know where it is so i can smash the fuck out of it

If you want me to get the ones in your rooms I'll do that too

Also anyone DTF



PM to Lucy - 12:03 pm

So I sleeped at your room and waked at my room, someone moved me?? I couldnt MOVE for hours after I waked! Can you move?? The costume man attack me still! Can I come to you again later?? I feel drugged!! Its so strange I super dont feel like talking but Im scared

PM to Dylan - 12:09 pm

Hey so you said me you can show me cooking?? I want to cook and make food and stuff super soon, like right now??

May. 23rd, 2019


Nessie - 11:07 am

I couldnt move for hours!!! Are you all okay??? THIS IS SO SUPER MEAN FROM THEM!!!!!! When you cant move like me tell me I help you!!!

May. 18th, 2019


PM to Lucy

So where is your room?? Im SUPER AFRAID right now!! I dont want to be alone!!!


Nessie - 1:09 pm

OMG LEVI is GAY and he and his BOYFRIEND pretendeded to LIKE me just to SCREW ME OVER!! His boyfriend readed my messages and than INSULTED me!!

May. 13th, 2019


Nessie - 11:38 am

He had a COSTUME and RUNNED AT ME!!!!
And he STALKED me before that!!! He made something with the LIGHTS to SCARE me!!

May. 12th, 2019


Nessie - 11:19 pm

Levi is such an ASSHOLE


Nessie - 5:33 pm

There are BOATS on the RIVER!


PM to Levi - 10:23 pm

So come to my room, and hurry LOL
I hope you dont CHICKEN out now LOL

May. 6th, 2019


PM to Lucy - 10:38 am

WARNING: Potential trigger for sexual assault

PM to Lucy )

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