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May. 2nd, 2020


kiley - 9:32


Anyway, my uncle owns a bar in Chicago and I "helped" out there before you all abducted me. He had a regular by the name of Charlie who came in every Friday for exactly three beers. that's all normal stuff, obviously. but he also carried a human skull that belonged to his grandmother. apparently he was raised by her and when she passed he paid off the mortician to give him the skull as a keepsake. I don't know how they did it, or how much money was exchanged, but he would put the skull on the bar counter while he drank and watched sports. He also occasionally "fed" the skull peanuts too.

Apr. 28th, 2020


Edwin: 6:44PM [Private messages]

[Private to Kiley]
Dragon friend! Hey! I heard you were on a cliff? How are you doing? Lennon and I were heading out to see if you needed help, but it sounded like you were rescued without issue. You okay? Is your guy spoiling you after your cliff adventure? Cliff adventure sounds way more fun than what it actually was.

[Private to Dylan]
Dylan! How are you? Where were you? Are you okay? No injuries, right? Sorry I didn't message earlier, when we finally got back I took a long nap. It's been a day, as you know. If I don't run into you on the way to or from the bathroom at some point tonight, I owe you a hug tomorrow. I realize that I could just walk over and knock on your door, but my legs are dead and I have a boyfriend leaning on me. But that hug's coming.

[Private to Lennon]
How are your legs? My blisters have blisters. We did good today. I took a serious nap when we got back. Marco's here with me and Oliver, and he seems pretty okay, in case you were worried. You doing alright?

[Private to Jack]
Hey! I just wanted to reach out and see how you were doing. I know you were taken today, though I don't know where you were or what you went through. I felt like I needed to check in, though. You doing alright? Oliver just brought up the fact that we have everything to make potato chips, and I think I'm going to do that tomorrow, and wanted to offer you some. But mostly I wanted to see how you were doing.

Apr. 2nd, 2020


Filtered Chase, Kiley, Marco, Pam, Lennon, Tobias, Edwin, Felix, Jack, Levi, Audrey, Kate - 12:15pm

Lila's back in the house now. She's unhurt and getting settled.

She came with some tough news, and I'm not sure how it's going to affect things around here. The only thing I ask is that we keep clear heads, and if there are any concerns, you come to me.

Simms may be alive. Lila says that for a few weeks while she was away from us, she was ordered to play nurse while he was recovering from his wounds. We have no way of confirming this, particularly considering we know some of the things they're capable of doing and making us believe. It could very well be that this was some kind of setup by Them to make sure she brought the news back to see how we'd react. We don't know.

I know a lot of you have questions, and it's going to be frustrating for everyone that there aren't a lot of answers right now. Try to give Lila some space so she can get settled. There's a lot going on in the immediate that she needs to get caught up on and prepared for.

An important reminder: We have Scotty here. Whatever our experiences with Simms were, his weren't the same, and be mindful that we're talking about his father. This is good news for him, even if we don't know anything for sure. Be mindful of that, and the fact that this is a kid that's just happy his dad might be alive.


Owen - 3:12pm

got GPS on our phones now it looks like. everyone else ok? is Cecilia

Mar. 28th, 2020


PM to Edwin

Lila came with some weird news and it looks like the big guy is about to have a panic attack. We're in the main room of the lodge.

Mar. 25th, 2020


Jack - 11:01am

Okay, garden peeps! Do you guys have a preference on how all these chicken bits are stored, or where they're going? You should be able to use all of them, right?

Mar. 20th, 2020


Lucy<3: 10:21 am

I’ve been doing a lot of looking into the codes on the subject numbers. This is… this is what we’re looking at so far.

1st Digit -- 4 / 5 / 6
This seems to have something to do with an age bracket, But I’m not sure how exactly this is decided. The numbers seem to be going up instead of down which is a little strange.

