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Sep. 10th, 2020


MarcoV: 8:06am

[...] So, [......] just checking, because I did take my meds, so I just wanna be sure, [...] but did anyone else just hear the Day-O song and have bananas come out of under their bed?


This is an actual question.

Sep. 4th, 2020


Edwin: 12:15pm [Private to Oliver]

You remember when we had a giant kitchen and we could just go to the freezer and pull out a bag of fish sticks and just throw them in the oven and easy meal? I miss that.

Anyway, I'm gonna make some fish sticks. Sound good?

You know what else I miss? Getting drunk and loudly talking about your butt. Sure, I can talk about your butt while I'm sober, but there's something fun about unfiltered butt admiration.

Aug. 29th, 2020


Oliver - 7:36am

Favorite urban legend is the bird prank at Harvard. Pretty sure it's never been verified.

I'm pretty sure everybody's seen something that's at least unexplainable to them. You want something specific, I'll go with the flat earther crap.

Aug. 21st, 2020


Oliver - 8:12am

Jack and I are gonna see what we can do about the wheel and hopefully get power up before too long. Apologies in advance if we go waking up anybody in the mill.

Aug. 1st, 2020


PM to Edwin - 9:21am

Making chocolate pancakes with strawberries. I can bring you some if you want when we come back to the barn. I can make you something else if that doesn't sound good. Raining cats and dogs still, don't want you to melt.

Love you.

Jul. 24th, 2020


Oliver - 8:32am

It looks like we're getting credit for whatever lanterns we got. Seems to be a stone path going from the barn to the lodge and what looks like down to the mill.

Not that I'm complaining, but were we still shy a few?

Jul. 23rd, 2020


MarcoV: 8:14am

I [...] think Lucy's gone. She's usually up before me, but her clothes and stuff are gone. I think she's gone.

Jul. 12th, 2020


Oliver - 7:42am

Can everybody who spent the night away from the house sound off? Things okay? Got a gameplan on heading back?

Jun. 23rd, 2020


Oliver - 1:14pm

It turns out we've got a glass-floor bridge crossing from one side of the ravine to the other at M14. It's sturdy enough, but there are three spots where panes of glass are missing that are about three feet across.

I don't remember off the top of my head, but did anybody get any pieces of plywood from the fish contest? And if so, would you be willing to let us keep a piece at the bridge to use for crossing? The plan is anyone going across can set it down over the patch they need to get over if they don't feel comfortable making the jump, then move it down as needed. I don't want to put anything permanent down because we don't have a way to weather-proof it, and the last thing we need is a section of the bridge deteriorating on us. We can figure out a way to keep one piece dry and set aside until we can come up with something better.

Edwin and I also found some strawberry bushes while we were looking around the area. We don't have a way to carry much back right now, but we can rectify that tomorrow.

If anyone needs anything we'll be in this area for a bit, and then we'll take a walk up the edge of the ravine to see if maybe we can find a more reliable path down. I know it goes without saying, but stay in contact, and stay safe, and keep an eye on the clock.

Jun. 12th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 7:18am

So Harper already brought this up, but just so we don't bombard and scare the new girl on her post, I think we should talk about how we want to go about this lantern retrieving thing! It would be a really smart idea to go get these things, and earn a path! GUYS! Won't it be nice to have a path? And have some space that we can, like, set up a fire pit and sit by that at night now that the weather's getting warmer?

So! Who wants to go where? I'm going to put who's volunteering for where below!

H18 (7): Owen and Scotty!
U20 (6): Felix, Lennon, and Marco!
U32 (4): Ivy, Harper, and me!
T12 (11): Chase and Tobias!

General nondescript ravine area: Oliver & Edwin

May. 28th, 2020


Felix - 8:12am

Audrey's gone. Her stuff too.

May. 25th, 2020


PM to Owen - 2:17pm

How's things? Settling in okay? Roommate situation working out?

May. 14th, 2020


#6984RCO5 - 8:18AM

please let me go i promise i'll never tell anyone anything



let me out before he gets here to punish me



May. 4th, 2020


Lucy<3: 9:46 am

[Attempt 1] Well, I've been a vendor at a bunch of cons before and well... there are some cosplays I regret seeing.

[Attempt 2] Okay, you want me to be more specific, alright.

I've worked at Heroes for Hire since I was sixteen, I became a key holding manager right after I turned 18. I was often in charge of our 'away team' which was basically a crew I would take with me to run our booth at local conventions... and well, it was 2014.

This is only important, because for those of you who don't know, this was BronyCon's biggest year and when that happens... well, copy cat cons form. BronyCon happened in Baltimore, and closer to home in Texas HarmonyCon started. Along the same lines, it was dedicated to all lovers of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. We had just gotten a bunch of their comics and collectables, and so away we went.

This brought on a weird sect of Con followers and Cosplayers--- from realistic MLP horse style cosplays, to equestria girls and... well, Brony's in their finest furry fetish gear. I say this not to shame anyone of, of course, but...

It was weird. To see some little girls child show turned complete fetish galore. It was actually one of the last cons I did before coming here.

Apr. 30th, 2020


Oliver - 10:11am

[Attempt 1] That I can think of right now, camel spiders.

[Attempt 2] Camel spiders. They're some of the freakiest looking bugs I've ever seen. During daylight hours in the desert they'll actively chase people to hide in their shadow. They also like to show up in your bunk at night. Pretty harmless critters, but you'd be surprised how many hardass grunts turn into squishy babies when one turns up.

Apr. 17th, 2020


Tobias 11:05pm

We found Oliver. He's okay.

Apr. 14th, 2020


Ivy - 10:41am

I found Marco. But he's stuck in something like a mud bog. I'm going to need some help getting him out.

Apr. 2nd, 2020


Filtered Chase, Kiley, Marco, Pam, Lennon, Tobias, Edwin, Felix, Jack, Levi, Audrey, Kate - 12:15pm

Lila's back in the house now. She's unhurt and getting settled.

She came with some tough news, and I'm not sure how it's going to affect things around here. The only thing I ask is that we keep clear heads, and if there are any concerns, you come to me.

Simms may be alive. Lila says that for a few weeks while she was away from us, she was ordered to play nurse while he was recovering from his wounds. We have no way of confirming this, particularly considering we know some of the things they're capable of doing and making us believe. It could very well be that this was some kind of setup by Them to make sure she brought the news back to see how we'd react. We don't know.

I know a lot of you have questions, and it's going to be frustrating for everyone that there aren't a lot of answers right now. Try to give Lila some space so she can get settled. There's a lot going on in the immediate that she needs to get caught up on and prepared for.

An important reminder: We have Scotty here. Whatever our experiences with Simms were, his weren't the same, and be mindful that we're talking about his father. This is good news for him, even if we don't know anything for sure. Be mindful of that, and the fact that this is a kid that's just happy his dad might be alive.


Owen - 3:12pm

got GPS on our phones now it looks like. everyone else ok? is Cecilia

Apr. 1st, 2020


PM to Scotty - 11:28am

You around?

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