  • 4- Known Ages 36-40
  • 5- Known Ages 24-31
  • 6- Known Ages 18-20

  • 2nd & 3rd Digit
    This seems to be an identification number for when we were kidnapped. The people who were here the earliest have the lowest numbers, while people here later-- like myself-- have higher numbers. It’s unforseen what would happen if they reach triple digits.

    4th Digit
    As we all seem to know, this is the number of family members that could replace you. I have three, surely representing my three brothers. It doesn’t seem to include parents? And… well, I guess in some cases it must include children because Scotty is here.

    5th Digit
    I have yet to figure out what exactly this means yet, but I do know that we are split up into three sections here. I’m going to relay those here in hopes that maybe the groups can think amongst themselves about what could possibly bind them.

  • A - Audrey, Edwin, Kate, Oliver, Pam, Scotty
  • R - Chase, Jack, Kiley, Lennon, Tobias
  • U - Dylan, Felix, Lucy, Marco

  • 6th & 7th Digit
    So, as I think I mentioned before, it seems like we are split up between two categories ‘CO’ and ‘UN’. Ivy, Pam and I used 50 of our fish so that we could ask TPTB a question about these. We decided to ask about what this set of numbers meant, and they replied “These two letters are denoting whether or not the subject is aware (on any level) of their own affinity”. My thought is that ‘CO’ stands for cognative as in people are vaguely aware, and ‘UN’ as in unaware, but honestly that’s just my guess. I have no idea what my latent ability could be, but that could be why I am ‘UN’.

    8th Digit
    This is a number between 1 and 5. To me, it looks like it could be some sort of rating system, but who knows what it could be.
  • 1 - Scotty & Tobias
  • 2 - Lucy & Edwin
  • 3 - no one… but formally a girl named Juliet.
  • 4 - Dylan, Jack, Kiley & Lennon
  • 5 - Audrey, Chase, Felix, Kate, Marco, Oliver & Pam.

  • That’s… um… all I know. I was hoping to get some thoughts?

    [PM to Jack]

    So, I’m not going to lie. Most of my cooking skills come in some sort of instant variety. But I know a lot of the cooking falls on you. If you’re willing to show me a few things… like how to butcher the chicken, or some other basics, I was thinking that I could help you more in the kitchen?

    Mar. 15th, 2020


    TPTB - 6:00pm

    We have collected and counted each group's winnings for today's challenge. Each group's totals can be found below.

    Please reply to this post in your group's designated section to request your rewards. Rewards with limited availability will be given to the requesting team that has the most points. All requests will be reviewed tonight, therefore any requests made after midnight will be rejected, and those points forfeited.

    Mar. 14th, 2020


    Jack - 2:38pm

    Scotty and I got enough for the food prize. We were talking about it, and his vote is for chicken, and mine's for beef. Both are going to be really versatile, especially if we can get bone-in cuts for either.

    If we can go for a full, uncooked chicken like you'd get at for a rotisserie, I'm switching my vote to chicken. It's white meat, dark meat, wings, drumsticks, bones we can use for stock, fat we can render into cooking oil. If we can chicken that hasn't been butchered (all the bits still inside) that's even better. There's a lot I can do with all that, and whatever we don't use we can probably turn into fertilizer, right? The one good thing about this place is we don't have to worry about bugs or critters getting at it.

    If anyone has any other ideas or preferences, toss em at me!

    Edit: If a few people out there have fish they don't know how to spend, and have enough to get the $5 thing, two or three single gallon containers of vegetable oil, and maybe a couple containers of olive oil, would go a long way to improving how we cook a lot of what we've got (also, can I get a "hell yeah" for some honey garlic chicken wings?). I can render the chicken fat, like I said, but it's not going to be great for everything.


    Oliver - 2:34pm

    Is anyone going for any of the big prizes? Particularly the food one?

    Feb. 17th, 2020


    Oliver - 6:38am

    Ivy and Chase are safe and back at the house, and Scotty is on his way back. We've still got Vanessa and Jerome unaccounted for, and it's obvious now that we need to take advantage of the daylight while we've got it.

    One of the markers is still where it was yesterday, but there's something weird with the other one. It could be a glitch, but we won't know anything until we get people heading that way.

    Ideas? Volunteers?

    Feb. 9th, 2020


    ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 7:48pm

    im in a fuekinf boc i think rhd tohers ar deead thers sonethins oit here ASTAY IN THE DUCKI G HOISE

    [Edit - 8:04pm]
    I’m hiding in a box. There are things out here. I think the others might be dead. Don’t leave the house.

    Feb. 5th, 2020


    Oliver - 5:08pm

    Whoever those two are out by the perimeter, check in, then start hauling ass back here now.


    Anybody know who those two are?

    Jan. 20th, 2020


    PM to Lucy - 9:22am

    Morning, gimpy! You want to play hooky on kitchen duty today and get some fresh air?

    Jan. 16th, 2020


    Jack - 6:11am

    Reverse lotto.
    Tags: ,

    Jan. 6th, 2020


    Lucy<3: 2:23 pm


    Now would be a great time to mention I’ve been running a few… experiments right? The first night we were here, I strung up my phone to the broken part of my window and well, when I woke up it was gone. Marco and I went out and it was… it was far enough away from the house that it didn’t just get there by accident. The phone was dead, but when we reviewed the footage… there was nothing.

    I thought maybe the phone fell out the window and somehow a single bird or racoon or something managed to get through the gates or whatever when they brought us in and scurried away with it. But I had no proof.

    So I set it up again. I cracked the lower part of my window, just enough to prop up my phone and do it all over again. And just like the time before, something took my phone. But this time, it got a little clever … it… the video blurred and then it was shining back on the house before cutting it out.

    There… there might be people in the woods?

    I’m going to stay up with my phone tonight and see what I can see.

    Nov. 12th, 2019


    PM to TPTB

    I don't really know the deal with all of this, but I figure you've been following along with the trek mix discussion. I know that there are some decent quality mixes that have the same ingredients, or equivalents to what I know I can get in that mix without the Trader Joe's upcharge.

    Could I ask for 40lbs of a less expensive but still good quality generic equivalent, packaged the same as the TJ's brand (one pound, resealable bags)?

    Also, I can I just put it out there that the voucher thing is great, but we don't really have any way of knowing how much anything is off the top of our heads. Maybe think about investing in a Sears-type Zenith catalog for this kind of stuff?

    Nov. 1st, 2019


    Oliver - 7:22pm

    Seems that they're willing to honor cashing in the vouchers we got at Easter as additional items. You pick what you want tonight, it's gonna show up tomorrow, as promised. Anybody who has a voucher, I'd suggest cashing it in tonight, or think about putting it on your lists.

    Oct. 28th, 2019


    PM to TPTB

    1. The framed picture of me and Izzy
    2. My personalized knife set
    3. My MP3 player and headphones
    4. This unopened, full 1lb box of baking powder with my name on it.
    5. My spartan novelty apron
    6. This bigass bag of garlic bulbs, also with my name on it.
    7. My keurig and all the k-cups I got as a set from Chase for Christmas.
    8. This block of Parmesan-Reggiano, also also with my name on it.
    9. My gym gear set
    10. My bottle of Dalmore 62
    Tags: ,

    Oct. 24th, 2019


    Lucy<3: 4:23 pm

    I'm concerned about all of this-- it sounds incredibly ominous. I hate change so much. I'm currently going through all of my things and trying to inventory them to figure out what I feel like is important. What are we going to get taken away? Like... do our beds need to be one of the items? Our toothbrushes?

    also-- food items?! Are they going to take water from us?

    Since it said that we are going to need to select ten food items I was thinking---

    --- Water
    --- Flour
    --- Eggs
    --- Milk
    --- Rice
    --- Beans
    --- Pasta
    --- Potatoes

    those are all things that are filling and versatile and like you can use flour to make breads and to thicken things... I don't know.

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